Thursday 30 April 2020

Zumba Dance Workout for weight loss

Guide to Cardio Exercises - The Outdoor Workout

The human body is a complex system that is composed of organs, limbs, muscles, blood, hormones and nails among others. In order for the body to function, you need to eat and breathe. Oxygen helps to oxygenate the blood while food nourishes the muscles and body cells allowing the body to grow and develop.
The heart and the lungs are vital organs as they are at the center of the above activities that is pumping of oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood to and from the body as well as breathing in and out of clean and used air.
Today, thanks to smart devices like smartphones, laptops and tablets, people are spending way too much time with them. It's not a surprise to find people sleeping with these devices beside them so that they don't miss that post, tweet or WhatsApp message from a friend or loved one.
Leading a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on the body. To improve one's cardiovascular health, you need to engage in cardio exercises.
For many people, a swimming pool is just a place where you can throw a party and invite a few friends. For others, it's a place to sleep on the deck chair and let the skin absorb the rays of the sun as you sip your favorite drink.
Swimming is a great workout as it engages different limbs and muscles when moving through the water. For example, when you breast stroke, you need to make movements with your arms, neck and legs. This exercise helps to make the heart to pump blood faster while the lungs take in clean air and expel used air.
Next time you have an opportunity of standing by a pool; don't look at it as a massive pond but as a gateway to better health.
The best thing about walking is that you can turn it into a fun activity. You don't have to walk in the park or around the neighborhood when you need to exercise. The hills and woods in the countryside are perfect places to hike. When you walk, different joints like the knees, the elbows and shoulders get to move which improves lubrication.
For the muscles around the legs, thighs, arms and back, they will not only receive nourishment from oxygenated blood but they will receive the much needed exercise too. You will be able to exercise your legs and the whole body as well as experience nature at its best.
When you run, you engage your heart and your lungs just like swimming and cycling do. The lungs will take in oxygen and dispel used air quickly. This is done to supply the heart with oxygenated blood as the body cells are burning energy at a high rate. Running is a cardio exercise for the outdoors and the best thing about it is that you can push your body to highest limits. For instance, you can start jogging one mile in a day and within no time; you will have the ability of participating in a marathon.
When you cycle, you help to jump start metabolism allowing your body to burn calories which in turn powers the cells in the muscles. Cycling allows you to engage your legs, your back, your elbows, your arms and your wrists. Your heart and lungs will benefits from the oxygen as well as the energy produced which helps to power the organs.
Final Thoughts
What you need to remember is that even though cardio exercises help to improve your heart and lungs, you need to take a rest. You can work out from Monday to Friday but set Saturday and Sunday for resting.
To learn more tips and exercises to help you lead a healthy lifestyle, follow me at []

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Wednesday 29 April 2020

WHEN IT HURTS - Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Coach Pain)

How to Get Energized Fast When You Need It The Most

It's been a long day at the office, or maybe even a weekend filled with way too many errands. You are feeling like you are running on empty but you still need to get things done. Here are some tips to help you get energized fast.
Drink a Tall Glass of Water
Often when we are busy and stressed we tend to get dehydrated. A dehydrated body tends to make you feel lethargic. Drinking water and staying hydrated will keep your energy up.
Go Out and Get Some Sunshine
Sunlight in moderate amounts can increase two hormones that are known to boost your mood and focus. Serotonin and dopamine both work on the brain to help you feel calm and lighthearted. When you feel happier, you also tend to feel like you have more energy.
Turn on Your Favorite Tune
Listening to upbeat music has been shown to increase a person's heartrate and move the blood through the body quicker. This action, in turn, speeds oxygen throughout the body and brain, giving you that energy boost.
Call Someone You Love
Interacting with others that you care about has long been known to improve mood and reduce stress. Reaching out to love ones or socializing has been shown to increase levels of the hormone Oxytocin. Oxytocin reduces anxiety levels and makes you feel less stressed. Less stress in turn translates into feeling more energetic.
Avoid Sugary Treats
Feeling a little tired? You probably think a bit of candy or a Sprite will give you the much needed pick me up you need. Well it's true, these sugary items will spike your blood glucose and give you a burst of energy. However, the energy boost will be short-lived. Eating and drinking super sweet foods and drinks wreak havoc on your metabolism. They increase blood sugar levels rapidly, but also make your glucose level come crashing down just as quickly.
Take A Nap
If all else fails, and you have a little time and space, take a nap. The power nap is a real thing. However, the experts at don't recommend napping for hours. Prolonged napping puts you in rem sleep and can actually make you feel more tired. It seems the perfect amount of time for napping is around 20 minutes. During this time period, you will experience non-rem sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed.
So the next time you are feeling a little low on energy, refer to these quick tips and get bright-eyed and focused in no time at all.
Leslie Smith is a lifestyle strategist and coach. For more tips on self-care for success, check out her website, The You Room at

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Tuesday 28 April 2020

Fat Burning Cardio Workout - 37 Minute Fitness Blender Cardio Workout at Home

Exercises to Lose Leg Fat

In my many years working as a fitness trainer so many people ask questions like "What are the best exercises to lose leg fat or the best exercises to lose back fat?" That's an easy answer to express but a lot of times people are really surprised that the answer is nothing that they expected. Let me get into exactly what the best method is for fat loss over time and explain the science behind it.
Many people don't expect to hear this but you can't direct fat loss into specific parts of the body. A lot of individuals are under the impression that if they work on strengthening the muscles in their abdominals then they'll lose fat in their stomach as a result. That merely isn't the case. But I have great news. Every single strength training exercise is an exercise to lose leg fat.
I'll explain - the most useful exercise philosophy for fat loss centers around building more muscle mass. You see, for every one pound of muscle that we add to our body we are able to burn an extra 37.5 calories per day at a resting state. When I added the 9 pounds of muscle to my body I was able to increase my resting metabolism to burn 337 calories every day while I simply am resting. That is powerful!
That's why I have all my clients focus on strength training in the safest way possible to get the best results in the long term. See, whenever we do any kind of aerobic activity like jogging we are only getting the benefits while we are doing the activity. But strength training increases the metabolism consistently to change your baseline at a resting state. I'll also say that 60-80 percent of runners get injured every year, so I advocate staying as safe as possible. All strength training exercises are great exercises to lose leg fat.
My best advice is this - twice a week work with a strength training regime to bring all of your major muscles groups to full fatigue and you'll begin to notice the difference in any target area you're looking to lose fat. We all are made very different so we all have different areas that we may carry our body fat. For maximum results, strengthening your muscle groups everywhere in your body will allow you to burn the most amount of calories at simply a resting state. This allows your metabolism to be always burning.
In summary, full body strength training and muscle development hold the keys to being the best exercises to lose leg fat. I will also give the advice to stay as safe as possible, that is my specialty, safe fitness training. I hope you'll take a look at the Super Slow fitness program, it's changed my family's lives and it can yours too!
Jonathan Gentry works with the safest and most effective life changing fitness method available. He offers a whole website full of free information and techniques to jump starting your exercise plan at his website Safe Fitness Training.

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Monday 27 April 2020

5 easy-to-remember rules to jumpstart weight loss

Keeping Fit - A Healthy Outlook on Your Fitness and Wellbeing

You are what you eat
Initially there are four main factors which everyone should follow in order to achieve their personal best. The first thing to remember is that your body will only function at its full potential if you provide it with the best fuel to run on. Eating the right foods and banishing junk food, will set your body up with the best start by providing it with the essential nutrition. This requires a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein and fat, in larger amounts, provides our bodies with energy, helps with growth and maintains our bodies. While vitamins and minerals, in smaller quantities, are also necessary for your body. Water, although does not fall under a nutrient, is essential for healthy living and body function. While eating healthily is important, you should also consider the portion sizes. It is also important that you do not skip meals, as this is in fact counterproductive.
Exercise and fitness
The second most important factor which should be considered is regular exercise. This does not necessarily require intense gym workouts, however, the more exercise you incorporate the best results you will be able to achieve. Most specialists suggest a minimum of an hour of daily gentle exercise, to include walking, jogging and running. Not only will the exercise assist with keeping your lungs and heart, but it shall also keep your blood flowing. If you prefer an activity then both cycling and swimming are good options and cause less stress on joints. This will mean that your muscles are worked and you are able to burn the energy which you have taken in during eating. Although gentle exercise will not particularly target specific muscle groups or help with sculpting or toning, it will help improve general health. Not everybody has the time or finances to be able to go to the gym, however, there are plenty of different exercises and stretches you are able to do in the comfort of your own home.
It's all in the mind!
Having a positive mind set in respect of keeping fit and staying motivated shall make a massive difference to the success of your fitness journey and end goals. It is a lot easier to motivate and gear up to do the daily exercise and the routine needed when the sun is out, but when the weather is dark and dull, it is often difficult to find your self-motivation. Ways in which this can be combatted is to do exercise with a friend, join a class with like-minded individuals, or just listen to your favourite tunes to help get you focused. If you are eating the right foods, then you should have fewer difficulties with energy levels, but the regular exercise will help assist your body performance. This regular exercise will lead to a lot of long term benefits for you both physically as well as mentally. It is known that not only your fitness levels will increase, but exercise helps rewire your brain and reduces stress levels. Therefore, sticking to your plan is always important, and you are the only one in control of your own self-motivation. Another way you could help keep yourself motivated is to set small goals and once you have accomplished them treat yourself to an activity or spa treatment. Do not forget to believe in yourself.
Don't forget to rest
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Fourthly, you are going to need to make sure that the amount of sleep which you get is correct. Sleep is integral to your body functioning properly. In the modern and busy lifestyles which most people have these days, sleep is often something which gets overlooked rather than being made a priority. In turn, the proper amount of exercise will allow you to have better sleep and assist with your energy levels throughout the day. In order to achieve the best outcome for your health, there are in fact optimal times you should exercise during the day. To gain the best results from this, it is better to exercise either in the morning or afternoon rather than during the evening. Exercising at these times shall allow your body temperature to rise and fall just prior to you falling to sleep.
If you're looking to Keep Fit and look after your health, then look no further than Keep Fit Sporting Goods for your one stop shop for all things sport and fitness.

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Sunday 26 April 2020

Three Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

If you are looking for a new workout regime, or are just looking for some new challenges, high intensity interval training (HIIT) might be for you. It's an interval style training featuring quick, intense bursts, followed by short recovery periods. You give it your all during the short bursts, take a quick rest, and then repeat the cycle. Don't be fooled by the short nature of the intervals, if you do it right, these short bursts will leave you sucking wind. This training technique that has caught a lot of attention in recent years, and for good reason. Here are three great benefits of HIIT workouts.
More efficient
First and foremost, high intensity interval training is much more efficient than a typical workout routine. This holds especially true for people who have limited time to workout. 20-30 minutes is a sufficient amount of time for a HIIT workout. Even though you may not be spending as much time in the gym, the intense bursts will make up for it compared to steady state workout, such as a long run.
Better cardiovascular fitness
Subjecting yourself to high intensity interval training works wonders for your metabolism because your body burns calories during the workout and for hours afterwards. This leads to more fat loss if you are trying to lose weight or if you are justing toning up. Additionally, high intensity interval training is great for your cardiovascular health as you are cycling between your peak heart rate and then back down to a normal heart rate. Over time, your cardio system will become much more efficient at lowering your heart rate immediately following an intense burst. You'll start to notice yourself being in better shape to handle the HIIT workouts, and your cardio will be in better shape too. This leads to improving your endurance as an athlete. If you are training for a marathon, mixing in HIIT workouts with your regular training will help you build your endurance faster.
It grows with you
This is often overlooked, but high intensity interval training grows with you. Most other workout regimens cause the participant to plateau once they've reached a certain level. This is seen by people who train the same way over and over again - their bodies have adapted to that level of workout, and it isn't challenging enough for them to see great improvements. This is not the case with HIIT, as it grows with you. You're all in for the intense bursts. 100%. Maximum effort. As your endurance and athletic abilities increase, what once was 100% for you may now be only 70%. As you improve, so does your peak. This means that you'll break through plateaus and get in better shape fast, and improve faster, compared to standard workouts.
HIIT offers many advantages compared with normal workout regimens. They are very time efficient, greatly improve your cardiovascular health, and allow you to achieve new levels of fitness due to its inherent nature of growing with you. Now that you know a little more about the benefits of high intensity interval training, it's time to get out and the start bursting!

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Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge

Saturday 25 April 2020


What Is the Difference Between a Pilates Workout and Yoga?

To begin with, both types of exercise are a very natural form of exercise for both and mind, and it would appear, especially recently, many more people seem to be involved in one form of Pilates workout or another. A Pilates workout can take the shape of classes or simply done at your leisure and pace in the comfort of your own home.
Both a Pilates workout and Yoga session one have similar traits but let me tell you the main differences.
Firstly Yoga as a form of exercise has been around for a very long time now. In fact, it actually dates back to almost five thousand years when it emerged in India. It is not just a workout; it emphasizes both mind and body, meditation, maintaining a proper healthy diet as well as breathing techniques.
In comparison, Pilates, a much newer form of exercise, has been in existence for approximately 80 years now, invented by a man called Joseph Pilates. Though it has certain similarities to some Yoga techniques, its main aim is to help condition the entire body. This form of exercise strengthens the muscles, thereby developing core strength into everyday movements that typically form your day-to-day life, without you even being consciously aware of it.
Yoga also involves core strength to a degree. However, its principles are more based on stretch and flexibility and less perhaps on the day-to-day body movements. Its focus is more on the inner body and more spiritual in its application.
Both a Pilates workout and a Yoga session focuses on breathing and movement at the same time. Pilates is more inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Yoga, on the other hand, is more inhaling and exhaling through your nose.
Ideally, it would help if you determined what exactly it is you want to achieve from your workout. Do you want more stress management? If so, I would suggest Yoga. However, if you are looking to burn more calories, I would recommend a good Pilates workout, the choice is yours.
Generally speaking, during a Pilates workout, you may burn between 170-370 depending on the exercises done, whereas with a Yoga workout, the calorie burn is more likely to be about 140-250 calories. Either way, they are both excellent workouts that will improve both flexibilities and achieve the right muscle tone in the process.
However, if you are specifically looking to improve your abdominal muscles in particular, then Pilates is an excellent choice.
Pilates will work the whole body without any rapid or forceful movements that can injure you and because of its low impact nature, it is one of the stronger reasons why it is an excellent form of exercise for both young and elderly alike.
The centre of a Pilates workout is working on your abdominal muscles and your buttocks as it makes a person stronger from the inside out, making this one of its core attributes.
Pilates incorporates flexibility and strength, where it provides an excellent workout for all the different muscles groups, thereby giving you a much stronger body and leaner appearance.
Both a Pilates workout and a Yoga session can have a positive impact on your body. I cannot see any negative implications for either type of exercise if done correctly.
Regarding some similarities, they do however, both give you a feeling of well- being which can only be a good thing. They also both do not involve any jerk like movements or any other form of vigorous movements.
Each form of exercise workout will give you a sense of peace and wellbeing while at the same time, strengthening your muscles. Though each has its uniqueness as mentioned above.
From a visual stance, you will see results quicker doing Pilates than you would with Yoga, which may take longer, though they are equally as good for you in their own right.
The truth is that both are effective, yet each has its uniqueness; it does depend on how quickly you would like to see results.
I hope this article has shed a little more light on the two forms of exercise, they do even share a few similar practices, and there is absolutely no reason why you can't do both. If you would like to find out a little bit more about Pilates why not head over to

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Friday 24 April 2020

Military Diet: Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days

Fitness Myths - Separating Fact From Fiction

Whether you are looking to drop 10-15 pounds of fat or add 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass, it's important to first come to grips with some of the biggest lies/myths in the fitness industry. Otherwise you may end up wasting your valuable time and could even damage your long-term health.
For starters, the myth/belief that muscle turns to fat is totally erroneous.
Myth 1:
Muscle never turns to fat.
They are two totally, separate types of tissue. Just as your heart is different from your liver and you wouldn't worry that it could become your liver, your muscle cannot turn into fat. It would be like watching an apple convert to an orange right before your eyes. Not going to happen.
So, what does happen to someone who was once very muscular and fit but stops working out? If muscle does not turn to fat as many believe, then why does their once fit and trim body now appear fat, flabby and unhealthy?
The reality is much worse than turning to fat. Muscle is not being converted to fat, it is being lost. It is literally, wasting away.
Because the body uses a lot of energy maintaining lean muscle mass (which is why having more muscle is great for preventing fat gain), when the body believes it no longer needs to maintain muscle mass, it eliminates it. Whatever muscle mass is not being stressed (used), starts catabolizing (breaking down).
Muscles shrink from non-use and fat pockets grow bigger. Soon, what was once an attractive, trim, fit body now appears flabby and fat. It is really that simple.
Because muscle burns more calories than fat, whenever workout habits change or slow down, changes in diet must follow. If diets are not adjusted to align with a less active lifestyle, if food intake remains the same but total calorie expenditure decreases, guess what? The excess surplus of calories (that are no longer being burned through activity) gets converted into body fat.
It's pretty simple science - when you exercise less, you burn fewer calories and therefore, you must eat less.
The good news is, it only takes about 60 minutes of strength training weekly at the gym (or your preferred strength training workout) to maintain muscle once it's built. It takes far less effort to maintain muscle once it's built than it did to build it in the first place.
Myth 2:
Exercising daily is optimal. Wrong.
Many people believe that if they fail to see the progress they are after, it's because they are not training hard (or long) enough so they immediately start pushing their body harder which is the exact opposite of what should be happening.
Every time you train your muscles hard (at the gym or elsewhere), you are creating micro damage to the muscle tissue and time is needed for this to be rebuilt to withstand the same level of force once again. If the time and energy needed to do this is not provided, muscles won't get stronger and in fact can cause loss of valuable muscle mass.
Reality - when actively working out, the body requires and needs rest days in a well-planned protocol to have the time needed to get stronger than it was before. Ideally, one day off a week should be allowed, if not two. But, even that is not hard science. Some people require more. In fact, three to four days rest for beginner trainees or those who do intense training is not at all uncommon.
Remember, as the intensity of your workouts go up, your total rest required to recover from that workout will also increase.
It's very important to recognize when it's time to work harder and when it's time to rest. Understanding the difference and giving your body exactly what it needs is what gets you to that end goal.
Honor your workout, but balance it with rest.
Myth 3:
Cardio is a great way to get thinner - False.
Cardio - (referencing steady state cardio sessions) - the workouts that people dread yet do daily after hitting the gym. Jumping on a piece of cardio equipment and going at one pace for 20-60 minutes.
These workouts do very little for anyone. What these extended cardio workouts achieve is to increase the appetite, causing us to eat more. In fact, many people, who are classic "cardio bunnies," report ravenous appetites that just won't go away.
Cardio training can even cause loss of lean muscle mass. When the body knows it must go for long periods of time at a moderate intensity pace, it does what it can to be more efficient. Since muscle tissue is energy-intensive to maintain, it is better for your body if you have less of it.
Couple this with the fact that many are on a lower calorie diet while doing cardio and now you have a body ready and willing to drop lean muscle. So, fat is not really being lost in the process, but rather, lean muscle.
The body may appear smaller after months of cardio workouts because of lost weight, but, unfortunately, it is due to an unhealthy, change in body composition. The body now contains more fat mass in proportion to lean muscle mass and the result is not pretty. The look is soft, jiggly, and anything but fit.
If you're looking to create a fit, lean, firm body, cardio training is not the way to get there. Strength training is the only thing empowered to reverse unhealthy, muscle loss.
"I help clients take charge of their health before circumstance removes the option. If your quest for a life of true physical and mental well-being is a journey I'll put you in the driver's seat."
For tools and resources to achieve this, visit:
Carolyn Hansen Fitness
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Thursday 23 April 2020

15 Simple Ways to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks

Boosting Immunity Through A Healthy Daily Routine - PART TWO

This is part two of how we can boost immunity because we have control over our daily routine. See part one on a previous post.
For most of us midday would bring us to lunch time. Ideally, lunch time would be 4 to 5 hours after we've had breakfast. Waiting 4-5 hours between meals is called intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body which, in turn, helps improve our immune system. (This is not recommended for those who are diabetic, have metabolic syndrome or other health conditions that require a different nutritional schedule. One should always check with their healthcare professional about what and when to eat.)
Lunch might include: Free range chicken and organic vegetable soup. Vegetables like carrots, which contain the vitamin A, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower to detoxify the body and a clove of garlic which is antimicrobial are a good choice. Another serving of healthy fat such as a tablespoon of flaxseed oil can also be consumed.
Dinner Time
Dinner time ideally would, again be 4-5 hours after lunch, so as to practice intermittent fasting. A meal consisting of plenty of healthy vegetables, protein and fat like beef, chicken, and fish are excellent choices.
Any dietary plans that follow the guidelines of the keto diet, the paleo diet, the South Beach diet or similar approaches work well in supporting our immune systems.
Since all of us like a snack or something sweet on occasion that is certainly permissible. Dark chocolate is a great choice that can satisfy our sweet tooth and can benefit us because it is anti-inflammatory.
An alcoholic drink on occasion does not have to weaken our immune system. Red wine and stout beer are anti-inflammatory.
Exercise will definitely improve the immune system. A good goal is to shoot for 30 minutes of exercise per day. Moderate exercise such as walking and weight and resistance training have been shown to lead to a higher number of white blood cells which helps to fight infection. One does not need a gym, health club or exercise facility. Some hand weights and stretch cables at home can provide resistance training. Walking provides aerobic exercise and may be the most beneficial activity humans can engage in.
Getting adequate sleep and rest is the most important thing we can do for our immune system. Our immune systems are working hardest while we're sleeping. We supercharge our immune system when we get our rest!
One does not have to strictly follow this daily routine to have improved immunity. Enacting any of these measures will only enhance the immune system. However, gradually adding these ideas, over time will improve our control over the present and future health condition confronting us and make us less susceptible to aging and degenerative processes.
Dr. James Schofield is a healthy living enthusiast. To see more topics about healthy living visit this site. Please visit James Schofield DC's website here

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Wednesday 22 April 2020

Yoga Weight Loss Challenge! 20 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout Beginners & Intermediate

Boosting Immunity Through A Healthy Daily Routine - PART ONE

Spring of 2020 finds many of us "locked down" due to a global viral pandemic. Schools are closed, businesses are shutterd and we are told to practice social distancing. Television and social media are a 24/7 source of information about the challenge. With all this going on it may appear as though all is lost and we are in a hopeless situation. However, all is not hopeless because we have control over our daily routine. This article will describe how we can go about our day in a positive manner that will help us during this trying time.
Anyone having played organized football and or having watched football on television has probably heard a coach say: "The best defense is a good offense." Perhaps we can take this advice and formulate this strategy into improving our health so as to make us more resistant to the present disease we are facing and, even to other health conditions such as premature aging, dementia, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Consider the following healthy daily routine.
Upon awakening, drink a large glass of water. Water is necessary for all the chemical reactions that take place in our body. It is also an important way we eliminate toxins and waste products from the body. It is estimated that 75% of all Americans dehydrated or are underhydrated. One third of us mistake thirst for hunger- so instead of drinking water we eat, and we know what that leads to... Most people should drink 2 liters or half a gallon of water/day.
Have a healthy breakfast of protein, vegetables and healthy fats. For example: two eggs, a serving cup of vegetables that might include carrots, broccoli and cabbage and a teaspoon of coconut oil.
Another vegetable option is to eat a handful of sprouts. You can grow your own sprouts from seed on your kitchen countertop by using a sprout jar. Amazon has a product called "Broccoli And Friends Mix" which contains a variety of different seeds.
Now that we've hydrated and fueled ourselves, we can gently get warmed up. Anyone with a dog or cat knows that their animal gently stretches upon arising. We should do the same. It is important to do some slow stretching exercises and nothing too vigorous. In fact, the first hour after arising shouldn't consist of any heavy lifting or carrying. Nor should we engage in repetitive bending at the waist or finding ourselves in an awkward position. The body responds best to gently warming up for the first hour of our day.
Dr. James Schofield is a healthy living enthusiast. To see more topics about healthy living visit this site. Please visit James Schofield DC's website here

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Tuesday 21 April 2020

How I Lost Belly Fat In 7 Days: No Strict Diet No Workout!

Weight Loss: How Meal Timing Affects Results

If you have wondered whether it's best to exercise in a fasted state, before eating breakfast, or to eat breakfast and then have your workout session, I will weigh in here.
For years we have been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you must eat a good, nutritious breakfast in order to have the best exercise session. But is that really true? Here are a few benefits of exercising in a fasted state which just means, before you eat your breakfast or whatever your first meal of the day ends up being if you intermittently fast, as I do.
Fasted exercise improves levels of glucose and insulin, lowering risk of insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes;
As I explain in Today is Still the Day, exercising in a fasted state is particularly effective for fat loss as it lowers both total body weight and body fat percentage. Exercising after eating only reduces body weight;
It curbs food intake for the remainder of the day, resulting in an overall energy deficit of about 400 calories;
It may boost growth hormone and production of testosterone, which prevents depression and optimizes tissue regeneration;
People who skipped breakfast and worked out on an empty stomach had better working memory in the mid-afternoon and reported less mental fatigue and tension later in the day than those who ate cereal before exercising.
It helps prevent depression.
Exercise and fasting together cause oxidative stress, which helps counteract muscle aging.
So I think it is safe to say if fat loss and improving muscle health is your primary goal, working out fasted would be the way to go.
Another huge bonus is that exercising while fasting for more than 14 to 18 hours (which you might do if you practice intermittent fasting) likely activates as much autophagy as if you were fasting for two to three days by increasing AMPK, NAD+ and inhibiting mTOR. Autophagy is the process whereby the body cleans out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. It occurs during prolonged fasting.
So should you never eat before exercising? It is not appropriate for everyone. It depends on your age, when you last ate, whether or not you're pregnant, medication use, medical history, fitness level, whether or not you are metabolically flexible and the type of workout you engage in. If you feel weak, dizzy, nauseous or lightheaded, you probably should eat something before working out. I certainly wouldn't recommend a bowl of cereal, by the way. A light protein meal like a small whey protein shake is a good choice.
As with all things, it is always best to listen to your body and use wisdom to find what works best for you.
Do you eat before you exercise or do you routinely exercise in a fasted state?
Ann Musico is a holistic health coach and independent nutritional consultant. She has developed a "3-D Living Program" to assist her coaching clients in achieving vibrant health and wholeness - spirit, soul and body. Visit her website at to learn more about the "3-D Living Program," her book, Today is Still the Day, as well as the coaching packages she offers. Subscribe for her free monthly newsletter and weekly email messages.

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Monday 20 April 2020

The psychological weight loss strategy | Laurie Coots

How to Lose Weight By Thinking Differently

Do you play mind games that prevent you from winning at losing weight? Are you always having a conversation with yourself that manages to sabotage your newest Monday efforts to lose weight? If so, chances are pretty good that you have a dialogue in your head that needs to change. If you're having the following self conversations, it's best to change your dialogue. Changing your self talk is a great first step when you feel you absolutely can't lose weight.
The clean plate game to lose weight
You know this game: eat it all up because some people are starving! If you eat up all the food when not hungry, you are not helping anyone that is starving! Or, you paid for it so you must eat it. At home, put less food on your plate. In a restaurant, ask for the people box prior to digging into the large plate of food. Acknowledge that while you still paid for it, you now have food for another meal so you doubled your value. This is a hard habit to break, but it can be done with practice. These portion control strategies are always going to help when one has trouble losing weight. The portion control automatically decreases your calorie consumption. It's such a simple concept that is often overlooked.
Skipping breakfast may slow weight loss
You think you will eat less overall calories by limiting what you consume in the morning. Many studies indicate that when people do this, they manage to consume more total calories in a given day. In other words, this eating strategy can backfire for some people. Other studies show that when people consume substantial calories in the morning, they use those calories to meet energy requirements more efficiently, and store less of that energy in fat cells. Eating the bulk of your calories at the tail end of the day is, therefore, theoretically less efficient for your body weight and overall energy levels.
I will add, however, that some studies also suggest that whether someone eats breakfast or not has no impact on weight status. With that said, skipping breakfast and lighter daytime eating can put you at some degree of nutritional risk. It is very difficult to meet overall nutritional requirements with almost no daytime food and just dinner. And, if your blood sugar takes a nose dive during the day, you are at risk for an eating binge.
Use caution with foods prepared elsewhere
Do you really know what is happening in the kitchen of your favorite restaurant and take-out place? I would venture to guess that this food has much more fat, calories, and sodium than you would find in your own kitchen. Try to limit relying on outside sources for your meals unless you are able to confirm with nutrition labels that it is a healthy option. When you do dine out, at least try to check the nutrition information out ahead of time. There are so many websites and apps available to the consumer to do some pre-planning for healthier options. HealthyDiningFinder is a site where you input your zip code and nearby dining options are noted.
Review menus in advance
While not all restaurants can make their nutrition information available, you can at least take a peek at the menu online. That way you can begin thinking about the better meal options in advance of stepping foot into the restaurant. This helps you avoid quick impulse decisions on your selections. Once with friends socializing at the restaurant, your planning strategies to pick healthy choices may fizzle. Having thought about what to order in advance will keep defensive dining tactics in play.
It's for "company" game
There are many variations to this one: there is also "It's for the kids." Do the M & Ms really need to be in a bowl for your grandchildren and shouting to you all the time? I have grandchildren too, but I would not have a candy bowl sitting out all the time. I certainly like the chocolate as well and I would not be able to stare it down. Get the treats for kids, grandchildren, and company, but keep a limited stock that is purchased just prior to their arrival. Or, hide it from yourself. Better yet, get a treat that does not pose a high temptation threat to you! The less you like that treat, the better you can resist it.
Willpower for weight loss
I don't feel that most people successful at long-term weight loss can use the concept of willpower. Over the long haul, they should instead think "smart" on eating strategies: keep a clean kitchen free of high temptation foods, keep small amounts or portion controlled foods that you conceptualize as treats, or if food is just too tempting to avoid once in your kitchen, just don't put it into your grocery cart in the first place. Willpower, in my opinion, is not a good long-term weight loss strategy.
Reflection for weight loss
Taking a step back to evaluate how you think about eating may be just the solution for trouble losing weight! By managing your thoughts along with your eating environment, you can start down the weight management road without tripping up too much. While summer is over, the holidays are right around the corner. Thinking differently could be just the torture-free weight loss fix you need when you think you can't lose weight. Anyone can lose weight with the proper tools. After you change your thinking, you are ready for any additional steps necessary to lose your weight.
Sue Rose is an IL licensed dietitian/nutritionist providing counseling to both corporations and individuals. She invites you to visit her blog for intelligent and relevant diet and lifestyle strategies to enhance your life and well-being.

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Sunday 19 April 2020

What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101

Weight Loss Strategies 101

When it comes to weight loss, it is true that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for your friend may not work for you. This is because of the fundamental fact that the biological responses to each and everyone's body is different and the reason for that depends on various genetical and diet factors. Therefore, in order to determine, what works best for you, you need to try few different options and be patient with each one of them until you hit the jackpot of your weight loss strategy. It is understandable that it is easier said than done, but with a little bit of commitment, it is definitely not impossible. This article is about two of key elements that are contributing factors of your weight loss strategy.
1. Proteins, fats and carbs:
It is true that your food intake can be the biggest player in your weight gain as well as weight loss strategy. Again, same food does not have same effect on two different people. It may not even have same effect on you if you try it over a period of time. Also, after changing your dietary habits, do not expect to see the results immediately or all at once. The effects are usually indefinite and imprecise. If implementing a dietary strategy over one-week cuts 1 pound of weight, it is not necessary that continuing to implement same strategy over the next week will slash another pound from your weight. It could be more; it could be less. It is said that eating carbs create craving for more carbs, hence eventually increasing your weight. If you want to cut your weight, cutting carbs is the first step followed by cutting bad fats.
2. Exercise:
Although food is the most important factor of your body weight, exercise plays an almost equal role in getting you close to your weight loss goal. Exercise speeds up your metabolism. One of the biggest benefits of exercise is that it burns fats in your body, and it does so quickly. If you don't do any exercise at all, your body might still burn fats in doing daily physical activities, but it will be extremely slow. Just like setting up your dietary plan, you don't need to spend a lot of money to come up with an exercise plan. When it comes to exercise for losing weight, you should do what you enjoy doing. Walking, cycling, hiking are activities that only need time and a little bit of commitment. Whatever exercise you choose to go with, make sure you do it in sets with appropriate intervals between sets. Don't exhaust yourself to an extent that you feel tired the following day to do any exercise at all, hence slowing down your overall weight loss progress.
These are the two fundamentals of weight loss. Start with these and track your progress over a period of time. Don't hesitate to change your plan if you need to.
If you are serious about losing weight and have an hour to spare every day, you need lean muscle weight loss. With a bit of commitment and promise to yourself, you are not too far from your weight loss goals!

Saturday 18 April 2020

I quit sugar for 30 days

3 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar

We are used to believe that sugar is life. For many of us, letting go of sweets constitutes true heresy. We believe that the worst thing about diabetes is you can't have sweets.
Couple of years ago, I couldn't imagine letting go of sugar. It was everything for me!
My whole world revolved around its sweet taste and the pleasure it brought. I firmly believed that without sugar, life wouldn't be worth living.
Later on I realized something was wrong, that I was too dependent on sweets. I did some heavy research and stopped eating sugar for good
Here are the top reasons why.
Sugar is highly addictive. Your body loves it because of all the easy-to-consume calories it provides.
Sugar is hyperpalatable, and that's exactly what our brain wants and rewards for. In the distant past this was a sound strategy. Food was scarce, and tapping into rich energy source meant surviving in harsh environment.
Today, it rather means obesity and diabetes, but we can't explain it to our subconscious.
In addition, sweet taste is a sign of food you can safely eat, and we learn it since we're born thanks to our mother's breast milk. That's right, it's also a little sweet because of the lactose it contains.
In short, sugar delivers a killer combo that's hard to resist, hooking you up once and for all.
Addiction is not the only danger of sugar. This substance is also responsible for obesity epidemic we have on our hands.
Did you know that by 2050, obese people will constitute the majority of population? Well, sugar is responsible for it.
It does so in a pretty complicated way. First, it makes your body more insulin resistant. This causes your pancreas to work harder and produce more insulin each time you eat, storing large part of incoming calories in fat cells.
Second, extra insulin blocks the hormone called "leptin" which signals your brain you've eaten enough. This causes you to eat more because your body thinks it's starving. Note this is partially true, because a serious chunk of your meal was just turned into fat.
Sugar also causes visceral fat, the most dangerous kind there is. There's a term "T.O.F.I.", which stands for "thin on the outside, fat on the inside". This is a very serious condition, as organs coated with fat can fail any moment.
Diabetes and Cancer
Finally, sugar leads to deadly disease. The first one is diabetes. As you know, sugar causes your body to become more resistant to insulin. When you abuse sugar long enough, it becomes chronic.
When this happens, your body loses the ability to process the incoming food. Since most things you eat are converted to blood sugar before further processing, high insulin resistance means certain death. This is the point where people need insulin shots just to stay alive.
The corporations tell us that diabetes is hereditary, and this is partly true. The type 1 diabetes is indeed caused by the genes, but that's absolute minority of cases. The majority is type 2, which can perfectly be acquired if you don't watch your sugar intake.
The second threat associated with sugar is cancer. Numerous studies have shown that high levels of sugar can lead to development of cancer cells. It makes perfect sense because sugar is a great nutrient. Having lots of it in your bloodstream gives your enemy the energy to survive and flourish.
Think about it when you eat that extra chocolate bar. Do you really want to take a chance? Especially considering many other health problems that sugar causes directly or indirectly.
I'm pretty sure that in the future we will discover more about the deadly effects of sugar on our health. What you should do right now is avoid sugar as much as possible, because the corporations have turned it into a weapon against us.
Avoid all sweet beverages, stay clear of processed foods as much as possible and replace sweets with fruit. It'll be hard at first, but your body will thank you later.
Anton is a former sugar addict and blogger dedicated to help people fight their addiction to sweets. For more advice and articles, check out
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Friday 17 April 2020

Take OWNERSHIP of your Weight Loss

Take Ownership of Your Health: Hold Yourself Accountable

Over the years, I've conducted extensive research on health topics such as obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. I have also studied theories of behavior change. What jumps out at me the most is how many of these conditions are preventable. Yes, there are non-modifiable factors however, it is our behaviors that are causing damage to our health and wellness. Essentially, we are all aware of our unhealthy behaviors and the consequences associated with them. I feel like I'm a misfit in society because I actually enjoy physical activity, going to the gym and pushing my body to its limits. I was also criticised heavily because it took me nearly two weeks to finishing watching the third season of Stranger Things. Let that sink in. We live in a society where it is the norm to watch an entire season of a television series over a weekend, let alone one day and this is completely acceptable, even encouraged. I feel like I have to justify why I don't binge watch television, why I wake up early to exercise and why I restrict processed foods (among many other ingredients) from my diet.
My reason is simple, I do it for my health. Health is a priority to me and I want to face the daily challenges of life with the least amount of pain, discomfort and illness as possible. I'm not a machine, I get sick on occasion and I have a history of injuries. I watch television and movies and I'm known to indulge in a meal or snack of the unhealthy variety on occasion. I try to keep my immune system optimal and reduce my risk of injury through strength and flexibility training. Let's examine exercise. Most of us know that it is beneficial to our health, not just physically but emotionally as well. Increased levels of physical activity have the potential to lower the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (among many more) according to multiple sources. We know that being inactive increases the risk of the mentioned conditions, yet many of us choose to do nothing about it. There is a disconnect between what we know and what we do. Do we not prioritize our health and quality of life? Do we get distracted with the ease of technology and everything available at the touch of a button? Do we know how many deaths can be prevented each year by modifying our behaviors?
So much of what we experience is preventable if we take the necessary precautions. We don't have to wait until we get diagnosed to make a change. We can make changes so that we don't get diagnosed. We do have the time if we make it a priority. We can find a plethora of excuses why we don't exercises of we can focus on reasons why we should. I can honestly say that I am 100% responsible for all of the injuries I've sustained in my lifetime. Whether it was negligence, ignorance or ego, I was at fault and I take full ownership of that. Now let's take ownership of our health and strive for progression.

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Thursday 16 April 2020

The Best Science-Based Diet for Fat Loss (ALL MEALS SHOWN!)

2 Weeks Diet Plan

Statistics show that approximately 45 million Americans go on a diet
each year. In fact, most of them make an average of four to six dieting
attempts annually. This implies that their first three dieting trials often
fail. Ideally, dieting can be a puzzling process. It can take a toll on your
self-esteem. This is why most people quickly get demotivated and end up
ditching dieting for good.
If you're currently battling with dieting and about
to throw in the towel, then maybe there are some things you're overlooking.
Here are the top four reasons why most dieting attempts fail time and again.
·Impracticable and Unreasonable
Calorie Intake
Calorie budget is paramount and should be the first consideration to
keep in mind. Calories are a measure of the amount of energy in the food you
eat. If you're putting yourself in starvation mode, then you're hurting your
dieting efforts. When you consume very little food, your body virtually shuts
down to save fuel. This places you in a fat loss plateau. Though it is prudent
to lower your overall calorie intake, consider doing so in a manner that
doesn't hurt your metabolism.
·Ignoring Filling Nutrients
Proteins and fiber are the recommended satiety-boosting nutrients
for dieters. Proteins break down at a slow pace thus giving the body a
long-lasting satiety. This helps to curb emotional eating and cravings.
Combining proteins with fiber from vegetables and fresh fruits can potentially
slow down digestion and cut down food cravings. Even though most crash diet
plans recommend vegetables, they discourage fruits. They also come with very
few proteins. If you want to hasten your dieting results, then make these two
essential satiety nutrients a focus in your diet plan.
·Unrealistic Meal Prep
A meal prep that takes an hour isn't realistic. If your meal
preparation takes an hour or more, then that might be one of the top reasons
your dieting efforts fail. A basic easy-to-implement meal prep is ideal. A plan
that takes hours can steal your free time. Find a meal prep that matches your
lifestyle then get accustomed to it.
·Long-Term Aspect
A great diet plan considers the long-term aspect. However, a diet
plan that spans for several months can quickly discourage you. It's great to
find a diet plan that comes with a specified deadline preferably two
weeks. It should not be too short
because dieting requires patience.
Even though dieting can be hard, carrying those extra pounds is even
harder. The recommended dieting time should be two weeks. A 2-Week Diet gives
you an outstanding foundation and motivation for a successful fat-burning
To harness the powerful psychology behind The 2 Week Diet, check it out here:

Article Source:

Wednesday 15 April 2020

If You Want to Lose Weight & Get in Shape, WATCH THIS! Motivation for Workout

Give Your Coffee a Healthy, Rich and Creamy Upgrade

We should all have health goals! After all, without your health you don't have much else. Having a couple of cups of coffee to start your morning and an afternoon pick-me-up means your health goals need to include a healthy coffee creamer.
Your java can have health benefits that are anti-inflationary, anti-oxidant, and metabolism boosting beverage. When pouring your next cup, look at that ingredient list to decide if you need to switch to a healthy coffee creamer.
What Makes a Healthy Coffee Creamer?
One made from natural coconut oil, is lactose-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, cholesterol-free and has functional supplements. Other ingredients to avoid are sodium, vegetable oil, and carrageenan.
Good nutrition is not only about what goes into a product, but as much about what is kept out. Some people mistakenly think coffee creamer of any kind is unhealthy and adds nothing but unwanted calories. That is simply not true. A healthy coffee creamer can curb hunger cravings and promote weight-loss.
Functional Supplements Enhance Health Benefits
Healthy plants such as Citrus Aurantium (from oranges) and Hoodia (African cactus-like plant) are healthy supplements known to improve metabolism, increase stamina, and promote weight-loss.
Citrus Aurantium extract (also known as bitter orange) is a flavoring and acidifying agent and an essential oil. It has health giving secondary-metabolites (for metabolism), along with preventative health benefits (lung and prostate cancers, gastric disorders, etc.), and works as a mild appetite suppressant.
Hoodia (also known as Kalahari cactus) has a long history of traditional use by the indigenous San hunters in the deserts of southern Africa. They chew the pulp of the hoodia gordonii cactus to suppress thirst and hunger on long journeys. It is a succulent, fleshy plant of the Asclepiad family.
Coconut oil contains saturated fats (good fats) known to boost fat burning and provides quick energy to both your body and brain. It is easy to digest and promotes healthy functioning of the thyroid and endocrine system.
Key here is that a healthy coffee creamer can be tasty, creamy, and good for you all at the same time. It boosts your metabolism, suppresses appetite, and has other health benefits ranging from decreasing gastric disorders to resisting some cancers. You can't say that about packaged chemicals labeled as creamers. Chemical red flag such as dipotassium phosphate and sodium sterol lactylatered are what you don't want in your nutritional intake.
Out with the Bad and In with the Healthy
People have been drinking coffee for centuries but it comes at a price to your health with the wrong additives. It doesn't have to be that way any longer. Excellent, healthy and transparent coffee creamer is available that will hopefully kick-start your daily diet to into a wholesome and healing one that supports a long and healthy life.
For a truly creamy, delicious, and healthy creamer go with a supplemented coconut base enhanced with natural flavors like vanilla, hazelnut, mocha, and caramel.
For a truly creamy, delicious, and healthy coffee creamer, visit LeanerCreamer

Article Source:,-Rich-and-Creamy-Upgrade&id=10186777

Tuesday 14 April 2020

10 Detox Water For Weight Loss | Summer Infused water to lose belly fat, Cleanse & Debloat | Hindi

Pure Water Health Benefits

Drinking Pure Water

Health benefits of drinking pure cool water, especially in this summer when it is recorded as the hottest June in history.

"This past month of June was the hottest June ever recorded on planet Earth, according to the European Union's Earth observation program, which announced the new record on Tuesday.

Among some of the things we are encouraged to do in order to prevent illness associated with the heat, members of the public are encouraged to:

• Hydrate with pure cool water, especially when it is hot and humid;

• Drink more fluids, limit or avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and beverages that contain alcohol;

• Drink warm water than normal before, during and after vigorous activities (at least 15 minutes before, and take fluid breaks at least every 15 minutes);

• Exercise indoors where possible;

• Drinking soft water than normal if one is exposed to heat for long periods (greater than two hours);

• Avoid the sun during the middle of the day, such as by limiting, as much as possible, outdoor activities to

mornings and evenings; and seeking out shade when outdoors;

Drinking Pure Water to Prevent Dehydration

We should be drinking fluid all the time to prevent dehydration and keep the cells well hydrated.

Drinking soft water is so simple and plentiful (only in some places of the world today), and yet it is the most fundamental element in life. In fact the National Water Commission (NWC), tagline is "Water is life".

So true, whereas, you can go without food for days and weeks, not so with liquid.

People have two problems with water, one is, they are not drinking enough of it, and two, the water they drink is not pure.

The type of water some people drink is incredibly toxic.

Tap water is not good for drinking purpose.

All piped liquid has chemicals added, primarily fluoride and chlorine. Drinking chlorinated fluid, which is virtually all tap water, will cause scarring of your arteries. The result of that will cause LDL cholesterol to attach itself to the wall of your arteries causing the development of arteriosclerosis.

If the truth be told, most people are dehydrated, period. Because if you wait until you are feeling thirsty to drink fluid, that is too late. Thirst means water in the cells are running on empty and are crying out for fluid.

Dehydration causes all types of medical problems such as allergies, asthma, arthritis, stiffness, pain, and other medical issues.

Dehydration simply means your cells do not have sufficient fluid.

Dehydration can affect your sleep and your energy level.

However, the major factor associated with this problem, is the inability of the cells to remove toxins and waste matter out of the cells and out of the body.

It is absolutely necessary to remove the waste matter the cells excrete out of the body. As long as you clean that environment, get rid of the waste matter and toxins, the cells age slowly and gracefully, like they never seems to age.

That is why putting the least amount of toxins in your body, and cleansing and getting the poisons out of your body is so important.

The debate continues about the best type of drinking fluid. In your community, you might be accessible to following types of water, tap, purified, spring, rain water (soft), and distilled liquid.

This is how Kevin Trudeau in his book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About", in the topic "Why Are We Sick", describe the dangers of drinking tap water: He said, "Tap water is absolutely the worst kind of water in the world, because virtually all tap water is contaminated.

All piped fluid has chlorine in it, and most tap water has fluoride in it.

Fluoride in one of the most toxic chemicals in the world. It is a product that comes from the manufacture of superphosphic fertilizers, and it is so toxic it can't be dumped anywhere."

Mr Trudeau continues to disclose: "Through lobbying, fluoride was then sold to municipalities and dumped in our water supplies under the disguise of being good for our teeth.

That is a big lie, and nothing could be further from the truth. Fluoride is toxic and dangerous, and should not be consumed.

Fluoride affect virtually every organ in the body, primarily your thyroid gland.

It can be seen that the areas in America that have the most fluoride in the water have the highest obesity rates because people's metabolisms go down. Fluoride makes you depressed and causes all types of physical problems."

If chlorine is in the fluid you drink, bathe and swim in, it can cause massive scarring of your arteries. That will then cause the cholesterol to attach itself to the walls of the arteries and begin the clogging process, and that is the beginning of arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

It is said that one of the reasons why heart disease is so prevalent in our society is because people drink, bathe, shower with tap water, or swim in chlorinated pools.

So, consider this, our supposedly pure water supply is loaded with toxins. These toxins are getting into our bodies through:

A. The liquid we drink

B. Eating or drinking anything made with contaminated liquid

C. Eating food that was grown with this liquid

D. Consuming the meat, poultry, fish or dairy where the animal drank liquid

E. Showering , bathing or swimming in it

Drinking pure liquid every day, and drink more of it. You must drink 8 glasses of it daily.

However, the water must be pure.

Bottled spring water, filtered using reverse-osmosis, and purified through steam distillation, are all better options to tap liquid.

8 glasses a day keep fat and disease away

Drinking Pure Soft Water for Weight loss

Incredible as it may seem, water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in loosing weight and keeping it off.

Pure water activate the appetite naturally and help our body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in the intake of water will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits

Do you want to know why?

Our kidneys cannot function properly without enough liquid.

When they do not work to their capacity, some of their load is dumped onto our liver..

Drinking enough pure water is the best treatment if you are suffering from fluid retention. If you do not give your body sufficient fluid, it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to hold on to every drop. Fluid is stored in extracellular spaces (outside cells), this shows up as your feet, leg and hands are swollen.

Again the body perceives a threat and will replace the loss water at the first opportunity. And as a result, the condition quickly returns.

The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs: plenty of fluid. It is only then will stored fluid be released.

If you have a constant problem with water retention, excess salt may be to blame. These days, everything is packed with salt!

Your body will tolerate sodium only in a certain concentration. The more salt you eat, the more fluid your system retains to dilute it.

But getting rid of excess salt in the body is easy, just drink more fluid. As it forced through the kidneys, it takes away excess sodium.

If you are over weight you need more fluid than the thinner person. Larger people have larger metabolic loads.

Since we know that water is the key to the breakdown of fat, it follows that the overweight person needs more fluid.

Pure water also helps to tone uo your muscles by giving them their natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration.

Pure water helps to get rid of waste from your body. During weight loss, the body has a lot more waste to get rid of all that metabolized fat which must be shed.

Again, if you drink adequate amount of fluid, it helps to flush out the waste.

When your body gets too little fluid, it draws what it needs from internal sources.

The colon is the main source to draw water. And the result is constipation. But when you drinks enough fluid, your bowel function usually returns to normal.

We are examining the link between water and weight loss

Your body will not function properly without enough fluid, and cannot metabolize stored fat effectively.

Retained water shows up as excess weight.
To get rid of excess fluid you must drink more water.

Drinking clean pure water is essential to weight loss.

The question is often asked how much water is enough? On the average, you should drink 8 eight onze glasses every day. That is about two quarts.

However, if you are over weight you need one additional glass for every twenty five pounds of excess weight. The amount you drink also should be increased if you exercise briskly or if the weather is hot or dry.

Water should preferably be drank cold, it absorbs into the system more quickly than warm water, and some evidence suggest that drinking cold water can actually help burn calories.

When your body gets the water it needs to function optimally, its fluids are perfectly balanced. When this happens, you have reached the breakthrough point:

Fluid retention is averted as stored water is loss.

Your endocrine glands function will improve.
You will burn up more fat as fuel, because the liver is free to metabolize stored fat.
Your natural thirst will return.
You will experience a loss of hunger almost overnight.

If you should stop drinking enough fluid every day, your body fluid will be thrown out of balance again and you may experience fluid retention.
Then unexplained weight gain and loss of thirst will result. To remedy the situation you will have to go back and create another breakthrough.
Hello, I’m Adrian, a Healthy Lifestyle Consultant living in Jamaica. I am a fan of food, entrepreneurship, and fitness. I’m also interested in running and cooking.

I'm a health conscious zealot, whose passion and purpose is helping others make better choices in order to experience health and happiness.

Good vibrant health is nothing but making right choices and the discipline to maintain them.
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