Tuesday 7 July 2020

Think Thin

Summer is the season of skirts, shorts, dresses, bathing suits, and... less. The sun is shining, the temperature is rising, and for many, the mirror does not reflect their body of summers' past. Last summer's clothing simply does not feel as comfortable as it once did. If you have read my blog before, you know I am a believer in the (paraphrased) words of renowned psychologist Carl Jung, "What you resist, persists." When it comes to your physical appearance, it can be challenging to unhook from what we see, and to stop obsessing about it. To better understand resistance, think of its antonym, surrender or acceptance. When you look in the mirror at your profile and are disappointed in your girth, or wish you had a flat stomach, you are putting your attention (thoughts and feelings) squarely upon what you do not want. Resistance persists. What you think about, grows.
Now you can shift from resistance to acceptance, and take it one step further, to appreciation. Personally speaking, I want to be thin once again. I am committed to my workouts with my personal trainer and I add in conscious movement the days I am not at the gym. I eat a plant-based diet with little added oil. From time to time, I over indulge, and it shows. I have created the acrostic for THIN, to support you in surrendering your attention to what you don't like about your body. Let it go.
Become Thoughtful. Bring your presence of mind to what is on the end of your fork. Thoughtfully choose your food. Give thanks for your food. Sit and create a sweet space for eating. Chew and taste. Take your time. This is how to add in being Thoughtful.
Being Happy is critical to self-love and appreciation. Happiness, indeed, comes from within. The world around you may be whining, stressed and broke. You can choose things to be happy about. To create thin-consciousness, bring your attention to parts of your body that already are thin and that you feel happy about. Feel happy for all the body parts that you have that are working in good order. Remember your internal organs that work outside of your conscious awareness, and be happy for them.
When you are Intuitive, you pick up on the clues and signs inside and around you. Tune in and listen. Your intuitive guidance will take you in the right direction. You may be guided to move your body more, by way of taking a parking spot further from your destination. Your intuition may act as that "angel on your shoulder" helping you choose summer blueberries out of hand, rather than blueberry cheesecake. Your intuition will support your desired outcome of becoming thin. Release resistance to what you see, and tune in to your loving-kind intuition.
Being well Nourished means making nutritionally sound choices with the wholesome foods you consume. When you nourish your body with the consistent consumption of pure water and whole un-packaged foods, your body will respond with renewed vibrancy at a cellular level. I often make reference to the crowding-out theory I learned at IIN because it is practical and applicable in many areas of life. In this case, crowd-out food cravings that are not nourishing by adding in lots of water, greens, starches, and fruits. By nourishing yourself first, you will naturally want to eat poorly, less.
THIN is a state of mine. What you see is not what you get. Who you are and who you are becoming creates your physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual reality. Embrace THIN and transform. https://getcoached.com/
You know the outcome you want. Obstacles are in the way. Namely, fear. Ready for the work you love, peaceful parenting, vibrant health, happy relationships? Contact Carla for your Breakthrough Session: carla@getcoached.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10142865

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