Tuesday 28 July 2020

5 Weight Loss Tips for Those Who Cannot Hit the Gym

Whether it is health reasons, lack of access, a very tight schedule, the big project at work, the new baby or you are just too lazy; sometimes it is not possible for us to hit the gym. And with many fitness blogs and books telling us that hitting the gym is the only way out, things might seem hopeless at times. However, here are 5 weight loss tips for those days when visiting the gym is next to impossible.
1. Drink water before eating
Drinking water half an hour before meals is an effective weight loss strategy. This is because water plays two important roles in weight loss. First, drinking water helps you to feel full. This is important during meal times because it may help you eat a smaller portion compared to when you don't drink water. Also, drinking water promotes improved metabolism in the body. This means that it will help you burn more calories thus resulting in weight loss.
2. Avoid unhealthy snacking between meals
Most people fail to understand the fact that unhealthy snacking between meals usually leads to weight gain. Therefore, if you have been wondering why you are not getting any results after months of dieting and vigorous exercise, maybe it's because of that chocolate bar that you always sneak in between lunch and dinner. If you have to snack, then always be prepared to fight those hunger pangs by packing some fruit and other healthy snacks in advance that you can access easily when hunger strikes.
3. Use smaller plates and bowls
It is natural for us to always to load up our plates so they are full. Sometimes our eyes can be bigger than our bellies though! Using big plates and bowls will generally translate to eating larger portions of food. On the contrary, using smaller plates and bowls usually means eating smaller portions. It is a way we can trick our brains into believing that we are full and satisfied. As we eat with our eyes as well as our mouths. By doing this, we can still eat a full plate of food without having to worry about the extra calories or overeating.
4. Get active
Hitting the gym is an effective way of losing weight but getting there isn't always possible. Being sedentary will not get you that "beach body" that you desire. You need to get yourself moving by being on the move as much as possible. Take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator or take an afternoon walk for at least half an hour. Do some squats while waiting for your coffee to be ready or sneak in some lunges and jumping jacks over lunch hour - just find a way to get active and incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
5. Keep a food diary
Weight loss is a game of calories. If you find a way to decrease your calorie intake and increase the amount of calories you burn by boosting your metabolism and by exercising, then you will most definitely lose weight. Be vigilant in paying attention to the labels and nutritional information on every item you consume. Keep a food diary to help you keep track of your diet and calorie intake. There are some really effective apps for doing that these days. Be honest with yourself and note down everything, that means even the seemingly little snacks, as it all adds up
It is true that spending regular time at the gym can give you faster results when it comes to weight loss. However, to be realistic, sometimes we cannot go to the gym for a variety of reasons - especially if we are frequently traveling. The weight loss tips covered in this article can really come in handy during situations like this. It might take a while but with perseverance, you will eventually be just a few steps away from your desired "beach body".
Katie Evans is the founder of Fitter Healthier Me [https://www.fitterhealthierme.com/free-ebook4/]. Our mission is to provide you with the tools, insights and resources you need to feel fab and look great every single day. See over 25 titles in our Weight Loss eBook Store to support your goals. As a gift, we would also like to give you a FREE eBook: "45 Fantastic (And Surprising!) Ways to Burn More Calories"- click here to learn more now [http://www.weightlossestore.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9824523

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