Friday 10 July 2020

Handling Life's Obstacles?: Challenges, Or Problems?

At some point, or another, each of us face some obstacle, or obstacles, and often, the difference between enjoy the happiest, most contented, life, or a far more stressful one, is how we perceive and conceive of these, and proceed, forward! When something, unforeseen, and/ or, unwanted, occurs, each of us, must decide, whether to follow the path of problematic thinking, versus, deciding to view them, merely as a challenge, to overcome! You can think you can, or think you can't. Either way, you'll be correct. Henry Ford, credited with these words, believed he could create the world largest automobile company (when others, didn't believe in him), and perceived every obstacle, as an invigorating challenge! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, how our attitude, in terms of overcoming life's issues, often determines the end - result.
1. Perceiving problems: The sky is falling. Is this, your way of handling life's lemons? When we see something, as being, problematic, it creates a negative attitude, which, does little, to nothing, towards achieving the best resolutions, and/ or, solutions! Those proceeding, this way, often resort to procrastinating, because they permit their fears and apprehensions, to dominate their mindset, attitude, and actions. They proceed, often, with despair, and the belief, It's out of my control, instead of, looking for viable, relevant solutions, and a better, personal, action plan!
2. Seeing obstacles as challenges instead of problems: When you proceed, with a greater degree of open - minded thinking, and self - confidence, you enhance your potential, and possibilities! Instead of limiting your options, alternatives, and opportunities, when you see things, with the perception, I can handle and overcome that, it creates far less stress, and more willingness to proceed forward, with a plan, instead of simply, procrastinating, and trying to avoid, what you perceive as undesirable/ scary, etc. Many things in our lives, can be explained, by looking at how the greatest, sports champions, handle the stresses and strains, of performing, under - pressure! When the game was on the line, the great, Michael Jordan, always, wanted the ball, because, he visualized making the key shot, and the basketball, flying through the net. The greatest professional golfer, of our time, Tiger Woods, always focused on the green, beyond the hazard, instead of the negative possibilities, of having the ball, fall in the hazard!
When you view obstacles as challenges, to overcome, as opposed to, emphasizing potential problems, you do harm, to your ultimate health, and well - being! Will you be your best friend, or worst enemy?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for self - help:

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