Friday 31 July 2020

My 92 Pound Weight Loss Transformation - Before and After Pictures and Videos

3 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Going on a super-strict diet or spending every waking moment at the gym are the only ways to lose weight. However, what's the use of taking go through so much of hard work when at the end of the struggle you are going to end up gaining all the pounds you lost or even worse gain more pounds than you lost. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it? Hard work paying off for a short period of time and then the results are reversed in no time.
To ensure that you bear the fruits of your hard work you need not take the tough path all the time, you can take upon the easy solutions and still be in shape. It is actually possible that you can lose weight with small lifestyle changes. It's time we break the myth.
It is evident that those plenty fad diets out there work to shed pounds rapidly, however, these diets and exercises leave you feeling hungry and deprived.
To keep the pounds off for once and all, it is best that you do it slowly than rapidly. (Slow and steady wins the race, remember?)
Experts have also claimed that you can shed pounds without going on a "diet". The key is simple tweaks to your lifestyle.
Simple Lifestyle changes to lose weight are the easiest changes once can have in their lives in order to lose weight.
So here's the plan, the outlines of which reduce your appetite significantly, make you lose weight (without hunger), and improve your metabolic health.
1. Cut Back on Sugars and Starches - This is the most important step - to cut back on sugar and starches (carbs). Once done, this reduces hunger levels and thus, you end up eating fewer calories. Thus, rather than burning carbs for energy, your body starts feeding off of stored fat. It also lowers insulin levels which causes your kidneys to shed excess sodium and water out of your body. This further reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight.
2. Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables - Each meal that you intake should constitute a protein source, a fat source and vegetables (low in carbs). The best sources of protein are meat, fish and seafood, and eggs. High protein diets have proven to reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts by food and thus, reduces the desire for late-night snacking by half. Don't give a second thought about loading your plate with low-carb vegetables. A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all fibres, minerals, and vitamins which keep you healthy. Your fat source can be from olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and butter. If you'd try low-carb and low-fat at the same, the diet would result in a failure.
3. Lift Weights 3 Times per Week - You need not exercise to lose weight, however, it is recommended. The best option is to go to the gym 3 times a week or 4 at the maximum. All you need to do is a warm-up and lift some weights. When you lift weights, you'll burn calories and also prevent your metabolism from going down, which is a common side effect of losing weight. If lifting weights is off the charts, you can always do some cardio such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming will also suffice.
Besides, the changes in your diet, there are a few tips to lifestyle changes to lose weight. These tips are more likely to act as a catalyst in your weight losing.
1. Drink water half an hour before meals.
2. Drink coffee or tea.
3. Eat your food slowly.
4. Weigh yourself every day.
5. Get a good night's sleep. Every night (Very important)
6. Add more steps in your routine. (Walk 10,000 steps per day)
7. Eat Breakfast Every Day.
8. Close the Kitchen at Night. (You don't want yourself to get in to mindless snacking or late-night munchies)
9. Guzzle water 24/7.
10. Avoid doing anything else while you are eating.
When you reduce your carbs and insulin levels, you change the hormonal environment and make your brain and body adjust to the new changes. This leads to reduced appetite and hunger and thus, it eliminates the reason which most people fail with conventional weight loss methods. These methods have proven to help you lose weight 2-3 times weight as a typical low-fat, calorie-restricted diet.
Green tea is also recommended to add in your list of lifestyle changes to lose weight. Green tea has proven to be associated with several health benefits, including weight loss, because of its rich nutritional and antioxidant makeup. It is beneficial for weight loss by helping the body's metabolism to be more efficient. For supplementing weight loss, 2-3 cups a day of green tea will suffice. Try on these methods and surely you will achieve your body goals.
Good Luck!
Get Set Happy is a lifestyle magazine that inspires you to live your best life - Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. Learn about the Self-care ideas and Self-care activities for taking care of yourself, how to start a home business, Free Blogging Resources, Home-based business Ideas, Healthy Living Tips,

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Thursday 30 July 2020

Foods with No Carbs and No Sugar

3 Keys That Will Help You Lose Weight More Consistently And Keep It Off

If you truly want to lose weight everyday, you have to make sure you are consistently doing the best with what you have. The first key is applying discipline to your daily activities. I know discipline is not something you typically hear people talk about when discussing losing weight or eating healthy. However if you truly want to be able to lose weight without thinking about it, you have to be consistent with energy burning activities and smart about your food choices.
Exercise everyday, You have to have the discipline to follow through everyday. Your goal should be to do 45 minutes of exercise everyday. If you are too busy to do do 45 minutes of exercise at once, break it down to 15 minutes each, Do 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes during your break and 15 minutes at night. What I love most about daily exercise is that when I do it, I feel much more energetic and ready to face the world.
The challenge for me was either not having enough time or not being in the mood or not quite feeling like doing it. How did I overcome this? I reminded myself that sustainable benefits require consistent. When you stop pedaling your bicycle when you are going uphill, you will stat rolling back. When you stop exercising everyday, you will slow down your metabolism and gain more weight.
The second key is confidence. Remember that until you develop enough trust and confidence in the way you consistently lose weight that what others say or think won't matter. Unless you develop the confidence that comes from successful repeated executions of small daily tasks, you will not take enough consistent action to eliminate unnecessary doubt. Though there are many good ways to lose weight and increase your energy level, what will actually work for you, are the methods and activities that fit into your busy schedule and your personality. This is one of the reasons why going to the gym and doing strenuous exercise works for some people and does not work for others.
That approach does not work for me. This is why I focus on moderate exercises like walking around the house, doing jump ropes and doing push ups. I also try to do my exercise with friends and family. They remind me when I forget and I remind them, when they forget. This way we encourage each other, and when necessary hold each other accountable. Who is holding you accountable? How are you building your confidence and trust in your ability to get things done?
The third key is the ability to forgive yourself and begin again. If you forget to eat your veggies and fruits today, eat them tomorrow. If you were only able to do 20 minutes of exercise today, instead of the 45 minutes you planned today, find out why and make adjustments, so that you can become more consistent. A journey of a thousand miles,begins with one step.
Now that you have learned about the 3 keys that will help you lose weight and keep it off, check out other solutions and ideas that will help you in your journey of personal transformation at Dala compass Academy for personal transformation

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Wednesday 29 July 2020

WEIGHT LOSS MISTAKES » + how to succeed

Six Challenges You Must Master to Succeed at Weight Management

It was a typical day in my counseling practice. Angie sat before me, her eyes brimming with tears. "I know what to do to lose weight! I just don't do it! I don't know what's wrong with me." At 250 pounds, Angie had been a yo-yo dieter for years. Angie isn't alone with this problem, of course. We are all familiar with statistics showing that 95 percent of people who diet get no lasting results.
Let's face it. Most adults don't manage their weight very well. That's why two thirds of adults in the U.S. and other Western nations are overweight or obese. There are many reasons why so many people are tipping the scales in the wrong direction. Experts point to stress, genetics, processed foods, and too much sedentary activity.
Nevertheless, solutions abound. There is no shortage of information on how to get a healthy, slim body. Information about healthy living is everywhere: in news papers, magazines, on television shows and documentaries, and of course, all over the Internet. We are constantly advised to eat nutritious, natural foods, avoid sugary foods and drinks, pursue moderate exercise, and get adequate sleep. This advice is plain old common sense.
So do most people find it impossible to follow this practical advice? Why is it that for so many people, weight management is a formidable endeavor, fraught with failure, frustration, and setbacks? Obviously, there is something missing in the equation. That something is self-discipline.
"But, I just totally lack self-discipline!" my overweight clients tell me. My theory is that overweight people don't lack self-discipline. They just don't apply self-discipline in weight management because they don't know how. "Self-discipline" is an abstract concept that is hard to put into practice until you know exactly what it means in terms of attitudes and actions.
In fact, self-discipline can be summed up in terms of six challenges to meet if you want transform your body from fat and flabby to fit and healthy. Here are the six challenges of self-discipline you must master for weight management success.
1. Value behaviors that lead to good health and devalue behaviors that lead to poor health and weight gain.
Ariel was 40 pounds overweight, even though she exercised every day. She was otherwise in good health. She had a yearly physical checkup. She slept well and took vitamin supplements. She was happy in her work and her marriage. Obviously, her weight gain was due to her food intake. There was no other explanation. We both agreed that the problem was that she loved pizza and beer and consumed large quantities two or three times a week. The remainder of the time, she said, she ate sensibly.
Ariel insisted that, even though she wanted to reduce her weight, she was simply not going to modify her intake of pizza and beer. She found it incomprehensible that she would have to alter her behavior in any manner to get the results she wanted.
Yet she insisted that she needed to weigh less. When I asked her how she intended to do it, she said she couldn't think of an answer. When I asked if she was willing to change her intake of pizza and beer, she said "No, I can't do that. But I do want to lose weight." After an hour of this circular conversation, I finally told her that she would have to decide which was more important to her happiness: eating pizza and drinking beer, or taking off those 40 pounds. I said if she chose the former, she had no reason to engage my services.
Ariel was unwilling to implement the obvious solution to her problem. To get her result, she would have to learn to devalue pizza and beer. She would have to find value in an alternative eating behavior that would lead to weight reduction.
To devalue unhealthy behavior and value healthy behavior is the first major challenge of habit modification. If you honestly want a healthier body size you have to stop glorifying unhealthy foods: stop regarding them as a source of comfort, pleasure, or reward. You have to stop ignoring or minimizing the health risks and discomforts of excess weight. You have to start valuing healthy foods and regular exercise. You have to start valuing a healthy body and its attendant advantages. You have to want a healthy, fit body more than you want to eat unhealthy foods. You have to tie having a healthy body to something meaningful to you: attractiveness, confidence, vitality, romance, or maybe even a way to get even with someone who made fun of you because of your weight.
2. Develop sufficient resiliency to the point that you no longer turn to unhealthy foods or drinks when feeling anxiety or discomfort.
Stress makes people gain weight. Stress activates addictive eating behaviors by lowering serotonin. With lower levels of serotonin, many people feel depressed or anxious. These feelings drive many people to seek comfort by over-eating the foods that stimulate the brain's "reward" center. Comforting foods are typically made of sugars and starches (refined carbohydrates) that raise blood sugar levels and give a temporary boost to one's mood. These foods generate excess glucose that gets stored in the fat cells, causing weight gain.
Stress also takes advantage of genetic vulnerabilities, influencing gene expression. If you have a genetic predisposition toward obesity and sugar addiction, too much stress will propel you toward the nearest ice cream shop.
Lastly, stress causes the body to pump out a hormone called cortisol. Over the course of several weeks or months, excess cortisol can cause a host health issues, including the buildup of body fat.
Resilience is determined by the amount of stress we encounter as well as the intensity of the stress we encounter, and the duration of stress. Eliminate unnecessary stressors when you can do so safely and sanely. For unavoidable stressors, you must find sensible ways to engage in active problem-solving. You can buffer the stress in your life and increase resilience with adequate rest, meditation, proper nutrition, moderate exercise, and supportive relationships. To develop your coping skills, you may need guidance from a coach or a therapist.
3. Structure your time to allow for exercise, meal planning and preparation, and adequate sleep.
Moderate exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep are the foundation of a healthy body and brain. Yet consistently finding sufficient time for these activities might seem a formidable challenge. To accomplish it, apply time management skills. You might need to delegate some activities, say no to some requests, reduce your obligations, and cut back on your commitments. Maybe you need to identify your priorities and eliminate activities that waste your time. Careful planning is in order.
To reach your target weight, you need to somehow find time for you. You might have to negotiate with friends and family members so that they respect the time you've set aside for high priority activities: no requests, expectations, or interruptions.
4. Set reasonable, realistic rules for yourself and follow them without equivocation.
Rules simplify our lives. They save us from the hassle of having to make the same decisions over and over. Thus, they conserve our self-control. To be effective, rules must be specific. For example, if you make a rule to "Eat less ice cream," it's too vague to be effective. How much is less? A better rule is: "I will have only six ounces of ice cream only on Saturday nights."
When it comes to a risky behavior, such as eating sweets, you can decide for yourself: do you stop altogether, or do you modify your behavior so that you eat sweets sparingly? This brings us to the subject of moderation versus abstinence. It's essential to decide for yourself which tactic will best serve your interests. In other words, is it easier for you have ice cream just once a week or not at all?
Some people would find it easier to stop eating ice cream altogether. The advantage of abstinence is that it's easier to say no, once and for all, than to endlessly vacillate. It simply requires less mental effort.
Some people, however, would rebel at the thought of abstinence, finding it intolerable. For many people, prohibited foods actually seem more appealing and irresistible. If ice cream is "off limits," it suddenly becomes more tantalizing and harder to resist. The problem with moderation, however, is that it can present a slippery slope to indulgence. One bowl of ice cream easily leads to two or three. Moderation requires more discipline than abstinence.
"Without equivocation" doesn't mean that you have to follow the rules perfectly, without fail, because, sooner or later, you will break a rule. It just means that once you set a rule for yourself, it doesn't help to complain, cheat, doubt, quibble, or otherwise question your own rule. If a rule doesn't serve your needs, change it. If you aren't willing to set rules at all, go back to Challenge #1, above, and decide where your values lie.
5. Develop the determination to regroup in the face of failure, modify your plan, and keep pressing toward the results you want.
Two axioms apply here. The first is: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If you make a plan to release excess weight and you keep failing, maybe the problem isn't your tenacity or willpower. Maybe the plan itself is the problem. If your plan is too ambitious, failure is inevitable. If your plan is too easy, it might not bring sufficient results.
The second axiom is this: Failure is feedback. Failure doesn't mean you're a dolt, or you should give up, or you'll never succeed. It means you achieved an outcome different from the one you intended. Failure leaves clues - information about how to modify your plan for better results. Failure points to areas for correction and improvement. Failure presents an opportunity to do things differently to get another result.
Every time you overindulge or override a rule to the extent that the numbers on the bathroom scale won't budge, or you regain the weight you've reduced, it means you've failed to accomplish an outcome. In the language of recovery, it is a relapse. When it comes to sugar addiction, relapse is to be expected. To succeed, you must regroup, renew your commitment, modify your plan, and resume your efforts.
6. Practice new behaviors, repeating them until you perform them habitually and consistently.
By now it should be evident: If you want to reach your target weight, you must change certain behaviors and develop new habits. When it comes to behavioral change, you have four options: You can stop an existing behavior, start a new behavior, do less of a specific behavior, or do more of a specific behavior.
When it comes to making these behavioral changes, again, specificity will help. If the new or more frequent behavior is something such as exercise, or packing a healthy lunch, or getting to bed by 10 pm, when and how often will you do it? If the change involves stopping or doing less of a behavior, what is your rule? This question matters because you want know that you are achieving the outcome you choose. Lastly, whatever change you choose, you have to do it often enough and long enough to get results. If you aren't getting the results you expect, go back to Challenge #5 above. Re-evaluate and modify your plan.
A final tip: Don't let perfection get in the way of meeting these challenges. When it comes to getting the weight you want, persistence beats perfection any day of the week.
Judith E. Pearson, Ph.D. is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Communication Coach in Springfield, Virginia, providing coaching in interpersonal communication skills, public speaking, and writing to therapists, coaches, business managers, and entrepreneurs. She is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a certified Master Practitioner/Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. She is Executive Director of the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. She is also a free-lance writer/editor and author. Her latest book is Improve Your Writing with NLP. Her web site is

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Tuesday 28 July 2020

3 things I wish I knew before I started my weight loss journey (tips that actually work)

5 Weight Loss Tips for Those Who Cannot Hit the Gym

Whether it is health reasons, lack of access, a very tight schedule, the big project at work, the new baby or you are just too lazy; sometimes it is not possible for us to hit the gym. And with many fitness blogs and books telling us that hitting the gym is the only way out, things might seem hopeless at times. However, here are 5 weight loss tips for those days when visiting the gym is next to impossible.
1. Drink water before eating
Drinking water half an hour before meals is an effective weight loss strategy. This is because water plays two important roles in weight loss. First, drinking water helps you to feel full. This is important during meal times because it may help you eat a smaller portion compared to when you don't drink water. Also, drinking water promotes improved metabolism in the body. This means that it will help you burn more calories thus resulting in weight loss.
2. Avoid unhealthy snacking between meals
Most people fail to understand the fact that unhealthy snacking between meals usually leads to weight gain. Therefore, if you have been wondering why you are not getting any results after months of dieting and vigorous exercise, maybe it's because of that chocolate bar that you always sneak in between lunch and dinner. If you have to snack, then always be prepared to fight those hunger pangs by packing some fruit and other healthy snacks in advance that you can access easily when hunger strikes.
3. Use smaller plates and bowls
It is natural for us to always to load up our plates so they are full. Sometimes our eyes can be bigger than our bellies though! Using big plates and bowls will generally translate to eating larger portions of food. On the contrary, using smaller plates and bowls usually means eating smaller portions. It is a way we can trick our brains into believing that we are full and satisfied. As we eat with our eyes as well as our mouths. By doing this, we can still eat a full plate of food without having to worry about the extra calories or overeating.
4. Get active
Hitting the gym is an effective way of losing weight but getting there isn't always possible. Being sedentary will not get you that "beach body" that you desire. You need to get yourself moving by being on the move as much as possible. Take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator or take an afternoon walk for at least half an hour. Do some squats while waiting for your coffee to be ready or sneak in some lunges and jumping jacks over lunch hour - just find a way to get active and incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
5. Keep a food diary
Weight loss is a game of calories. If you find a way to decrease your calorie intake and increase the amount of calories you burn by boosting your metabolism and by exercising, then you will most definitely lose weight. Be vigilant in paying attention to the labels and nutritional information on every item you consume. Keep a food diary to help you keep track of your diet and calorie intake. There are some really effective apps for doing that these days. Be honest with yourself and note down everything, that means even the seemingly little snacks, as it all adds up
It is true that spending regular time at the gym can give you faster results when it comes to weight loss. However, to be realistic, sometimes we cannot go to the gym for a variety of reasons - especially if we are frequently traveling. The weight loss tips covered in this article can really come in handy during situations like this. It might take a while but with perseverance, you will eventually be just a few steps away from your desired "beach body".
Katie Evans is the founder of Fitter Healthier Me []. Our mission is to provide you with the tools, insights and resources you need to feel fab and look great every single day. See over 25 titles in our Weight Loss eBook Store to support your goals. As a gift, we would also like to give you a FREE eBook: "45 Fantastic (And Surprising!) Ways to Burn More Calories"- click here to learn more now []

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Monday 27 July 2020

The Power of ATTITUDE - A powerful motivational speech by Dr. Myles.

3 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Help You Lose Weight

Going on a super-strict diet or spending every waking moment at the gym are the only ways to lose weight. However, what's the use of taking go through so much of hard work when at the end of the struggle you are going to end up gaining all the pounds you lost or even worse gain more pounds than you lost. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it? Hard work paying off for a short period of time and then the results are reversed in no time.
To ensure that you bear the fruits of your hard work you need not take the tough path all the time, you can take upon the easy solutions and still be in shape. It is actually possible that you can lose weight with small lifestyle changes. It's time we break the myth.
It is evident that those plenty fad diets out there work to shed pounds rapidly, however, these diets and exercises leave you feeling hungry and deprived.
To keep the pounds off for once and all, it is best that you do it slowly than rapidly. (Slow and steady wins the race, remember?)
Experts have also claimed that you can shed pounds without going on a "diet". The key is simple tweaks to your lifestyle.
Simple Lifestyle changes to lose weight are the easiest changes once can have in their lives in order to lose weight.
So here's the plan, the outlines of which reduce your appetite significantly, make you lose weight (without hunger), and improve your metabolic health.
1. Cut Back on Sugars and Starches - This is the most important step - to cut back on sugar and starches (carbs). Once done, this reduces hunger levels and thus, you end up eating fewer calories. Thus, rather than burning carbs for energy, your body starts feeding off of stored fat. It also lowers insulin levels which causes your kidneys to shed excess sodium and water out of your body. This further reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight.
2. Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables - Each meal that you intake should constitute a protein source, a fat source and vegetables (low in carbs). The best sources of protein are meat, fish and seafood, and eggs. High protein diets have proven to reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts by food and thus, reduces the desire for late-night snacking by half. Don't give a second thought about loading your plate with low-carb vegetables. A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all fibres, minerals, and vitamins which keep you healthy. Your fat source can be from olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and butter. If you'd try low-carb and low-fat at the same, the diet would result in a failure.
3. Lift Weights 3 Times per Week - You need not exercise to lose weight, however, it is recommended. The best option is to go to the gym 3 times a week or 4 at the maximum. All you need to do is a warm-up and lift some weights. When you lift weights, you'll burn calories and also prevent your metabolism from going down, which is a common side effect of losing weight. If lifting weights is off the charts, you can always do some cardio such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming will also suffice.
Besides, the changes in your diet, there are a few tips to lifestyle changes to lose weight. These tips are more likely to act as a catalyst in your weight losing.
1. Drink water half an hour before meals.
2. Drink coffee or tea.
3. Eat your food slowly.
4. Weigh yourself every day.
5. Get a good night's sleep. Every night (Very important)
6. Add more steps in your routine. (Walk 10,000 steps per day)
7. Eat Breakfast Every Day.
8. Close the Kitchen at Night. (You don't want yourself to get in to mindless snacking or late-night munchies)
9. Guzzle water 24/7.
10. Avoid doing anything else while you are eating.
When you reduce your carbs and insulin levels, you change the hormonal environment and make your brain and body adjust to the new changes. This leads to reduced appetite and hunger and thus, it eliminates the reason which most people fail with conventional weight loss methods. These methods have proven to help you lose weight 2-3 times weight as a typical low-fat, calorie-restricted diet.
Green tea is also recommended to add in your list of lifestyle changes to lose weight. Green tea has proven to be associated with several health benefits, including weight loss, because of its rich nutritional and antioxidant makeup. It is beneficial for weight loss by helping the body's metabolism to be more efficient. For supplementing weight loss, 2-3 cups a day of green tea will suffice. Try on these methods and surely you will achieve your body goals.
Good Luck!
Get Set Happy is a lifestyle magazine that inspires you to live your best life - Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. Learn about the Self-care ideas and Self-care activities for taking care of yourself, how to start a home business, Free Blogging Resources, Home-based business Ideas, Healthy Living Tips,

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Sunday 26 July 2020


Dieting Is Not Always The Best Choice For Healthy Weight Loss

When people decide they want to lose weight, they almost invariably go to the weight loss standard - they diet. And while dieting may be the most common course of action, why then is yo-yo dieting so prevalent? Let's look at why so much lost weight is re-found quickly, and what other options exist for successful weight loss.
Before coaching someone in weight loss and healthy weight management, or striving to slim down yourself, it's important to discover the underlying reasons for the excess weight in the first place. After all, it only makes sense that if you don't remove these hurdles from your path, you'll end up right back where you started, or worse.
So whether you're somewhat overweight or truly obese, can you define the reasons for it? Don't use the old blanket excuse of 'more calories consumed than used' - what are the real reasons?
Are you an emotional eater? Do you seek out comfort foods when you're feeling hurt, feeling down or depressed? Is loneliness preying on your mind, causing you to look to the fridge for friendship? When you feel the urge to eat something but know you're not really hungry, try to identify where that urge is coming from. Teach yourself that you don't get satisfaction from unhealthy eating patterns and learn to direct that impulse into something more constructive, like going for a walk or calling a friend.
Is it a lack of exercise that's caused your weight issues? Our bodies have evolved over a million years and are still changing with each new generation, but what hasn't changed is the body's need for regular exercise. Your body has learned to store fat for times with no available nutrition, and to burn off muscle that isn't used regularly, as muscle burns up energy even at rest.
All of which helped earlier generations who fought, hunted and scrounged for their food, but does not fit in a world populated with supermarkets and fast-food drive-throughs. Start going for walks or riding a bike, small daily ways to get 30 minutes of exercise each day - when you see how much better you feel it'll be easy to stay motivated and move toward true fitness.
Another common hurdle is a lack of planning or forethought when you go shopping. Do you think about the meals you want to make and have or serve during the coming week? Do you make a list of the healthy ingredients you need to make those meals? And then, do you stick to buying just those items when you go to the grocery store? Almost no one can claim adherence to that last one, yet in most cases when suppertime rolls around we pick and choose from what's in the house, right? So if it doesn't come home from the store it's not going to end up in your digestive track. Choose wisely when you shop and follow the sage advice to never shop while hungry!
These are just a few of the underlying causes of people overeating and becoming overweight or obese - there are many more like cultural & family traditions, food habits learned as kids, even your own perceived target body image and what you feel it would take to achieve that body image. But the only reason or reasons that matter are the ones standing in YOUR way of maintaining a healthy bodyweight & lifestyle.
Yes, in the long run you'll need to come up with a workable nutrition solution that allows you to lose weight and get rid of unwanted bodyfat while maintaining your strength and energy, but find and fix the underlying issues first so your weight loss success isn't short-term. After all, don't you deserve a happy & healthy life with energy to spare?
Coach Doug has been training in various gyms since 1974, and training others on and off since the 1980's. He has competed in bodybuilding as a grandmaster athlete, and is currently powerlifting with an eye to competing over the next couple of years. A Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Fitness Instructor, Coach Doug has also recently completed his diploma in Nutrition. You can follow D. Champigny through his Flirting With Fitness Facebook Page or his Flirting With Fitness Instagram account. And if you're looking for some fitness, strength or nutritional guidance, be sure to reach out to Coach Doug on either platform!

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Saturday 25 July 2020

NO EXCUSES - Best Motivational Video

Discover Just How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Management

Just how can a fast weight loss additionally be a healthy and balanced weight management? Truthfully, if this is the believed on your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people thinking about weight loss today. As a matter of fact, truth idea that most of fat burning seeker are having is, "Exactly how can I have a fast weight loss?" There is no reference of a healthy weight reduction whatsoever! The issue is that everybody wants the results, however does not appreciate what they have to do to get there. Much more notably, they do not care concerning the long term adverse affects that will follow their quick weight-loss. In order to attain your healthy fat burning and also for it to additionally be a fast weight loss, you must make some physical fitness adjusting modifications to your body.
Since we have actually recognized that your mind should be on how a fast weight management must also be a healthy and balanced fat burning, let's obtain you there! We are going to resolve a number of things concerning your life and also just how you live it. I will certainly offer you the courses that you require to take in order for you to reach a healthy and balanced fat burning. Then you will require to go down those courses, individually. How well and also exactly how specialized you are to achieving the completion of those paths will identify whether or not you have a fast weight management. I will certainly provide you the tools to make a healthy weight loss additionally be a fast weight-loss, but you must use them, and also utilize them correctly, for your nd also fast weight management to take place.
Step one, to achieve your healthy and balanced weight loss and fast weight management, will be to make some adjustments to your diet plan. You must, and need to wish to, begin with your diet. If you are a person that has a marginal or non-existent quantity of workout done weekly, then attempting to deal with that step initially can be tragic. If you encounter the health club, prior to you remedy your diet programs deficiencies, you will really feel a great deal of exhaustion throughout workout, as well as possibly fatigue, lightheadedness, and also expanded muscular tissue soreness and also tiredness afterwards. To start your entering a healthy and balanced weight-loss and also quick fat burning, you should initially begin with offering your body the nutrients that it requires. Or else, your quest towards a healthy weight management as well as quick weight-loss will be that far more challenging, as well as much less pleasurable!
The dieting change to start your healthy and balanced weight loss and also fast weight loss trip is your day-to-day food intake. You ought to have three dishes a day, each consisting of a carbohydrate, a fruit or veggie, and also a healthy protein. These items need to likewise be evenly proportioned for each meal. You need to obtain a lot of whole grains in your diet plan, so see to it that your carb resources are entire grain as frequently as feasible. Ensure that you likewise get a lot of good cholesterol in order to keep your cholesterol level in control. This suggests that you ought to be consuming a range of nuts, eggs, and fish and also including olive oil in your diet regimen. As a matter of fact, I would recommend a minimum of one dish a day which includes some sort of fish. Not just is it a good source of healthy protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are included in fattier fishes such as salmon and also mackerel are essential for a healthy and balanced weight reduction as well as fast fat burning, along with healthy and balanced living.
Some fitness adjusting ideas for your healthy weight loss and also fast weight management diet.In the morning, I begin my day with a fruit, a bowl of oat meal and some bacon or sausage, adhered to by a multivitamin. For lunch you must also plan your lunch to include a healthy protein source, a carb, and a veggie. I just have fruit with my meal in the morning, because of the truth that the sugar will assist you to start your day by giving you the power that you need. Veggies consist of even more vitamins and minerals than fruit as well as for that reason must be of greater concentration in your diet. My supper constantly includes a meat, pasta or potatoes, and a fit to be tied veggie or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will certainly reduce the absorption of the carbohydrates right into your body, and also will allow you to burn off soaked up carbs before they can be stored as fat. By following these diet regimen standards, your healthy and balanced weight loss will come to be a fast weight reduction as well. And also, you will certainly have the energy to start the following course towards your healthy and balanced weight reduction and fast fat burning trip that will be found in Stage II.
Think it or not, your healthy fat burning and also quick weight management plan involves treats! In order to make certain that you are sustaining your body's demands for Stage II of your healthy fat burning as well as fast weight reduction trip, you need to have 2 between-meal snacks. I constantly make use of healthy protein bars and protein shakes as my between-meal treat. Nevertheless, I have additionally been recognized to make use of trail-mix that contains much more nuts than fruits. Your goal is to make sure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs to support Phase II of your healthy and balanced weight reduction as well as quick weight management plan. If you need to ever before really feel a food craving for something wonderful, then have an item of fruit. Some fruits have more sugars than others, such as bananas, grapes, pineapples, raisins, as well as mangos, as well as must be eaten sparingly. These are the treats that will aid to lead to your healthy and balanced weight-loss as well as quick fat burning, not to mention a much healthier you.
You have now completed Phase I of your trip in the direction of your healthy fat burning and also quick fat burning. You have begun your health and fitness adjusting process by ensuring that the foods that you take into your body are healthy as well as contain every one of the aspects required for your body's healthy way of life. I will certainly be following this post with Phase II of your healthy weight management as well as fast weight loss trip, but you will be able to obtain even more details relating to correct dieting as well as the take advantage of doing so by clicking my physical fitness tuning web site's link below. You will have the ability to join my complimentary membership web site, as well as gain access to all of the nourishment, diet programs, as well as physical fitness details that I share with every one of my members from week to week. Begin Stage I of your healthy and balanced weight-loss and also fast fat burning trip today, as well as you will certainly soon lead on your own to the results that you want.
Please check out our website for more infomation and articles. Some fantastic infomation and plans availble
Paul Rice site owner

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Friday 24 July 2020

Tom Bilyeu Best Ever Motivational Speeches COMPILATION | MOST INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO EVER

How To Eat Smart And Lose Weight

Do you know how you can eat smart and lose weight?
Eating smart and losing weight is not only about what you eat, it is also about what you do not eat. This whole process begins with setting realistic goals for yourself. You have to consider your ability to eat smart and lose weight part of your process of self-mastery and personal transformation. It is a lifestyle choice.
You have to be able to say "No" to some food offers. What will you do if at the office or a friend's house, and you are offered a mouth-watering plate of ice cream? You have to learn to have a specific plan for the different situations and circumstances that make up your day. For the situation above, you can ask your friends at the office, if they have ice cubes or yogurt? Explain to them, how you love the crunchy sounds of ice cubes between your teeth or how you love the refreshing taste of yogurt in your mouth.
This is part of the process of eating smart. How? You have refused to eat the ice cream without making others feel bad, and you kept yourself focused on your goal of not eating ice cream that day or for the week. You also have to consistently remind yourself to take productive action and stop allowing distractions like negative thinking and purposeless action take away your focus and keep you from achieving your daily goals. It also means that you check the factors that can distract you from your daily mini-goals for healthy eating.
You have to be aware of the different distractions and attractions that occur throughout the year. Birthday parties, graduation ceremonies, weddings, holidays and anniversaries occur throughout the year and may disrupt your well-crafted weight loss plans unless you take proactive action. How can you do this? Do you snack with fruits before parties so that you won't overeat and gain too much weight at the party? This is a simple plan I have been using for some years. I eat a bowl of strawberries and blue berries with an apple or orange before I go for a party. What is the advantage?
The advantage is that when I get to the party, I am not so hungry that I eat without control. Secondly it allows me to selectively focus on the healthier food options offered at the party rather than making choices based on my cravings. This way I am able to avoid packing extra weight and still have a good time at the party. This is part of the process of eating smart and losing weight. I hope these tips will help you in your journey of personal transformation!
Now that you have learned about some of the ways to eat smart and lose weight, check out other tips and solutions on how to effortlessly lose weight, and have more energy and vitality at Dala compass Academy for personal transformation

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Thursday 23 July 2020

After watching this, your brain will not be the same - BEST MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH 2020


Many of my clients have come in complaining of a lack of motivation; from not being motivated enough on the job, to not being able to diet, quit smoking, or get out of bed in the morning. They desire to achieve both positive and negative motivations-positive motivations and being motivations toward doing something; negative motiviations being toward NOT doing something (not smoking, for example).
Almost invariably, the method they have tried before (unsuccessfully) has been to beat themselves into it. This happens through a negative inner dialog, such as: "You lazy person, you'll never get anywhere;" "you have to do this whether you like it or not;" or "no one will ever love you until you do." Sometimes, they have tried bribing or persuading themselves, which works for a while, but fails sooner or later. Sometimes, they have gotten another person to push them around, such as a motivational group, hypnosis, a parent or parent substitute, who will insist that they have to behave.
This third option works quite well for some people for a long time. However, the nature of this persuasion is to overpower the client's natural process, and the people who come to me come because they have rebelled against the authority of that person or group, and find that now they can't do what they would like to because of their rebellion! The truth is, that if we believe someone else is pushing us around, we are not likely to respond cooperatively. Especially when the "pushy person" is oneself!!!
The fact is, no matter how nasty and angry these people get with themselves, they cannot get motivated. Together, my clients and I have had tremendous, verifiable success with these problems, and every client who has worked with me has succeeded in getting motivated, both "negative motivation" and "positive motivation". The reason for such success is htat creating motivation is easy.
I maintain that motivation grows out of celebration and appreciation. I like to state it in equation form: celebration + appreciation = motivation
By this I mean that if you can find a way to appreciate yourself for what you've already accomplished, and to celebrate your previous successes (and believe em, you CAN find a way), you will find you are "magically" motivated to accomplish more. No struggle, no hassle-you accomplish out of the pure fun of success! To illustrate what I mean, I will describe two possible employers. The "bad boss" and the "good boss".
The Bad Boss
-Operates through intimidation and criticism...
-Always complains; never praises (you only know you're doing OK because the boss says nothing)
-Gets nasty if you make a mistake
-Humiliates you in front of others
-Never thinks you've done enough
-Assumes you are lazy and dishonest
-Changes the rules arbitrarily
-Is never satisfied of pleased
(get the picture?)
The Good Boss
-Praises Frequently
-Always lets you know when you're doing well
-Asks you what you need whenever you've made a mistake;
-Is very helpful
-Is concerned about your well-being as well as your productivity
-Assumes you want to do a good job
-Helps you feel like part of the team
-Treats you as a valued human being
-Is clear about the duties expected of you.
Both of these bosses have the same goal: to get the job done. However, there is a big difference in the success of their individual management styles. Think about your probable reaction to the two styles of management. The bad boss's office is characterized by tension and anger. People work only to keep the boss off their backs, and consequently goof-off whenever he/she is not around. They are not efficient, because they are not motivated to accomplish anything, merely to avoid the boss's anger. They are operating in a mental state we call "adaptation", which is focused on keeping someone (usually someone angry or nasty) off their backs.
They have little loyalty to anything but their paychecks, and perhaps each other, as mistreated prisoners are loyal to each other when confronting the jailer. Offices which are characterized by inefficiency and disharmony. If this boss requires overtime, he/she encounters resistance.
If you were working for this boss, how would you feel? Would you go to work happily each day? Would you volunteer for extra work? Would you look forward to each new assignment? Probably not. In short, you would not feel highly motivated, would you?
On the other hand, the employees of the good boss tend to care about themselves and their jobs. They feel proud of their accomplishments, and eager to learn more and accomplish more. If the boss is gone, the work still goes on, because people are in a mental state of motivation, and are being gratified by their sense of accomplishment. When this boss requests overtime, he/she will be met with a cooperative response.
Again, take a moment and picture yourself in this situation. How would you feel? Would you feel eager to please this boss? Would you look forward to his/her reaction to your latest work? Would you be willing to help out, if extra work were necessary? Most likely, you would-you would feel enthusiastic and motivated, looking forward to work each day.
Notice the difference in your energy in the two situations. Which boss would you rather work for? Hopefully, it's as obvious to you as it is to me. I would prefer the good boss (just the names I have chosen for the two styles have probably made that obvious.)
In the daily tasks and situations of our lives, we become our own bosses; whether we are aware of it or not. We have a choice about which kind of a boss we wish to be to ourselves. If you decide as most of my clients (and myself) have, you will choose to become the good boss to yourself. This means you learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, be very generous with praise, and gentle with corrections. Then you will accomplish your goals with a sense of pride and achievement, and a great deal of pleasure. You will feel motivated, and wonder why you never realized how easy it was.
All of this can be accomplished through the two "magic motivators": celebration and appreciation. Most of us know how to appreciate others. However, when it comes to ourselves, we feel embarrassed and uncomfortable if we are too generous with praise.
Years of being told not to brag or to be stuck up when we were young have taken their toll, and self-appreciation comes awkwardly. However, if motivation is a desirable trait, then self-appreciation becomes necessary and desirable too. The good news is that you can learn it.
If you would like to learn self-appreciation and it is difficult for you, I recommend practicing in several ways. Many of my clients have found it fun to buy small gold foil star stickers (just like in grade school) and award them to themselves for jobs well done, or any achievements they wish to celebrate. Pasting the stars on a calendar daily can be very effective. Go ahead, award yourself lots!
Other kinds of stickers are readily available. One of my clients rewarded herself for being successful in her eating program with small stickers representing jelly beans, chocolates and ice cream cones! She got her dessert in praise instead of calories.
Also, it can be effective to remember back to childhood parties and celebrations. One of my clients was told never to make noise because her grandmother was ill. However, shewas allowed to play her accordion as loud as she wanted to when she practiced. To this day, playing her accordion feels like a celebration and a chance for her to sound off. Early birthday parties or holiday outings that were special can also be tapped for ideas. If Mom always cooked a turkey for a big occasion, or set the table with the best china, or a bottle of champagne was served, then those ingredients can indicate celebration and accomplishment.
Crepe paper streamers, banners, candles, balloons, flowers, special clothing (your fanciest shoes, a new hat) gatherings of friends, trophies, diplomas and awards can all indicate achievements worth celebrating. Try using one or two of these items on occasions for which you wish to generate motivation.
If you are nervous on the first day of the new job, celebrate completing the day with sparkling apple juice or diet cola served in your best champagne flutes, and candles on the dinner table. Put a few gold stars on your calendar for getting through a difficult homework assignment. Buy your little girl a trophy engraved with her name for cleaning up her room for a whole month.
There is no such thing as too much praise or celebration. Is there too much motivation? Of course not-the more the merrier. Fresh flowers on the table just to say how much you appreciate yourself can do a lot toward making you happier any day. A new trashy romance novel can be a great reward/celebration for reading your required technical books.
The important point is that celebration of what you have accomplished already will create motivation to accomplish more.
Get creative with your celebrations, have fun. Celebrate a cherished friendship with an impromptu lunchtime picnic, and a balloon. Above all, have fun. That's the objective!
If you find yourself around someone who takes command and tells you what you should be doing, or comments unasked about how you are doing things wrong, or otherwise appoints him/herself as the boss in your life, you may find your newly-created motivation flagging. Remember to fire them as your boss. It's YOUR life, and you are doing whatever you are doing because you WANT to. You need to give no better reason to anyone but yourself.
Once you have fired this self-appointed boss, then you may need to remind yourself of how much you have accomplished without that kind of help. Celebrate your independence, your spirit, your willingness to be responsible for yourself.
It is also possible to set up informative books, articles, television authorities, gurus, etc. up as your boss-in which case, you will again find your motivation flagging. These informational aids can be useful, but only if your keep them in perspective.
Remember, the boss gets information about how to run things, gets educated, goes for help when necessary, BUT the boss is still in charge. The information is there for your use, but no expert, (no, not even a therapist) can know if the information is right for you.
If you remember who the boss is, then you will use the information wisely and judiciously, rejecting whatever there is that does not suit your style or personality. You will use it to support and further your goals, and to aid in the celebration of your accomplishments.
Whenever you find your motivation flagging, look around for how you are doing at being your boss. Are you using a motivational, supportive style? Have you let someone else take over your authority? Is there some appreciation you need?
Take a few minutes with yourself every day just for appreciation. It's easy, fun, and very effective. Imagine living every day energized and motivated!!

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5 Weight Loss Tips for Those Who Cannot Hit the Gym

Whether it is health reasons, lack of access, a very tight schedule, the big project at work, the new baby or you are just too lazy; sometimes it is not possible for us to hit the gym. And with many fitness blogs and books telling us that hitting the gym is the only way out, things might seem hopeless at times. However, here are 5 weight loss tips for those days when visiting the gym is next to impossible.
1. Drink water before eating
Drinking water half an hour before meals is an effective weight loss strategy. This is because water plays two important roles in weight loss. First, drinking water helps you to feel full. This is important during meal times because it may help you eat a smaller portion compared to when you don't drink water. Also, drinking water promotes improved metabolism in the body. This means that it will help you burn more calories thus resulting in weight loss.
2. Avoid unhealthy snacking between meals
Most people fail to understand the fact that unhealthy snacking between meals usually leads to weight gain. Therefore, if you have been wondering why you are not getting any results after months of dieting and vigorous exercise, maybe it's because of that chocolate bar that you always sneak in between lunch and dinner. If you have to snack, then always be prepared to fight those hunger pangs by packing some fruit and other healthy snacks in advance that you can access easily when hunger strikes.
3. Use smaller plates and bowls
It is natural for us to always to load up our plates so they are full. Sometimes our eyes can be bigger than our bellies though! Using big plates and bowls will generally translate to eating larger portions of food. On the contrary, using smaller plates and bowls usually means eating smaller portions. It is a way we can trick our brains into believing that we are full and satisfied. As we eat with our eyes as well as our mouths. By doing this, we can still eat a full plate of food without having to worry about the extra calories or overeating.
4. Get active
Hitting the gym is an effective way of losing weight but getting there isn't always possible. Being sedentary will not get you that "beach body" that you desire. You need to get yourself moving by being on the move as much as possible. Take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator or take an afternoon walk for at least half an hour. Do some squats while waiting for your coffee to be ready or sneak in some lunges and jumping jacks over lunch hour - just find a way to get active and incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
5. Keep a food diary
Weight loss is a game of calories. If you find a way to decrease your calorie intake and increase the amount of calories you burn by boosting your metabolism and by exercising, then you will most definitely lose weight. Be vigilant in paying attention to the labels and nutritional information on every item you consume. Keep a food diary to help you keep track of your diet and calorie intake. There are some really effective apps for doing that these days. Be honest with yourself and note down everything, that means even the seemingly little snacks, as it all adds up
It is true that spending regular time at the gym can give you faster results when it comes to weight loss. However, to be realistic, sometimes we cannot go to the gym for a variety of reasons - especially if we are frequently traveling. The weight loss tips covered in this article can really come in handy during situations like this. It might take a while but with perseverance, you will eventually be just a few steps away from your desired "beach body".
Katie Evans is the founder of Fitter Healthier Me []. Our mission is to provide you with the tools, insights and resources you need to feel fab and look great every single day. See over 25 titles in our Weight Loss eBook Store to support your goals. As a gift, we would also like to give you a FREE eBook: "45 Fantastic (And Surprising!) Ways to Burn More Calories"- click here to learn more now []

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Wednesday 22 July 2020


Can A Good Tasting Dieting Help You Lose Weight?

There are many diet's available to help you achieve your weight goals. Many of these will allow to loss weight with a nutritious and good tasting diet. These weight reduction systems will also need you include exercise in you daily routine. You now might be asking what are these diets? Here are some of these weight reductions systems that are nutritious and taste great.
Ketogenic Diet
This diet will help you achieve your weight loss goals and help you with other health related issues. You will be able to consume nuts and seeds such as almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, pecans and many more. Other foods sources could include various types of cheese. There many types of cheese and can be included in your morning breakfast and with various types of pasta dishes at lunch or dinner.
Berries should also be included in the ketogenic diet such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. These tiny fruits are loaded with antioxidants. have been credited with reducing inflammation and protecting against disease. Antioxidants are substances that prevent or slow damage to your cells caused by free radicals or unstable molecules found in your body. These free radicals are caused by your environment and other factors such as various pressures you face in your daily life.
Consuming these foods in the ketogenic diet will help you achieve your weight reduction goals and provide with other health benefits. However as with all weight reduction diets you must include exercise in your daily routine. This could be as simple as going for a walk with your dog. This will be good for you and your fury friend.
Smoothie Diet
This weight reduction system can be very nutritious and tasty. You will need to have access to a blender. You will need to make two or three smoothies a day using your blender. It is recommended you invest in a good quality blender if you already do not have access to one.
This diet can achieve rapid weight reduction, however this can gained back if you go back to your pervious eating habits according to some experts.
You must also stick the guidelines for this type of diet as many people use to many fruits and not enough vegetables. Focus on fruits and vegetables that contain protein and healthy fats.
Paleo Diet
This diet allows you to eat animal protein and useful in building lean muscle mass. The main ingredients of this diet will be whole grain foods. Chicken and fish can be included in this diet.
This diet generally excludes foods were produced after mankind started to plow the ground. Because of this it is often called the paleolithic or caveman diet.
You will have to stick the guidelines of these diets in order to achieve your weight loss goals. You must also include the necessary exercise in your daily routine.
Best Regards
Weight reduction will require a change in your diet and a change in your daily routine. There are number diets you can that a nutritious and taste good.These will also allow to help make changes in life style that are not extreme. CLICK HERE to learn more.

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Tuesday 21 July 2020

Odd Ways To Stay Motivated to Lose Weight (r/AskReddit)

6 Interesting Fitness Classes You Probably Haven't Tried But Should

Try These 6 Workouts To Mix Up Your Routine
Head to a group fitness class to keep your workout routine interesting, challenging and fun. You'll get the best of both worlds - an fun workout with the structure and guidance necessary from a qualified instructor. There are so many options out there now for group classes. Choose from aerial yoga and rebounding to underwater spinning, cardio circuits, pilates reformer classes and so much more.
You'll usually find a pretty comprehensive schedule at most gyms. Fitness has evolved so much so for the most part, most gyms have a large selection of classes. If you don't find what you're looking for at your gym, there are also great group classes offered at smaller studios and boutique fitness centers that might be worth checking out too. We offer a few of the classes below at our fitness vacation too which provides variety in the daily line up. Either way, if you're looking for something different and feeling like you need a change in your normal line up, check out these classes.
You probably thought hula hooping was either a thing of the past or something you only did as a kid. Think again! Hula hooping classes have become a fantastic way to move your body in a whole different way. Set to music, you'll move and groove to your instructor's choreography.
Fitness hoops are usually weighted which gives you a little resistance and makes this class more challenging than the regular hooping you might have done years ago. You'll have to stabilize to maintain control and balance all while getting your heart rate up!
According to the American Council On Exercise, you can burn up to 600 calories per hour with this full body workout. Plus, you'll improve flexibility and balance we well as strengthen the muscles in your back, abs, arms and legs. Some gyms even fuse hooping in other classes like Pilates and yoga.
Gliding discs make any workout more challenging. Generally, gliding discs are placed under hands or feet depending on the movement cranking up the intensity level in a non impact kind of way. You'll have to exert more to maintain balance, stability and control while going through movements like lunges, squats, skaters, plank moves, mountain climbers, shuffles and so much more. Sound like fun?
You can try gliding at a local gym or studio. Some classes are all gliding - 50 minutes of upper body, lower body and core work. Some studios may also fuse gliding, like hula, into other fitness classes to mix things up. Either way, the moves are fun and effective. Pro Tip: If you glide at home, you can always use paper plates on carpet or towels on hard wood floors. Be careful of slipping though. Test out a few moves before you get started with a full on workout.
Bodyweight tabata is one of our guest's favorite classes at the retreat. This class can be done anywhere but we do it on the beach so the views and the atmosphere make it a whole different ballgame. This fitness class is challenging! Most of the movements are moves that many people have done before - push ups, planks, dips, squats, lunges, power jacks, forearm get ups, fast feet and more. Doesn't sound complicated or hard, right? It's the format and the tempo that change everything for this workout though.
If you're not familiar with Tabata, the format is 20 seconds of intense work followed by 10 seconds of rest 8 times. For example, we would do 20 seconds of push ups x 10 seconds of rest 8 times which is equal to about 4 minutes. 20 seconds of work might not sound like a lot but when you repeat it over and over and over again, it taxes muscles in a really great way. You'll sure to feel the burn with this workout!
Don't worry, you don't have to join us for a fitness vacation just to try out this class. There are plenty of gyms and studios that offer it too. Be on the look out for Tabata or even a HIIT class that uses bodyweight only.
A recovery class, this focuses on releasing tight, tense muscle and connective tissue. In general, we do so much tightening and strengthening and not enough of the recovery work to keep our muscle and fascia relaxed and balanced. Some stretch classes will fuse myofascial release in with them. Other classes may focus solely on deep release or foam rolling.
According to Yoga Medicine, the term myofascial release refers to any technique that works on the muscles and the fascia. There are many different modalities; however, the most common self-myofascial release (SMFR) techniques usually involve the use of balls or foam rollers. The beauty of SMFR is that it can be done with simple tools and training. Which means, it is a very accessible tool.
You will most likely see a blend of group classes and/or private sessions when it comes to this type of recovery work. Either way, it's important as part of a balanced fitness routine. It's also important to do it correctly so although you could do this at home, I would highly recommend taking at least one class or session from a professional to learn proper technique.
Depending on the fitness center and/or class, you might see this termed either as aerial yoga or aerial silks. Either way, get ready for a totally different yoga experience! These classes are basically a combination of yoga and acrobatics. You'll explore asanas from a supportive material (like a hammock) that hangs from the ceiling. This support will give you less joint compression during certain inversions and better range of motion for other poses like hip opening pigeon.
Now, this might sound tricky but it's not as crazy as it sounds on paper. You don't need prior experience but be sure to let the instructor know it's your first time. Although you'll be using material suspended from the ceiling, your feet will still be able to touch the ground. As you practice this type of yoga, you'll get a chance to improve your strength and flexibility. We all need a little bit of that!
A whole class dedicated to balance training? Yes! Channel your inner gymnast - OK not really but get ready to improve your balance and coordination. Balance training is great for everyone. It's something we practice at the retreat on a consistent basis. What makes these types of classes fun for people though is the inclusion of different pieces of equipment.
For example, we use small stability discs, larger balance aids like the Bosu and even balance tools that resemble a balance beam to strengthen feet and ankles, challenge balance and refine the mind body connection. It makes the class challenging and fun all at the same time. Many of the movements require focus and concentration making this class a totally different experience. It's tough and challenging but it goes by quickly because you have to really think about what you're doing.
Check your local fitness studio for balance classes. Again, you may see fusion classes that incorporate a combination of balance and strength or balance and core so be on the lookout for creative names and read descriptions.
Have fun with fitness! Try new workouts to keep your head and your body in the game. Change is always good and it's fun to mix it up with interesting workouts. You might find a new favorite fitness class! If you're unsure of the classes and what they entail, ask an employee so you can get a better understanding of what you might be getting into.
Enjoy trying something new. Don't get discouraged if you have a little bit of a hard time in that first class. It's normal! Give yourself a break and a chance to learn a new activity. Most instructors will offer modifications but feel free to as for one if you're uncomfortable or unsure of an exercise.
If you're not sure where to start or where to look for classes, check out Class Pass. It's a great way to try out a bunch of different classes and studios in your area.
Margot Rutigliano is a freelance writer as well as the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness retreat offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit

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