Monday 25 May 2020

Are You Overweight or Obese? Get the Scientific Fact and Treat It

Here is an eye-opener.
A 2016 study by National Center for Health Statistics, an arm of CDC (Centers for Disease Control) finds that 36.5% of Americans are obese and additional 32.5% are overweight. So in all more than two thirds of Americans are FAT, FAT, FAT! For the rest of the article, I will use the word Fat to defind Obese and Overweight. Being either of these simply means your body is carrying excessive fat.
Note though that fats are an essential part of our diet. They perform several crucial functions. Maintaing your skin's health, absorbing vitamins and nutrients
Are you or some you love one of them?
Let me dig deeper. Let us find out what constitutues Fat. And what it does to your life and lifestyle.
According to several experts including Mayo Clinic, these are the headline symptoms:
Weight status
Below 18.5
30.0 and higher
Weight status
Below 18.5
30.0 and higher
Weight status
Below 18.5
higher than 30.0
To calculate your BMI, divide your weight by your height in inches (squared), multiply by 703 and round to 1 decimal place. You can use several BMI calculators available on the internet. So if your weight is 225 pounds, and height is 6 feet, your BMI is 30.5. You would be borderline obese. Generally, BMI over 30 is considered obese. While borderline obsesity should not cause much concern, if you have other health issues--e.g. weak heart, or high blood pressure or elevated glucose level, you should definitely get into a weight reduction program. Ideal BMI level according to physians, BMI between 18.5-24.9 is considered normal. however, if you have other conditions (diabetes, hypertension etc., family history etc.) then you want to be closer to 18.5.
2. Trouble sleeping
3. Sleep apnea. This is a condition in which breathing is irregular and periodically stops during sleep.
4. Shortness of breath
5. Varicose veins
6. Skin problems caused by moisture that accumulates in the folds of your skin
7. Persistent pain in weaight bearing joints
8. Pregnancy
Here are some true and tried--and simple practices to reduce or eliminate obesity. As with any practice involving your body, you should consult your physician before trying out any regimen.
1. Modest diet- reduce your caloric content by 500-1,000 per day
2. Exercise- initially under the supervision of a trained professional
3. Weight reducing medicine with or without prescription (Orilstat is over the counter)
4. For extreme cases surgical procedeures are available--Gastroplasty or Larposcpic gastric banding. But these should be the last resort, after you have consulted with the physician AND after supervised treatement has failed. This includes exercise, diet, caloric measure, stress suppression and at least six month regimen.

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