Wednesday 31 March 2021

Tips And Strategies To Help You Lose Weight After The Holidays

 Tips and strategies for losing weight after holidays. The first step you need to take when trying to lose weight after the holidays is to weigh yourself. This is a simple and easy step that most people forget to take. Why is it important? If you weigh yourself, you will find out how much weight you need to lose. You will also have to find out how much weight you gained over the holiday period.

The second step will be do a 72-hour food audit so that you can identify the type of food, you typically eat This help you identify the food you need cut down on. it could be high density energy food types like pizza or it could be fast food. It could also be that the frequency and quantity of food that you eat has increased. If you notice that you have been eating more food over the holidays, then one of the strategies you can use to lose weight after the holidays is cut down on the quantity of food you eat after the holidays. Start today!

Drink at least a glass of water per meal. Why? Research has shown that drinking water before a meal will help to expand your stomach. This approach will make you feel completely full when you are only 80% full. This is important because eating only up to 80 % full was one of the common practices of people of Okinawa in Japan, who have the highest number of centenarians in the world (Boyle & Long, 2010). If you want to lose weight relentlessly without making it seem like a tedious task then drink at least two glasses of water per meal and eat more fruits and vegetables. This will help you reduce your total calorie intake per meal and slowly lose weight without counting calories.

Apart from starting every meal with a glass of water, make sure you also add vegetables, like cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach and bananas to your meals. Eating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables per meal with reduced portions of your regular or usual meal will significantly help you to lose significant pounds and keep them off. Remember calories in calories out.

Do you know the factors that make you want to eat more food? One factor is stress. If you truly want to lose height, you need to make sure that you do not get too stressed out about your post holiday bills or relationship issues. Wren you regularly write down what stresses you out, and what you eat after you are stressed out, you will be in better control to lose weight and keep it off. This is part of the process of relentless self-mastery.

Now that you have learned about some of the tips and strategies that would help you lose weight and keep it off after the holidays, please sign up for more holistic strategies for relentless transformation and self-mastery Dala Compass Academy

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Monday 29 March 2021

Weight Loss, Exercise, And 5 Ways To Dominate!

 It's confusing, isn't it?

Diet can be tricky with regards to losing weight, but then comes exercise.

And you know you have to do it. If you think you can lose weight without exercise, you are deluding yourself!

The question is, which plan?

You watch videos... no help!

You read about it... you may as well try to read the Egyptian hieroglyphics.

And yet, without exercise, you know you are going to lose.

Lose the drive, lose the body, and especially, lose this battle.

And this is a battle you want to win, not lose!

Losing is simply not an option.

So you are stuck. Confused. Annoyed. And probably hungry!

You need to choose an exercise plan, but which one...
Too much exercise, and you will start hurting. You may cause injury, and you will give up.

Too little, and there isn't much weight loss to measure. What was the point in even starting?

And yet, you know, exercise is important. You cannot seriously try to lose those pounds, without taking up exercise.

You tried to avoid it. You tried to stick to a diet, to a decent amount of sleep. Heck, you've even tried hypnosis.

Yet, exercise remains the key that unlocks the door to the body that you can only dream off. And you are desperate to force that door open!

And you want it to open now!

But the ultimate question is, what do you do?

That's one of the biggest issues with exercise programs. Too much information, not enough direction.

Annoying though it is to say, but it does boil down to what you need. (Sorry to be vague).

Everybody is different. That is to say, every, 'body' is different. And as a result, what works for someone, won't always work for you.

Regardless of your commitment to losing weight in terms of the food you eat, exercise will be an essential part of your weight loss program.

But all is not lost...
Consider the tips below for maintaining motivation and maximizing your potential, starting with the fact that you can try changing your exercise routine four times a year.

Keep track of your exercise routine change times with any calendar, in order to give yourself a clear idea of start and stop dates for a particular exercise routine.

Recording your weight.

Put simply, incorporate the use of a symbol such as a checkmark for the days during the exercise period that you actually exercise. Record your weight during the four times during the year to keep track of your weight loss goals.

If you are still not satisfied with your weight loss results at the end of a particular three-month period, firstly determine whether you missed more days of exercise during that period of time than you typically miss during a specific three-month period.

But what happens if, when you record your weight, there is very little change, you need help, or there is no gym... that's next!

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Saturday 27 March 2021

How To Take Action Consistently And Lose Weight

 If you want to lose weight consistently, you have to consistent action. Extraordinary results require extraordinary effort. Talking and planning aren't enough to make progress with most tasks. This will include losing weight. Don't spend your time dreaming or planning about how you would lose weight after the holidays or next year. Today is as good a time as any to start losing weight, provided you start taking action.

If you have the best ideas, but don't take action, it will be a waste of time and mental energy. It's important to spend the majority of your time actually doing something that will help you achieve your desired results. Consistent action is the key. You can't lose weight by exercising once a week or reducing your food portion once a month. Daily consistent action is required

The first thing you need to realize is that nothing will change until your behavior changes. Visualization and positive self-talk have their place, but they're only effective if your behavior changes. You can try to wish your way to a new Rolls Royce, or to make a million dollars by aligning your chakras with the universe, but it won't happen unless you're actually doing something different. You can't lose weight by reading about weight loss without actually taking action. You need to understand that a consistent change in your behavior is the key to real change.

The second thing you need to know the outcome you desire and make it determine your actions. It's not easy to take action if you don't know what you're attempting to accomplish. Be clear on your intention. Take the time to determine what you want to accomplish. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? What actions can you take today to move in that direction? What action can you take today? How much weight do you expect to lose in the next six months?

While it is important to begin with the end in mind, you have to remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Start by taking small steps. Do you want to jog for 60 minutes each day? Get started by jogging for five minutes each day. You won't get in shape by exercising for only five minutes, but you will develop the habit of getting out the door each day. After a week, up the time by another minute or two. Typically after about 3-6 weeks, you'll have developed an exercise habit and can begin to make a difference for you..

Don't spend too much time planning to begin taking action. Limit your planning time. Those that are slow to take action love to plan, but the best plans are worthless until they're executed. While you're trying to work out the fine details, everyone else is already taking care of business. Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the possible. One way to take action quickly is to start early. Get started early in the day. If you can accomplish something worthwhile before 9AM, you'll be motivated to do even more during the rest of the day. Don't form the habit of putting off your actions until tomorrow. Take action today and don't try to let yourself off the hook by telling yourself that you'll get twice as much done tomorrow. This is particularly important if you want to consistently lose weight by taking daily action.

Now that you have learned about how taking consistent action can help you achieve more of your goals, you can also find out more ways to achieve greater self-mastery, optimal health and relentless transformation by signing up for the program at the Dala Compass Academy

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Thursday 25 March 2021

5 Things Needed For Any Diet To Work!

 At any specific, point - in - time, millions of Americans, as well as others, around the world, are dieting, in some form, or another! The motivations, reasons, concerns, action plan, efforts, discipline, etc, may differ, but, regardless, of which one, there are five key things, needed, for any weight - loss/ diet, plan, to work, effectively. There is no such thing, as, one - size - fits - all, in terms of, which method, and/ or, approach, might work, best, for someone, because there are many diets, and weight - loss programs, which work for some, but, aren't effective, for others! However, regardless of which approach, and/ or, plan, is used, there are 5 things needed, for any diet, to bring, the desired results. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, these, and why, they are meaningful, and significant.

1. Mindset: Any specific plan will only work, when one possesses the necessary, mindset, and being ready, to commit to this effort, on a consistent, disciplined manner! Perhaps, considering Groucho Marx's famous line, It's a matter of mind over matter. If you don't have a mind, it doesn't matter. In other words, before any specific plan, will have the results, the individual has to be ready, and have the motivations, to commit, to it!

2. Health concerns/ warnings: Many attempt to lose weight, after visiting their doctor, and being strongly advised, doing so, is necessary, to address specific health concerns. At other times, there are certain warnings, people heed, such as their appearance, pain in joints, and other early warning signs, of specific health - related challenges!

3. Commitment: For any program, to work, it takes significant commitment, to pursue, and move forward, even when it is difficult, challenging, or, there may seem to be, an easier path! When someone commits to any specific diet, there are times, when it may not seem worth the effort, but, if one wants to be successful, it requires patience, and looking at the bigger - picture!

4. Discipline: How can anyone proceed, forward, unless/ until, he has the degree of self - discipline, to maintain the quest, and resist/ overcome the temptations!

5. Resist temptation: One of the many challenges, thrust in the path, of those, seeking to lose weight, is the temptation, to abandon it, because of specific conditions, etc, which might interfere with those efforts. Do you have the inner strength, and fortitude, to resist these temptations?

Since, so many seek to lose weight, wouldn't it make sense, and be beneficial, to be prepared, for obstacles, to this quest? Are you really committed to dieting?

Richard has owned businesses (including natural health products), been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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Tuesday 23 March 2021

8 Common Mistakes in Losing Weight

 To look good, people massively undergo different diets, but often they do not get the desired result.

Here are some of the most common mistakes made while trying to lose weight and how to speed up this process.

Mistake # 1. You did not solve the psychological problem

In most cases, the main reason for weight gain is psycho-emotional problems which is more or less deep rooted. They can be associated with childhood traumas, personal relationships, whether unrealized or been aware and hidden. While you are not digging the root of the problem, you will lose weight, and then re-eat. And this process will become endless. It's like wiping water without closing the tap.

What to do? - To understand, finally, why you are actually overeating, either talk to yourself frankly, or contact a psycho-analyst, so that they find this problem and help you work through it.

Mistake # 2. Do not pay attention to health

The most common physiological causes of weight gain are different kinds of hormonal failures and a number of diseases. In particular, hypothyroidism and other thyroid dysfunction, kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, hypothalamic dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, pancreatic and digestive system disorders, etc. lead to weight gain. If you do not overeat, and the weight grows, it can be related also with heart failure or nephrotic syndrome (due to puffiness).

What to do? - It is necessary to undergo a full physical examination. I'm sure that food helps to cure all diseases, but it's ideal to plan "nutritionally" when designing your diet plan, solving not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health problem. However, serious cases may require drug support.

Mistake # 3. Restriction of the diet

To get rid of excess weight, most "sit down" on some new-fangled diet or an old, proven nutrition system that sharply limits the consumption of fats or carbohydrates. Often this works, and the weight goes away, but this approach does not solve the problem: as soon as we return to the usual food (as a rule, imperceptibly for ourselves), old kilograms return, and quite quickly, and with 5-6 additional kg.

What to do? - To create either a diet or a balanced diet, on which you can live all your life (changing the details and mood, depending on the mood and season, but at the same time keeping the base). Products should be uniquely pleasant to you, and also useful for your health and figure.

The basis of the menu should ideally consist - greens, fiber, raw vegetables and fruits, vegetable fats, seafood, fish, a few nuts and whole grains.

Mistake # 4. Calorie counting

World nutritionists have long since abandoned calorie counting and yet this tradition is still alive. And the advice to count calories is given by people who call themselves "professionals". What can you eat, for example, at 1400 Kcal, recommended for weight loss to women? Option number one - two chocolates. Option number two - a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, consisting of products saturated with vitamins and minerals. In the first case, you will sharply increase the level of sugar, which will provoke a wolfish appetite, and in the end you will eat a mountain on a roll. In the second you will be full, happy, and the weight will continue to comfortably and smoothly leave.

In most cases, the main reason for weight gain is psycho-emotional problems

What to do? - Eat consciously by choosing a meal rich in vitamins and microelements, which, with small portions, can provide maximum saturation.

Mistake # 5. Drinking less water

Water is necessary for our body to normalize metabolic processes, active blood circulation, well-coordinated work of all organs and systems, elimination of excess fluid, toxins and degradation products from the body. Many drink little, because they do not feel thirsty. In fact, we feel thirst only when the body is dehydrated and screaming for help.

What to do? - Drink at least 2.5 litres of clean water a day. Tea, juices do not count.

Mistake # 6. Lack of movement

Many hope to lose weight without sports. It's possible, but hard: the weight will go slowly, and one day it will stop. Many think the difference between consumed calories and calories spent will have to be increased by limiting the menu, and this is not right. The body will quickly switch on the economy mode, and all the work will go wrong, not to mention the physiological and psychological discomfort.

In addition, without training, the skin will hang, and the muscles will lose shape. As a result, the body will become flabby and unattractive. Do not forget also that with physical activity the body produces endorphins, which contribute to a good mood and sense of satisfaction. And a positive attitude in our lives is simply necessary!

What to do? - Start doing the kind of activity that you like. Go out, buy a subscription to the gym, swimming pool, attend group sessions in the fitness room or go dance. Accustom yourself at least half an hour a day to train at home. You can download sets of exercises and do them as soon as you have free time. In any case do not push yourself too hard at the beginning, gain speed gradually.

Mistake # 7. Strength training

Through strength training it is harder to get rid of fat, and when exercising, the muscle mass begins to grow (so there may even be an increase in weight), but fat will not go away - it can only be burned by cardio. In this case, many do not like them, and believe that they can lose weight through eating and strength training. In fact, if that is not enough, you really will visually lose weight, but the subcutaneous fat will remain, and will continue to interfere with the work of internal organs as before. And most of the outside will be evenly distributed over the body from the strength exercises. Once you stop working out, the muscles will fall off and the look will not be the best.

What to do? - You need to add cardio to strength exercises. It can be running, cycling, exercise bike, jumping rope, circular and interval training.

Mistake # 8. Desire for immediate results

One of the most common mistakes is unrealistic expectations. Many people want, regardless of the amount of excess weight, to get rid of it in a couple of weeks. And if this does not happen, they quickly lose inspiration. Especially if a hungry diet and gruelling training stopped producing results (and such an outcome in this case is inevitable).

What to do? - Stop panicking and analyse what you did wrong. If it's hard for you, ask your dietician for help, and be patient. Also, losing 4-5 kg per month is the norm, in cases of high initial weight - up to 7-8 kg is possible. Sharp weight loss is stressful for the body. It is difficult for the body to restructure to another type of work, so you will feel weak, headaches, changes in the hormonal background and other side effects.

About the Author: Visnukumar is a fitness enthusiast, surfer, cricketer and yoga teacher. His website is offers practical tips and anything necessary for fit and healthy lifestyle. Subscribe for more tips on how to lose weight and do check out

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Sunday 21 March 2021

4 Healthy Belly Fat Burning Foods That Can Help You Loose Weight

 If you are looking for some fat burning foods, we suggest that you check out the list of foods given below. First of all, it's important to note that you may lose a lot of fat if you give a boost to your metabolic rate. The good news is that there are many natural foods and drinks that can boost your metabolism and fat loss process. Without further ado, let's know more about some of those foods.

1. Fatty Fish

If you have some fatty fish on a regular basis, it can do wonders for you. Some of the most popular fatty fish include mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation and your risk for heart disease.

Besides, omega-3 fatty acids are quite effective when it comes to losing body fat. According to a research study, adults who consumed fish oil supplements shed 1.1 pounds of fat and experienced a reduction in their stress hormone called cortisol.

2. MCT Oil

Basically, MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides) is produced by getting MCTs from palm oil or coconut oil. You can get it online or at a nearby grocery store. This type of fat is metabolized differently unlike the fatty acids that you can find in different types of foods.

MCTs can boost your metabolic rate, which can help you burn a lot of additional fat. All you need to do is add 1 or two tablespoons of the oil to your routine diet on a daily basis. It will boost your metabolism rate by up to 5% in 24 hours. So, you will burn 120 additional calories on a daily basis.

3. Coffee

Coffee is an ideal source of caffeine. It can help you boost your mood and enhance your physical and mental performance. Besides, it is a good fat burner as well. According to a study, people who consumed caffeine 60 minutes before exercise ended up burning 200% more fat.

Another study found that caffeine may boost your metabolism by up to 13% based on how much of it you take. Ideally, you should consume a minimum of 100 mg of caffeine per day to reap the said benefits.

4. Eggs

Eggs are a natural source of energy. Since egg yolks are not recommended because of the cholesterol content, most experts give their opinion against eating egg yolks. However, research tells us that they can improve your heart health.

Apart from this, they are a good choice as far as weight loss is concerned. According to many studies, an egg-based breakfast may help you curb your appetite as well. If you have three eggs in your breakfast, you can reduce your caloric intake by 400 calories per day.

Long story short, if you want to lose weight fast, we suggest that you eat the foods listed in this article.

If you want to know how to lose weight fast in 2 weeks, we suggest that you try out This diet plan will consist of some healthy fat burning foods.

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Friday 19 March 2021

5 Necessities To Make Your Diet A Success!

 Studies indicate, the most frequent, New Year's Resolution, is, consistently, related to weight - loss issues, etc! However, the vast majority of these resolutions, aren't successful! Although, weight - loss, is, often, necessary, and needed, and a meaningful wish/ desire, etc, in order for these attempts, to be successful, and make, a true, difference, for the better, one must commit, to a high degree of persistence, commitment, dedication, and clear - cut, focus/ emphasis, etc! There are numerous needs/ necessities, to successfully, losing weight (a meaningful diet), this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, and review, 5 of the most essential, significant ones.

1. Attitude/ Effectively using Affirmations: The necessary commitment, often, means, one must, effectively use Personal Affirmations, which are positive, present - tense, statements, leading one, to proceed, with the needed, positive, can - do, attitude, to believe, you can achieve your weight - loss objectives! It's important to know, understand, and evaluate, your reasons, for wanting to take - off, the pounds, and to determine, which approach, might work, best, for you!

2. Personally - perceived needs/ reasons: Begin, by giving yourself, a check - up, from the neck - up, in order to know, your personal priorities, perceptions, needs, etc! People diet, for many reasons, so, it's important to know and understand, yours! How important, is it, truly, to you, personally? Are you, ready, willing, and able, to proceed, with the degree of commitment, discipline, persistence, etc, to achieve your objectives?

3. Goals/ priorities: Your personal goals, and priorities, are probably, in many ways, far different from others, in specific, somewhat - unique ways! How, personally, motivating, are your personal goals, and priorities, towards, achieving your desired, weight - loss? Is dieting, and weight - loss, important, to you?

4. Commitment: Making your diet, a true success, requires a significant degree of personal commitment. It, often, requires, some life - changes, either, in terms of eating habits, exercise, something else, or some combination, etc! Although, to some, the idea of losing weight, seems attractive and desirable, the process, and degree of commitment, may not!

5. Discipline: How often, do you have some desire for, and/ or, eating some specific food, dessert, etc? However, when you are dieting, that may not coincide with, being successful! Will you, be ready, willing, and able, to proceed, with the necessary degree of personal discipline, to achieve your objectives?

Diets only work, when you work, to achieve them! Will you put forth that effort, and how important, is losing weight, to you?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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Wednesday 17 March 2021

Tips And Strategies For Making Yourself Worry Less, More Thankful And Lose More Weight

 How to worry less and lose more weight. First remember that worry can take away your happiness. When you are not happy, you are likely to be moody and eat more. Instead of worrying about the goals you did not meet today, focus on those things that make you thankful today. Here are few tips and strategies for making yourself, worry less, more thankful and lose more weight.

When you are thankful, you become less worried and stressed out. Here is my own example. Hopefully, you already know that as much as I can, I share with you and others, how to relentlessly improve and achieve our daily goals. One of my daily goals is relentless weight loss. Well you can imagine my surprise that I had gained 7 pounds last week. This got me worried, because I had actually lost weight during the holidays.

The first thing I did was to do a quick 72- hour food audit to find out what change or pattern in my eating habit had helped me gain more weight than I wanted. I found out that in the past 2 weeks, I had been eating more portions of my healthy food choices like oat meal, and brown rice. Instead of getting mad at myself for stumbling, I decided to be thankful for my journey so far and focus on the future. This approach made me worry less about how I was going to lose weight or what my accountability partners would say, when I told them that I had gained some weight.

I shared my struggles with others and focused on cutting my portion size by about a third of my old portion size. This is actually the second tip and strategy for losing weight; taking action. I did not wallow in self pity or look for whom to blame. I was actually thankful that I didn't gain too much weight. The other action I took was to double my portion of vegetables and fruits. I also told myself that considering that we are dealing with the pandemic, dealing with weight gain was not that big in the scheme of things.

This made me become less concerned about myself and more concerned about the plight of others either admitted with COVID19 or those with loved ones or friends. This part of the process of living in thanksgiving. I worried less about myself and more about more important things like people being safe and getting the COVID vaccine. The funny thing was that, when I thought more about others, I became more thankful, worried less and slept more. Do you you know what happened? I started losing weight again. I was back on track to relentless weight loss and improvement. I will keep you informed. Today, I focus on thankfulness. It is the glue that keeps my challenging life intact. Being grateful instead of anxious makes me more successful at losing weight and in other things that I do. You can do the same too, if you stay committed to looking at the positive side of life. This is part of the process of relentless sel-mastery and improvement.

Now that you have learned about some of the ways to worry less and still lose weight, please sign up for more ways to have greater optimal health, and relentlessly improve through the Dala Compass Academy

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Monday 15 March 2021

Diet, Weight Loss, And 9 Ways To Achieve Stunning Results!

 What if I was to tell you that there was an easier way...

An easier way to actually lose weight.

An easier way to not lose focus and to promote discipline.

An easier way to increase your metabolism and to cut down on those calories (lets be honest, calories always seem to get a bad rep when it comes to weight loss, don't they... ).

An easier way to keep going when the going gets tough and to pick yourself up when you initially fall down. Seriously.

Would you believe me, or would you think I was telling you a sorry tale?

Because this one thing will make or break your weight loss efforts.

Get it right, and weight loss becomes a simple process. Believe it or not!

Get it wrong, and you are wasting hours and hours of valuable time (and that is no joke. That can happen).

This is how much diet is important to weight loss. But you already knew that.

But to put it another way...
It's simply not enough to just cutting out the junk food in your diet.

You need to be able to do more than that (and when I mean more, I mean a whole lot more).

Because your body will resist the change.

It will try to stop you in your tracks. Why wouldn't it?

But there is a way to the win.

You need to specifically target certain foods.

But you must be careful...
It's scary out there, and the sun is going down.

There is a lot of information out there, some conflicting each other. So many diets to choose from...
So little time.

You can spend hours online, feeding your head with all sorts of stuff...
Which could leave you even more confused, angry, or worst yet...
More weight gain!

So let me simplify this for you.

Because losing weight shouldn't be impossible, as long as you follow the 9 basic tips.

(we all like numbers, don't we)

Lets start with the obvious...


Vegetables are great for a diet (due to vitamins, minerals, etc... ).

There are hardly any vegetables that are very high in calories, and the fibre they provide will help you feel fuller while consuming fewer calories.

However, it is best to eat vegetables raw, but some of them are more tasty when they are cooked.

If you do want to cook your vegetables, try steaming them or cook them to the crisp tender stage.

Next, you'll discover something which you usually have in the morning, as well as an unusual desert that can give your weight loss efforts a big boost!

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Saturday 13 March 2021

What Is Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting that is currently the most popular health and fitness method globally is also known as IF. People are using this method as a way to reduce weight, improve their overall health, and also to simplify their lifestyles. Most studies suggest that it can give powerful effects on different systems in the body and brain and let the practice live longer. Through the following guide, you will know the most basic things and concepts about intermittent fasting.

What Essentially Is Intermittent Fasting?

F or intermittent fasting is a certain eating pattern in cycles between fasting and eating sessions. It doesn't necessarily specify which foods you must eat in the eating cycle. Instead, it lets you know at what times you must eat. In this way, it isn't a diet in the actual meanings but is more of an eating pattern. The most common intermittent fasting includes 16 hours of fasts or having 24 hours of fast two times a week.

Fasting has always been involved in the common practices of the human evolution period. Ancient hunter-gatherers never had refrigerators, supermarkets, or foods that were available to them throughout the year. And many times they couldn't find anything to eat at all. And as a result, human beings evolved to live their lives without any food for long periods. Fasting from time to time is a natural method of overeating over 3 to 4 meals in a day. Fasting is also mostly done in religious practices that include religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism.
What Are A Few Intermittent Fasting Methods?

There are many different methods of practicing intermittent fasting, most of which involve breaking it the day or week into fasting and eating periods. During the sessions of fasting, you may eat a little or not even a bit. The most popular methods of intermittent fasting are as follows:
The 16/8 method: This is also called the Leangains protocol that involves not having breakfast and restricting the daily eating pattern to only 8 hours, such as 1 to 9 pm. Then you should fast for 16 hours during the session.

Eat stop eat: This is the process of fasting for 24 hours only once or twice a week, i.e. not eating from dinner to another dinner. And the rest of the week you spend is normal like your daily life.
The 5:2 diet: This method includes consumption of only 500 to 600 calories on days that are not consecutive of a week. You normally eat for the rest of the 5 days.

By reducing the total calorie intake, all these methods must cause a weight loss as long as you are not compensating by having too much to eat in the eating sessions. Many people also find out that the 16/8 method is the simplest one to follow. It is also the most sustainable and easy to stick to. Hence it is the most popular method of intermittent fasting.
How Does Intermittent Fasting Affect Our Cells And Hormones?

When you are fasting, many things happen to the body on a molecular and cellular level. For example, the body starts adjusting to the hormonal levels to make the stored body fat a lot more accessible. Your cells also start the important repairing process and change the expression of the genes. A few changes that happen in the body are as follows:

Human growth hormone, i.e. HGH: The growth of humans, boosts to folds in intermittent fasting. This has many benefits that include a fast fat loss and a few to mention a muscle gain.
Insulin: Insulin sensitivity gets a lot better, and the levels of insulin fast in intermittent fasting. The lower levels of insulin make the stored body fat be more accessible.

Cellular repair: When you have fasted for a while, your cells start the cellular repair process. This also includes autophagy where these cells digest and remove the old protein that starts building up.
Gene expression: There are many changes in the functioning of genres linked to the protection and longevity against a disease.

Knowing that intermittent fasting helps make your body systems improve to many folds, are you ready to start doing it in your life? MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore

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Thursday 11 March 2021

5 Reasons, Dieting Works For Some, But, Not For Others!

 Every day, millions of Americans, are on, some sort of weight - loss program/ diet, and, only, a small percentage of these individuals, are successful, in their quest! Why is it, effective, for a few, but most, rarely, get their desired results? Does it depend, on the specific approach, one's motivations/ reasons, based on attitude, or, some other factors, and/ or, combination of things? This article will attempt to examine 5 reasons, this may, matter, and/ or, make a difference. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, these, and how, they may, impact this process.

1. Reasons/ reasoning/ personal motivations: Often, the specific reasons, one is beginning, makes a significant difference, in the potential results! If, you want to take off, some pounds, etc, begin, by performing, a thorough, check - up, from the neck - up, and determine your reasoning, and personal motivations, for wanting to lose weight. Remember, you are an individual, so your motives, and reasons, must be, what's meaningful, to you, rather than an attempt to please others. Like, many things, there is a big difference, between, proceeding, because, it's important, and/ or, a personal priority, or merely, a wish!

2. Self - discipline/ Commitment: To be successful, in this quest, you must proceed, with a significant degree of self - discipline, so this, may propel - you, past the temptations, which might, derail, your efforts, etc! In addition, you must maintain this commitment, for a period of time, because, doing so, is, often, a longer - term process, etc!

3. Finding the right diet, for you!: There's no such thing, as, one - size - fits - all, when it comes to choosing, the best diet, for you! Factors, to consider, are, whether, the specific foods, needed to consume, by any specific plan, are, those, you will be ready, willing, and/ or, able, to continue, over - time! For example, if you don't eat, fowl, a diet, which emphasizes, that approach, won't work for you! Similarly, eating fish, etc, might be something, some don't wish to commit, to! Is one of the pre - packaged, frozen - type, meal, weight - loss, programs, something, you will do, or would you prefer, simply, a low - calorie, combined with exercise, approach? Perhaps, you might prefer, a low - carbohydrate, etc, approach?

4. If you lose, the weight, will you keep, it, off?: Many people, who have dieted, in the past, experienced, what is often, referred to, as the, yo - yo effect. This means, losing weight, putting the pounds, on again, and repeating this, over, and over, again. For this reason, many find a lifestyle - approach, better, because, it helps, avoid this process. One of these, is the, carbohydrate, approach, because, it is behavioral, in process!

5. Are you changing your lifestyle, or avoiding, thinking ahead?: Many believe, it takes a change, of lifestyle, to keep weight off, for a significant period of time!

If you wish to lose weight, what might, work, best, for you? Will you take the time, and think, it - through, so you might, have the best chance, for success?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Tuesday 9 March 2021

A 5 - Step Action Plan For Successful Dieting!

At one - point, or, another, the vast majority of people, decide, it's time, to go on some sort of diet, and/ or, weight loss program! However, the results, often, are, far - less, than they wished, for, and, they, either, become, disillusioned/ disappointed, or lack the necessary, commitment, and discipline, to achieve, their desired results! People begin diets, for a wide - variety of reasons, including: body - image, related, issues/ concepts; health concerns/ emergencies, etc; seasonal considerations, etc. Regardless, of one's personal reasons/ considerations/ motivations, using the 5 - step, action plan, which will be described, briefly, in this article, might be helpful. With, that, in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, a basic, 5 - step. action plan, which, might help one, achieve better results.

1. Check - up, from the neck - up (why, you want to diet): Before, beginning, wouldn't it make sense, to thorough, consider, your personal motivations, and/ or, reasons, for wanting to lose weight, and, whether, you would commit, to do, what's needed, to achieve the desired results! Always, begin, by committing to objective introspection, and give yourself, a thorough, check - up, from the neck - up!

2. Commitment and discipline: Successful, weight loss, demands significant, commitment, discipline, and focus! If, one wishes to achieve, his desired results, he can't, simply, go through, the motions, but, rather, put, his ultimate efforts, consistently, into - it!

3. Thoroughly investigate options: Doesn't it, make sense, to thoroughly, carefully, investigate, and consider, various options, before embarking on this quest? Will you see it, through, and, what might it take, to inspire and motivate you, more effectively, to achieve your goals?

4. Choose best plan, for your lifestyle, and mindset, etc: If, one, wishes to lose weight, there are a variety of paths, to proceed. Since, most dieters, are, unsuccessful, either, in the short - term, or longer - run, the best thing to do, is pay keen attention to your personal lifestyle, preferences, food likes and dislikes, etc! Some options, include: conventional, low - calorie, and exercise; low - calorie, only; exercise, only; one of the pre - packaged plans; low carbohydrate/ keto, etc. Choose the one, where you are most likely to follow, with the necessary commitment, discipline, and persistence! No plan works, unless/ until, it is one, which you will, stick - to!

5. Persistence: It takes a large amount of persistence, to make any weight - loss, plan/ regimen, to be effective! Will you persist, in your efforts?

Successful dieting means doing different things, for different people! Will you maintain and follow the one, for you?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Sunday 7 March 2021

How To Achieve Greater Weight Loss By Increasing Your Expectations

 How to achieve greater weight loss by increasing your expectations. The more you expect from yourself everyday, the more you can achieve. The less you challenge yourself, the less you will achieve. If you believe that you will not be able lose as much weight as you want to then you will not lose weight, the less weight you will lose. Don't let your daily struggles with healthy snacking and eating smart, prevent from losing weight consistently.

You have the potential to do anything you want to do. You have all the resources you require and enough skills to live the lifestyle of your dreams provided you stay focused enough to achieve your daily goals one step at a time. This is part of the process of relentless weight loss. If you have started losing weight, don't give up when you plateau.

What are the resources you need to lose weight? You need to cut down on your food portions while increasing daily intake of veggies and fruits. You need to cultivate on nuts and fruits as your source of healthy snacks. If you don't watch what you snack with, your weight loss will stall.

The more you expect to achieve everyday the more you will get out of life. To get the most out of your daily weight loss plan you have to be prepared to give more. When you raise your expectations, your focus will increase and you will waste less time with the resources at hand. Life will support you in every possible way and provide what you need to thrive or achieve your goals. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. As you strive to become a better version of yourself you will discover that there are additional challenges that you will need to overcome to become more, of what you want to be. Do not hesitate to take action.

This may not always be as easy as you would think because your mind may play tricks on you by reminding you of your previous struggles and failures. What will you do? Press on. Remember that fortune favors those who press on. You have to learn to consistently focus on your mini-goals so that you can thrive without limits. Set weekly and monthly weight loss goals. Life provides as much as you are willing to use for your growth. You have to learn to consistently expect more from your life so that you can consistently lose weight and strive for more.

Action Points for the day

Don't expect overnight success with consistent portion control

Give yourself some leeway to take some time to succeed

PUSH: Persist until success happens

Now that you have learned about some of the ways to consistently lose weight, you have to prepared to rise your expectations. You can also learn more ways to lose weight more relentlessly by signing up for relentless weight loss

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Friday 5 March 2021

How To Change Your Thinking And Get More Positive Results In Your Weight Loss Program

 How to change your thinking and get more positive results in your weight loss program. Don't allow your past failures or disappointments prevent from getting the weight loss that help you live the healthy, energetic and fun-filled life you have always wanted. To relentlessly lose weight you have to overcome the negativity that comes from your skewed past, the expectations of others, and your emotions. Here are some of the ways you can break-free from some of your self-imposed limitations your mind:

First don't allow the past to trap you. Just because you have tried other ways of losing weight and failed does not mean you shall do so now. Use your past mistakes to learn valuable lessons without limiting your ability to achieve relentless success in everything you do. Don't allow the incorrect information you have learned about sustainable weight loss distract you. You've learned to avoid and fear eating habits that are actually good for you. You've learned to like things you should avoid. Don't forget that the past exists to serve you, not to guide you. Focus on today.

Don't make decisions about the decisions you make based on media reports and what others say. Watch what you watch because the media is hardly about reality. It's about ratings. The media might be presenting factual information, but the information isn't the norm. It's the interesting and sensational things that keep viewers tuning in night after night. The media presents a narrow slice of the world. This will include research results and what food you should eat and stress patterns. Don't allow unverified information determine the foundation of your actions. Remember that most marketers attempt to present a certain lifestyle as ideal. Do your own research to determine actions and activities that would help you increase your self-mastery.

Regularly take a mental break from the world and assess your perspective. The challenge with enhancing your perspective about life is that you're constantly "in" your life. This is part of the process of relentless self-mastery. When you're in the middle of the woods, all you can see are trees. But the world also contains oceans, deserts, and mountains. Stick to a simple relentless weight-loss program that you can easily implement daily. Set patterns and perspectives may actually be limiting unless you learn to change your thinking pattern so that you can disengage from time to time and seek a new viewpoint. Move beyond your past. Free your mind and gain unlimiting perspective so that you can more consistently lose weight relentlessly.

Now that you have learned about some of the ways you can change your thinking and get more positive results in your weight-loss journey, you can also sign up for relentless self-mastery so that you can more consistently achieve optimal health and relentless transformation for personal success through the Dala Compass Academy

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Wednesday 3 March 2021

4 Reasons To Pay Attention To Your Body Weight

 It is often, claimed, the amount of weight, many people, gain, and lose, throughout, their lives, may exceed their actual weight, at any specific, point! However, the reason, for doing so, often, differs, significantly, between individuals. What motivates someone, to begin, this process, may be complex, but, generally, falls - into, 4 basic categories/ scenarios. Losing weight is, often, the leading, New Year's Resolution, yet, the mere fact, the same people, make the same resolution, year - after - year, indicates, for most, the process is far less than successful, and/ or, effective! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 reasons, many pay attention, to their body weight.

1. Health concerns: Nearly, every time, anyone suffers any type of health - scare, their physician suggests (often, strongly), the need to take off the pounds, to address these concerns, etc. Many illnesses, including: heart issues; thyroid - related; knees and back problems; aches and pains; diabetes; cholesterol/ triglycerides, etc, are, often, directly related, to being overweight!

2. Seasonal: It seems, many, think, more, about weight - related, concerns, at certain times, of year, than others! We refer to these issues, as, being, seasonal, in - nature, and, these events, often, inspire and motivate us, to commitment, and action! The beginning of the year, and the associated resolutions, are, too - often, ignored! As warm - weather, seasons, approach, many are concerned, in how they might look, in their bathing suits. Other, seasonal concerns, and/ or, needs, goals, and priorities, often drive us, to strive to lose some weight!

3. Body image issues: Some are concerned about how they look, rightfully, but, for some, this becomes, pathological. We hear a lot, about, the binge - dieters, and, those, with eating disorders, such as bulimia, etc, which, if overlooked, or, left, untreated, may become harmful, and dangerous. However, for those, who look in the mirror, and see how they might improve their overall, body image, by losing some weight, this is often, a turning point, in proactively, proceeding, forward, and having the right combination of commitment, and discipline, needed, and necessary!

4. Overall health benefits: There is, often, an optimal weight, for the healthiest. lifestyle, etc. If, you, feel, you could live a healthier life, including, paying attention, to being the best weight, etc, and feel better, physically, and emotionally, consider, how to proceed, forward, in your best interests.

If you decide, it's time to reduce your body mass, and use, some sort of diet, know your reasons, consider your motives, reasons, and commitment, and whether, you possess the necessary discipline, and decide, which weight loss approach, might, make the most sense, for you! It's your life, and only you, can make the decision!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Monday 1 March 2021

5 Ingredients Weight Watchers Should Look Out For When Buying Coffee Creamers

 Coffee creamers make up a significant part of our daily routine. We add them in various flavors to our coffee without a second thought. However, most of these creamers can be a nightmare for those of us trying to watch our weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of their ingredients aren't exactly diet-friendly, and others are downright harmful to our digestive system. Here, we'll examine some of the coffee creamer ingredients you should keep an eye on when watching your weight.

  1. Sugar
Sugar finds itself at the top of the list because it's insidious. You get addicted to sugar, and it's almost everywhere. What makes it dangerous is that if you don't burn the sugar off as soon as you consume it, it gets translated into fat. Coffee creamers with low or no sugar are recommended for those trying to get slim.

  1. Carrageenan
Carrageenan is a thickener that has a questionable history. Aside from the studies showing its potential dangers as a carcinogen, it also may lead to bloating and all sorts of digestive inflammation. It'd be best if you avoided anything that carried this in its ingredient list.

  1. Trans-Fats
Typically, coffee creamers need to have a bit added to them to cause them have that smooth, creamy taste. Trans Fats make up a significant part of their ingredient lists and are usually listed as "partially hydrogenated oil." This ingredient adds fat to your system with each cup you consume, and it's definitely something you want to avoid over the long-term.

  1. Artificial Sweeteners
Because of the number of people suffering from diabetes and obesity, many coffee creamers have opted to avoid using sugar altogether and have instead gone with artificial sweeteners. Unfortunately, these may be just as detrimental to your diet scheme. Artificial sweeteners may cause your brain disconnect caloric intake and food, making you want to eat more.

  1. Casein
Non-dairy cream additives don't usually advertise that they contain this protein derived from milk products, but they do. Casein can lead to the triggering of allergies, which may lead to severe problems with your health. From a weight-loss perspective, you can't think about losing weight if you're battling severe allergies.

Be Alert for Bad Ingredients in Your Coffee Creamer

There are many ingredients that creamers have in them that should concern you, but it's essential to separate the truth from the fiction. Everyone seems to want to make consumers afraid these days, but it's rarely as bad as they make it out to be. Be informed enough to make a proper decision. Don't let fear drive your buying habits, or else you might end up regretting it in the long run. Choose a coffee creamer that fits within your goals and lifestyle and enjoy your coffee.

If you are looking for keto-friendly coffee creamers visit Leaner Creamer and check out our healthy options with out compromising on taste.

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