Monday 22 February 2021

THE MINDSET OF A CHAMPION - Best Motivational Videos Compilation

Shift Your Perspective

 How do you see yourself? As a hero or a victim? In any given life circumstance, you can see yourself either way.

I recently moved into my new home. As is often the case with a "new" home, that is to say new to me, although built in the mid 1960s, it has what is euphemistically referred to as a few "issues." As in, I was scheduled to leave town for work first thing Friday morning, and Wednesday night, both toilets in my house ceased to function. This mattered greatly, as the puppy-sitter who was booked to take care of my beloved dogs in my absence could not be expected to stay over-night without a functioning toilet, and it being a Holiday weekend, I would not be able to find a place to board them last-minute.

Hero or victim? First thought, victim! Of all the times for the toilets to fail, and not one, but both toilets! After frantic calls to plumbers not returning my call (more "victim"), worrying myself sick over "Now, what?! This is a disaster!"(yet more "victim") I took myself in hand, and gave myself a talking-to.

As in, "who would you like to be, Noelle?" A whiny victim, or a successful hero? Good question! Because, you see, I know from long experience, that a hero is simply someone who refuses to see a problem as unsolvable, and forges on until some kind of solution is unearthed. Sometimes that means being Captain Marvel and saving the world, sometimes it's just me figuring out a toilet situation.

Once I shifted my perspective, it dawned on me to contact the repair person who'd fixed some odds and ends; maybe he'd know a willing plumber. To my surprise, he turned out to be the willing plumber. Plus, he was up for a crack-of-dawn visit to the local home improvement center, purchasing two new guaranteed fully-functioning toilets--at a reasonable price, no less-- and installing them, all before I had to leave Friday morning. Whew.

Had I stuck with my "Woe is me, life is so unfair" position, I would not have continued trying to come up with a solution. It was only when I told myself that somehow I'd get this handled that the idea came to me to contact the repair person.

Next time you are up against what could easily be defined as a victim situation, challenge yourself to find your inner hero. You'll be surprised at just how innovative they (you) are.

Noelle C. Nelson, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, consultant, popular speaker in the U.S. and abroad, and author of over a dozen best-selling books. Dr. Nelson focuses on how we can all enjoy happy, fulfilling lives while accomplishing great things in love, at home and at work, as we appreciate ourselves, our world and all others. She is the author of "Happy Healthy... Dead: Why What You Think You Know About Aging Is Wrong and How To Get It Right" (MindLab Publishing). Visit http://www.noellenelson.com

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Sunday 21 February 2021

DISCIPLINE- Jocko Willink motivation compilation

How to Work With Demotivation (When You Just Don't Want To... )

 We all face situations in life we don't like. There are always those projects or tasks that just have to be done that we'd rather not do. There are always going to be times when we have to work with demotivation.

Part of maturity and taking responsibility for our lives is doing the things that need to be done, and doing them well whether or not we're in the mood.

Here are some strategies you can use that may help you to deal with those kinds of activities you'd rather not have to:

1. Get really clear on the project or task you need to complete

2. Completely relax your body from head to toe (take a few minutes to do this), focusing on the point just below your navel. This is known as your lower Dantien, a point of focus, balance and inner strength. Concentrating on this point helps you feel more centred, more solid and more grounded.

3. From this place of focus, fully accept that the project or task needs to be done and that it will be dealt with either by you or someone else.

4. Establish/list what aspects of the task or project put you off

5. Take each hindrance and find a way around it, eg:

· Task is too big (can you make it smaller?)

· I can't do it on my own (can you get help? Who from?)

· It's dirty, grimy (can you view this as a character-building exercise?)

· I don't understand it/don't have the right training (can you get the right training or support?)

· It's too boring (can you find a way to make it more fun?)

6. Create space for the completion of the project or task. Decide when you are going to finish the project/task. Be aware that you may not finish it by the exact end date you put on it, but the fact you now have a timeframe can help to galvanise you and motivate you go get busy.

Establishing timeframes can, however, be a double-edged sword. Whereas a well estimated timeframe can do wonders to get you moving, a badly estimated one can not only add to your general stress levels, but also deflate you if the bigger part of you is convinced you'll never be able to meet it.

The trick is to get good, with practice, at setting timeframes for yourself for whatever you do on a daily basis. How long do you need to prepare dinner? How long do you need to drive to work and back? How quickly can you get this report completed? How long do you expect to take to get the car fixed?

By beginning to put timeframes on the things you do every day, you'll begin to get a better feel for your pace and, more importantly your style of working when demotivation begins to set in. With time, it then becomes easier to gauge just how long important projects and activities will take you and you'll be better able to communicate this to those around you.

If it's not your timeframe but someone else's, aim to complete your task or project before the end of theirs. Essentially you're setting a timeframe within a timeframe. If it is getting close to the end date try your best to finish it by that date. If this really is not possible, ask for a reasonable but definite extension - e.g. an extra seven days, an extra 14 days, an extra hour etc.

Ensure you will definitely complete the activity by the end of that extension period, as requesting a second postponement may begin to cast doubt on your self-belief in your own eyes, and your credibility in the eyes of those around you.

Adopting these strategies when you don't feel like doing something you know needs to be completed, you'll begin to see significant and positive shifts in how you work with demotivation.

Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulus specialises in helping people overcome emotional trauma, experience emotional breakthroughs and live their best lives. We do this through Life & Wellness Coaching, Emotional Freedom consultations and training in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual growth. Check out our website at to book your free Emotional Breakthrough consultation.

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Saturday 20 February 2021

How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains | Richard J. Davidson

Optimism and Thoughtlessness Are Not Synonyms

 Ask people what optimism means and you will get a complete array of answers. From the 'glass half full' to 'seeing life through rose-tinted glasses,' or 'hopefulness about the future.' Optimism is one of those abstract and hard-to-define words that everybody thinks they understand. But what does it really mean?

These last few years, optimism has become a field of growing interest among experts, scientists and professionals. Authors like Professor Seligman and his 'relearned optimism' or the many studies proving the relationship between optimism and better health (like those by Julia Boehm and Laura Kubzansky, for example) indicate the level of interest there is for this topic. Many attempts have been made to clearly define this concept, but still different cultures and different fields of study explain it somehow differently, as culture also shapes the way in which the term is understood and interpreted.

Human beings are born optimists

When babies are born, they are always optimists. They expect the world to feed and care for them and for years wake up in the mornings believing that the new day will bring them happiness, adventure and fun. They face each moment like there is no other and enjoy it completely. A child plays and there's nothing else in the world but that game. The child will play the same game many times, and will not give up on it but persevere in the fun without questioning what comes next. Unless something deeply negative happens to alter that worldview, children remain deeply optimistic for quite a few of their first years, until their adults begin to chastise them for it and demand that they 'be more realistic,' or 'get their heads out of the clouds.'

Those same human beings then gradually start losing part of their optimism as life throws hurdles and problems at them and others recommend a less hopeful view on reality. They will start believing what others tell them and adapting their beliefs to their environment. Little by little, their natural optimism will dwindle and be replaced by a more somber worldview.

Lower levels of optimism result in poorer health and shorter life spans

Many of the studies carried out around the world have consistently proven that optimists live longer, happier and more rewarding lives. They've also been proven to be more resourceful and creative. There is an easy explanation to those results.

When pessimists face obstacles, they already believe that chances are they will fail, that things always go wrong, that they will not succeed. By the time they actually need to make the effort, they are so convinced of their failure that a) their effort is not absolute and b) they subconsciously sabotage themselves. As soon as they fail, then, they immediately tell themselves something like, 'see, I knew it was impossible.' That new failure thus reaffirms them once more.

Optimists, on the other hand, face obstacles believing that there always is a way to overcome them. They try to solve the situation one way. They might fail but that doesn't discourage them. They try another method and then another until they finally manage to overcome the problem and find a solution. They study their obstacles and ponder the different approaches to solving them. In their mind, there is no room for failure because they 'know' that they will succeed. Optimists never give up because they are convinced that there always is a way. By never giving up, then, optimists become more and more creative and start accumulating a great range of resources that make it easier to succeed at each attempt. That faith thus, results in them doing much more than pessimists and logically getting better results at the end.

All human beings are found somewhere between the two ends of this optimism-pessimism spectrum. Realism is just a way of describing those who are more in the middle of it. Realists, thus, have less resources than optimists but also fail less than pessimists.

Optimism is not thoughtlessness

Optimism, as just shown, is not just a matter of hope and expectations, but the conviction that good things will happen through a constant search for solutions. The true optimist is a hard-working, resourceful person who devotes a lot of energy and effort to reaching whatever goals are to be reached. A thoughtless person is not a true optimist because pursuing a goal without a plan barely ever leads to reaching it and optimists never give up. If one of the attempts to reach a goal is somehow thoughtless, it will likely fail, in which case the true optimist will think it over and formulate a new alternative, thus becoming the opposite of thoughtless. Thoughtlessness and optimism are therefore mutually exclusive in the longer run.

Optimism yields better results

As a result of the optimist's natural faith and hard-working habits, optimists become much better assets for companies and in general life. They push and drive, inspire and persevere. By not giving up, optimists become natural leaders and motivators.

Optimists rarely suffer from stress or burnout, either, as they don't worry but act. Stress and burnout stem from worry, from rumination and from fear, three attitudes that optimists naturally avoid by their own lookout on life. Consequently, optimists are less often sick or tense and end up developing a greater capacity to concentrate and focus on the task at hand.

Optimism can be recovered and relearned

As human beings grow up and live, society tries to instil a more sober view of life onto them as children and young people, thus slowly draining optimism from them. Without optimism, energy is low, motivation scarce and drive non-existent. That lack of optimism results in extreme personal and professional costs for families, companies and society as a whole. Fortunately, optimism can be relearned and developed. Like everything else in life, there isn't one formula-fits-all method for every human being. Optimism can be killed many different ways, and should therefore be reacquired by applying the right tools and methods, adapted to each person's needs and personal learning strategies.

Underlying subconscious beliefs can lead certain people to adopting a more pessimistic attitude in life. Fear is another trigger, as are pain, guilt or worry. A lot of professionals offer specific stress and burnout solutions to clients and patients but neglect to tackle the underlying problems that caused the original drain of energy and optimism. Only by solving and changing those will the human being truly recover that natural optimism that we are all born with.

If you wish to recover your drive, your motivation, your energy or if you want to help your team or your family to do the same, remember that each human being might have different reasons to feel the way they do and that specific tools and methods might be needed for each of them. Ask the professional you work with to present you with a detailed, personal plan for each person. If they fail to do that, look for a professional who does. Human beings are not robots and their complexity sometimes requires complex solutions. Those exist and can be used, believe me.

Enjoy life... ALL of it,

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Friday 19 February 2021

Paul Mckenna Motivation Power Hypnotic Induction

To Improve The Quality Of Your Life, Focus On Getting Better

 Personal Growth Is A Long And Arduous Journey

Do you want to improve your life? Are you committed to changing your conditions? Many people will answer yes to these questions, though it is my experience very few people are dedicated to improve their life. This is because the work is difficult, unending and filled with setbacks and disappointments. It is often lined with unpleasant emotions and digging up the past to heal and transform our wounds. But there is no other way than doing the difficult work of attending to our personal growth. It cannot happen overnight nor in thirty days, as many books espouse because this is only skimming the surface.

Everything taking place in your life right now, whether unwanted or not, is the accumulation of your thoughts and beliefs. This is empowering for many reasons least of which means you have the power to change your future by redirecting your thoughts. How you feel about this? Does it make you unhappy that your life's conditions result from everything you've ever thought? Whilst I understand you might feel this way, you may also see the power to create new circumstances for your life from this point forward. As I alluded to earlier, personal growth is a long and arduous journey with many setbacks and detours. Those who embark on this journey give up because of the difficulties they face.

I liken it to the Navy Seals BUD/S program where only 20 to 30% of candidates will graduate. The training is extreme and purposefully designed to weed out those not equipped to become Navy Seals. In some respects, personal growth is the same if you're not willing to do the work to improve your life. We cannot expect to do little work on ourselves and be awarded the riches of life, it just doesn't work that way. Read any biography on those who reached the pinnacle of success and you will learn about the struggles they endured. I'm reminded of the quote by the former American football player and coach Lou Holtz who said: "Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." He was affirming that adversity builds character and contributes to our growth and development.

What Happens When The Going Gets Tough?

Therefore, to improve the quality of your life, avoid focusing on results but aim to get better instead. The goal is to build on your success while noting areas of improvement. For example, I wrote an article recently where I observed two people talking throughout an entire workshop I attended. Years ago, I would have been angered by their lack of courtesy and let them know about it. Think of those who talk throughout an entire film and ruin it for everyone else. However, I sat with my emotions and noted where I experienced the anger in my body. In the next instance, something unexpected happened. I felt compassion for these two people. I was overcome with a sense of peace and harmony because behind the anger was the realisation that only love exists. To reach this loving and peaceful state, we must first experience the anger, yet many people are quick to act on their emotions which prevents them from reaching love, compassion and inner peace.

Is this beginning to make sense, in that getting better should be our focus instead of wishing our lives were different? Are you willing to do the work no matter what it takes? Obviously you are invested in your personal growth because you are reading this article and maybe even sharing it with family and friends. But what happens when the going gets tough and you hit a hurdle in your personal growth? How do you react? Who do you become? I have encountered many setbacks over the past decade, yet I have experienced enormous growth during these times. Life will present us with the experiences needed for our personal growth when we least expect it. We can embrace the lessons or resist them, however they will continue to show up in a different form until we accept what is taking place.

So for now, I'd like you to give some thought to the areas of your life you want to improve. Write down in your journal/diary or on a piece of paper what you would like to improve about your life. Is it your finances, health, love life, career? Be very specific about what you want. Don't focus on what you don't want in your journaling. Second, what is required to change your circumstances? You might think you need to hire a life coach or invest in an expensive course but sometimes it is simpler than that. It may be as simple as not complaining for the next thirty days. It might require investigating your beliefs and forming new ones. The point is: everything you need to change your life is right at your fingertips. As you move through your personal development, the next resource will be made available to you. Therefore, to improve the quality of your life, stop focusing on results and direct your attention to enhancing the life you're living now.

Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

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Thursday 18 February 2021

Paul Mckenna Official | I Can Make You Rich 2

5 Ways to Improve Your Motivation to Exercise

 There is something very interesting about exercise. With most things in life, although we are in an information age, there is a lack of widely accessible information. For instance, most of us wouldn't easily access accurate information on how to install satellite television or how to read a financial statement.

When it comes to exercise things are different though, there is information everywhere and everyone knows in some way how to exercise. The lack of motivation towards exercise shows that we do not do what we know. We do not do what we want either because most of us genuinely want to exercise but we don't always do it. Clearly in order to exercise we need to do, not just what we know or want but what we are motivated to do. In this article, I want to share with you a few strategies that will help you become motivated to exercise.

(I) Have a vision about your self-image

The truth is most of us have a certain picture of how we would like to look. Some people were born skinny, they picture themselves skinny and have accepted that self-image. Some people were born with a bit of weight, they picture themselves that way and even buy clothes that suite that image. Most of the time this is something that we are not always conscious about.

I remember a time when my wife had spent 3 months without looking into her body in a mirror. Women can't live without mirrors, she did use a facial mirror but not a full body mirror during that period for some reason. We went shopping. She saw herself in a full body mirror to discover that her body shape had changed because she gained weight. She freaked out and screamed "Wow I am fat". Surely, I must have not been honest to her at home in answering her most frequent question "Do I look fat?"

It was true that my wife had gained weight. But what really disturbed her was that her body was different from her ideal body shape or body weight. This disturbed her and motivated her enough to exercise and lose extra fat within two weeks.

Without vision of our ideal body shape or weight we are doomed to just pump food into our bodies and not make an effort to lose weight. I am telling you this because I would like to urge you to examine your vision of your ideal body weight before implementing the rest of the strategies that I will advise you to use from this article.

Some people wish to be skinny but in reality have a fat body image that holds them back. These people buy clothes that fit this image and accept how they look. Subconsciously they sabotage their efforts to lose weight. If you wan't to be skinny, it would help you to think yourself skinny. If you think yourself fat, you might struggle to achieve weight loss. I am not saying you should not accept yourself the way you are. I am saying even thought you might, have a vision about your healthy self-image. Just accepting yourself the way you are might mean you do wish to change your self-image when it comes to being fit or weight loss. This is great for your emotional well-being but it will also not really help you towards achieving your fitness goals. If you accept yourself with a tummy, why would you want a flat stomach?

(II) Care less about your body comfort

The main reason people do not exercise is because they prefer bodily comfort over the pain of exercising. Bodily comfort is harmful in a long-term because it leads to a sedentary lifestyle. So the more you careless about your bodily comfort the more you will subject your body to the physical strain of exercise.

Ironically, what you will find is that once you start exercising you begin to find pleasure in exercising even though your body gets strained during exercise. People who have overcome their need for bodily comfort and pushed themselves to exercise begin to feel awkward when they have not exercised for a couple of days. The feel unacceptable strange when they have not gone for their run or have not cycled or have not lifted weights.

The first hurdle to overcome however before getting the level where exercise becomes a "must" and not a "should" is to let go of bodily comfort. Constantly, in your mind, argue against your body when it seeks for comfort. Naturally your body will seek comfort. Your task is to push against your body and subject yourself to the physical strain of exercising. Do not consider your mind and body as a unit. Your body will seek comfort but argue through your mind and remember your exercise goals.

(III) Assign an hour of exercise everyday

If nothing is labelled for exercise on your day then you will most probably never exercise. To exercise you need to have an hour in your day that you set out to exercise no matter what happens. Clear the hour of exercise and do not let anything disturb it. If you planned to run and it rains, the hour of exercise should not be spent watching a series on TV, it should be spent doing home exercises. Do not allow anything to stand between you and the hour of exercise.

(IV) Forget fitness rules, do what you like

As I have said before, there is too much information about exercise. It is easy to get trapped into what many experts think what exercise should be. What I have learnt in life is that things do not get done because of fixated rules. Things get done when we have fun and are excited.

Forget what other people think exercise should be. What are you exactly into? Are you into running, walking or cycling or are you into kick boxing. Whatever you are into, let that be your exercise.

Once you pick momentum and move away from a sedentary lifestyle then you can beef things up a bit and put formalities into place. The reason most of us learnt to successfully ride a bicycle when we were young even though falling was painful was because we did what we liked. Do what you like when it comes to exercise to overcome what you perceive as pain in exercising.

(V) Do not eat for taste

To keep motivated to exercise you need to see results. Muscle gain or weight loss or toned body. If you do not see results, you are likely to give up.

To see results you need to eat well. Remember if you want to lose weight or gain muscle 80% of exercise results depend on your diet and 20% depend on your physical effort.

I have set you up to become motivated enough to exert effort. Do not let diet undo what you have done.

Most people fail when it comes to diet because they eat for taste. When it comes to taste, most of us would agree that KFC beats a dish of steam cooked vegetables. So when we eat for taste we set ourselves up for failure because most healthy food doesn't taste as good as junk. Unless your wife is a great cook or you have a professional chef in the house.

To see results from your exercise, eat for nutrition in your body. Tolerate the bitter taste of veges or whatever your vegetarian diet is. Diet plans fail when we eat for taste because soon we find ourselves failing to resist the taste of a birthday cake. Commit to eat differently, for nutrition rather taste. occasionally you can thank yourself with a small piece of your favourite tasty food.

Remember to remain inspired, to remove all obstacles standing in your way of success and do not dare give up on yourself or your dreams.

Phillip Ramphisa is the most sought after South African Motivational Speaker and Philanthropist. He helps people and organisations achieve their goals faster than they thought possible. His life mission is to end suffering and help people thrive in their lives. Phillip speak in conferences and events. To contact him please visit

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Wednesday 17 February 2021

I AM Morning Affirmations for Women | Powerful Guided Meditation 432 Hz Healing Frequency

Keep Trying, Don't Give Up, Failure Is Just Part of the Process!

Most of us on this planet are trying hard to increase our income to support our families and help siblings or friends that are really battling, or we may be fighting to conquer a habit or an addiction, and it's hard going. We try and we fail. We try again and we fail again. We give up for awhile then we try again and we fail again. After a while of this, we tend to get discouraged or even depressed. The thing is, this is very normal.

Failure is a normal part of the process of reaching success. We tend to hear of those people who start a home business and immediately rake in the cash, but these are the freaks of the success spectrum. I happen to know a lady personally who is like that - everything she tries immediately turns to gold. But she's not normal. The massive majority of us have to battle through many failures before finding success, so don't give up, keep trying!!

I am not writing to you as one who has attained huge success by perseverance, but rather as a fellow soldier in the trenches with you, failing as you have, and encouraging you not to give up. Our time will come! In fact, I tabulated all my attempts at home businesses, side hustles and wangles, and found that over the last few decades I have attempted sixty one, let's call them "business ventures." Some cost me a lot of money relative to what I had, to get going, and a lot of them made zero return, absolutely nothing. Others were mildly successful, enough to buy my wife a vacuum cleaner and take her out to dinner a few times, but I needed money to get my kids to university, and that really never happened.

But the thing is to not give up. Sooner or later we must get it right. But fail we will, as we go along, but we must just accept it and move on.

I was talking to a friend of mine today. He made little folding wooden tables that fold down flat so people can pack them easily in a caravan or camper, or even in the back of a car, really nice little tables, clever design, quality wood, good workmanship. He had taken them to a craft market on Saturday and had sold none, hardly even any interest shown in them. But apparently, that particular day the craft market was very poorly attended, and mostly by people who didn't have money to spend, so he just went on a bad day. So I encouraged him to persevere, and that he had a good product.

And in the same way I encourage you: don't give up. Keep trying. Believe in yourself - we all have something worthwhile to give. I'm going to keep on trying, and you should too!

Like my writing style? Check out my short book "How to Drive Properly:... and not like a moron!" Kindle Edition on Amazon at

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Tuesday 16 February 2021

Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain | Ruairi Robertson |

Why You Are Always One Decision Away From Improving Your Life

 Good Habits Build Strong Character

Are you aware of anything holding you back from improving your life at present? It may be a resource such as money, better living conditions, access to certain information or services? Whilst I don't discount the value of these things can improve our circumstances, generally, our thoughts are the biggest impediment holding us back because we believe them. As an example, I was speaking with a client recently who confessed how she nearly didn't make it to the gym one morning. Her thoughts convinced her she was too tired, so she reasoned it was pointless to exercise. However, she made it to the gym after all and not only did she feel better, she couldn't believe how her thoughts sabotaged her an hour earlier. Had she succumbed to her feelings, she might have avoided going to the gym and lamented her choice later.

Have you experienced something similar in areas of your life? It happens to me often; though, I've learned not to trust my thoughts but commit to my goals and intentions instead. Our thoughts are saboteurs that stop us achieving our goals and highest intentions. Evolutionary psychologists believe this sabotaging is an adaptive mechanism to keep us safe from danger. Given the world we live in nowadays, the danger we experienced thousands of years ago is not prevalent anymore. Meanwhile, our biology hasn't changed given we still use the same mental framework to make important decisions.

So, what does this mean for you? You are one choice away from improving your life, which can have a transformative effect. The key is to better understand our thoughts, so we don't succumb to the saboteur that tries to convince us things are worse than they are. Nowadays, everyone talks about wanting more motivation. I don't accept motivation is the issue because it will only get you so far and if you lose motivation, what then? We ought to set the right intentions and develop good habits that lead to strong character. I'm not talking about the character that defines you as a good or bad person. I'm talking about character where you commit to your goals and purpose and follow through with them, no matter what. So, if your intention is to exercise four days a week, character says you show up four days a week, excluding if you are sick.

Are you comfortable with this idea that the next choice you make can improve your life in ways you never imagined? Now I can hear you say: "Tony, I make choices every day and none of them have changed my life." Granted, but are you making choices from a place of fear, regret and worry or based on inspiration and enthusiasm? The latter strengthens your commitment to your goals and purpose, where the former weakens it. Your commitment is tied to your character and if we break our promises, we lose trust in ourselves. We must do what we say we're going to do, as long as it is tied to the right intention. Therefore, we must have a higher understanding our true motives. For example, are we working towards improving our life or running away from something deleterious?

Accept The Fate Of Our Choices

Our choices can improve our life because they uphold our values and purpose. Psychologist say the pleasure principle is where people seek pleasure and avoid pain as much as possible. The problem is that pain can build character and strengthen our commitment to our goals. Pain allows us to recognise what is important to us, and let go of unnecessary or wasteful actions. We must be careful not to become pleasure seekers but understand our underlying motives better. Are you beginning to feel better that your decisions can lead to an extraordinary life, if you are clear on your intentions? Doing so requires knowing ourselves, which is tied to wisdom and experience.

Some of the wisest people I've met are those who've experienced great difficulties and suffering in their life. They've endured pain and gained valuable insights about themselves along the way. Oscar Wilde once said: "Experience is the hardest teacher; it gives you the test before the lesson." Yet many people don't heed the lessons until it's too late, and even then, they repeat the same mistakes over again. In many ways, they are like mice scurrying around in a maze, not understanding the rules of the game. But our choices can be powerful and change the course of our destiny, if they are aligned with our highest intentions. It's not necessary that we make difficult choices that disrupt our lives. Perhaps we can afford to do so when we're young, but as we mature, we ought to learn from our experiences and make informed choices.

Eventually, we must trust ourselves and accept the fate of our choices, instead of believing life is difficult. We are powerful beings and many don't recognise this power and resign themselves to mediocrity. Pain and pleasure help us learn how our choices can influence our life, if we examine them thoughtfully. Knowing this, I'd like you to think about your recent choices. Were they aligned with your highest purpose, or were they made impulsively? Ask yourself: "What is important to me and what am I willing to sacrifice to attain this?" Live by those values and I assure you, the next choice you make can improve your life beyond your wildest dreams.

Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

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Monday 15 February 2021

WATCH THIS EVERYDAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE - Denzel Washington Motivational Speech 2020

10 Best Retirement Jobs

 Are you looking to engage yourself busy with a job that will not only help you to spend time with a work schedule in your retirement period but also help you to earn money?

Have you ever heard the modern work term for the peoples who are all set to retire from their regular careers and looking for beginning a new one? Well, the term is familiar as "zenployment". What it is? This modern work term generally refers to a retirement career which not only provides additional income but also gives the opportunity of making the time full of fun. These types of jobs are easy and cool for retired people that contain more fun than work stress.

There are lots of opportunities to make money for retirees who want to continue themselves being active. Here are the 10 best retirement jobs for retirees that are comparatively cool and easy for you to carry on in your retirement period.

Home Sitter

Peoples who are retired are usually considered trustworthy, responsible, reliable, and clean from any harmful activities. For those reasons, they can easily be considered for a home sitter job. The home sitter is becoming a popular job in many areas. Many house owners have to travel outside for a week to a long time and they often need a reliable home sitter to take care of their house in absence of them. As a retiree, you may start this home sitting service in a professional manner which not only helps you to spend your time with scheduled work but also gives you some extra money. It seems a part-time job opportunity but when you will be a familiar face for this service in your surrounding areas, this will become a regular source of income for you.

Among 10 best retirement jobs, this is the best job for a retiree considering all prospects.

Pet Sitter

Aside from home sitter, a pet sitter is another opportunity of making money which favors aged and retired people who are usually considered as responsible and reliable. This is another much-required job around you. If you have previous experience in caring or owning a pet then you might consider engaging yourself as a pet sitter or pet walker. It is not necessary of having previous pet sitting experience to start such a job but the experience can help you to get such jobs easily. Generally, clients pay hourly basis wages for such jobs and the rate is much handsome in many areas. If you have additional skills in pet training or primary treatment and care, you can earn more.

Work at home Travel Agent

There are many travel firms, particularly online booking travel agencies are often appointed work-at-home travel agents. To earn extra money, it is an easy job to start. You may even get company discounts on travel packages for you and your family!


Do you like gardening? Is it your hobby? Many of us have a hobby of gardening. If you are one of those with a gardening hobby, then you may start it as a part-time job. Many families are not able to maintain their garden properly. If you enjoy working outdoors, you might consider starting as a paid gardener, it will help you being physically active as well.

Wedding planner

Weeding planner is one of the popular jobs among 10 best retirement jobs. Such a job become popular among young aged peoples as well, however, as a retiree, you might also consider it a part-time career. Professional wedding planning becomes popular day by day and you can get work easily if you have proper skills to manage such events. Before starting, you may complete a professional training course as a wedding planner to get its insights that include all the basics of the wedding from rings, flowers, gowns, suits, cakes, venues, flower arrangements, entertainment, budgets, and deadlines.

Event management

Event management is another popular job aside from wedding planning for a retiree. You need some skilled peoples to take care of full events from start to end. Depends on client budget and requirements, you have to plan how to organize the event. Previous experience or early training can help you to become a successful event organizer.

Work on a Cruise Ship

This job is perfect for those peoples, who also love to travel aside work. Generally, most of the peoples love to travel. Cruise ships are more like floating cities; this is so huge these days. A cruise ship has to employ all types of staff such as musicians, cleaners, housekeepers, servers, doctors, and many types of assistants. Contact the cruise ships near your areas; find out the available jobs for you. You will find the job opportunity that matches your skills.

Motivational speaker

In recent days, many organizations hire motivational speakers to give their speeches in a seminar or meeting, etc. Your long-term experience throughout your career will help you to become a motivational speaker. If you are a good speaker and can motivate people through your speech, you can start your retirement career as a motivational speaker.

Content writing

If you are good at writing articles on various topics, you may start content writing as a part-time profession in your retirement period. This is a home-based job that suits you in your retirement period. There are many clients available who hire writers for their websites, blog, or eCommerce site. If you are good at writing and love to write, don't hesitate to start it. It will bring some good amount of extra money for you. This is one of the best among 10 best retirement jobs.


If you have expertise in some specialized fields such as income tax, criminal law, NGO, medical practice, etc. you may start as a consultant on your expertise field in your retirement period. There is a very good demand for such consultancy in recent days.

There are lots of jobs available which you can start after your retirement. You need to find the right one which suits you. To perform well in the job at the retirement period, you need to enjoy the work whatever you choose.

Do you love this article? I am a professional writer having experience in writing on a variety of topics.

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Sunday 14 February 2021

The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph

If You Want Something New, It Begins With You

 Take Life Into Your Own Hands

Look around you. What do you see? I don't mean literally but figuratively. What is missing from your life right now? What would make your life complete? Putting aside the restrictions of the current pandemic, think of something you've wanted that hasn't happened yet? There's a mistaken belief that when we get what we want, we'll be happy. Experience has taught me that yearning for something absent in my life, rarely improves it. There must be a deeper desire to change our circumstances, aligned with our core values.

If we want things to change, it must begin with us. Sometimes, it may arise from frustration with the way things are, or realising something is missing. For example, if we are lonely, we might want to be in an intimate relationship to compensate for our loneliness. But are we making the right choice, or are we trying to fill a void that can be achieved another way? For instance, we might take up a hobby or lend our support by volunteering to a charity, where we find deeper meaning and purpose. Here, we may or may not attract a relationship because that is not our chief aim. Our intention is to alleviate our loneliness and be around like-minded people.

For example, think about trying to fix a problem which didn't turn out as planned? Did you consider alternative solutions, or were you fixed on a particular outcome? What I'm trying to say is: We must keep an open mind and explore other possibilities, if we want to change our life. Lamenting how things are, without taking action is a recipe for disappointment. It requires taking life into our own hands and searching for solutions. We may not know which outcome is best until we road test it. So, trying to cure our loneliness by way of a relationship comes with its problems. Similarly, giving of our time through volunteer work also has problems, but the benefits are greater.

Align With Your Core Values

Regrettably, life isn't as well-organised as we like it to be and there are benefits to this, which we may not appreciate. But, if we consider our actions as potential learning experiences, we cannot win or lose. In which case, we adopt an optimistic outlook when a situation does not play out as expected. Are you happy with this idea, that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you're learning important lessons and not beating yourself up? Life can be an imperfect school, where each experience is a springboard towards further growth and expansion. We mustn't view our experiences as win or lose because that puts pressure on us to succeed. And as you know, success is the by-product of repeated failures and losses.

I can relate to this because in my 20s and 30s, I made so many mistakes and thought I was cursed or doomed for failure. But looking back, I can see how those experiences had to happen, since I gained the wisdom and knowledge not to repeat them. So, whatever is missing from your life, consider three alternative solutions. Don't be quick to jump to the first one that comes to mind. Take your time to test drive it, as ideas on paper or consulting with friends and family. You might not take any action because sometimes doing nothing can be a blessing in disguise. I would encourage you to journal your thoughts on paper, before committing to a particular path.

To improve our circumstances, we shouldn't believe life will undertake it for us. It requires a strong desire, aligned with our core values and exploring various options. Even then, there is no assurance we have made the right choice, since life offers no guarantees. Therefore, become curious about the process and see your decisions as pieces of a puzzle coming together. It requires being patient, curious, and not fixed on a particular outcome. We ought to keep an open mind and a soft heart, so life can bring us what we need at the right time.

Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

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Saturday 13 February 2021

"You Will NEVER Be Lazy Again After Watching THIS!" | Marisa Peer

Awaken The Sloth - Tips to Build Momentum and Motivation

 I'll admit it. Sometimes I feel as slow as a sloth. Sometimes I move as slow as a sloth. It's been hot this summer, humid, and sticky too. Add to that the drag of Covid, and the seemingly endless barrage of distressing news. All of this was a seductive invitation for me to step back, slow down, and sit quietly for a while to process. Not knowing quite what to do, not knowing quite what to say. I surrendered to stillness. So, apart from the daily necessities, along with my work with clients, I've been somewhat off the grid.

Now, as Autumn approaches, a refreshing breeze reaches beyond the gathering inertia of my mind. And I'm clear.

It's time to awaken the sloth.

What I know, is that even when it feels impossible to move forward, there are things we can do get the proverbial ball rolling again.

What I've noticed with myself, and my clients, is that getting stuck often starts with resistance. Resistance to change. Resistance to uncertainty. Resistance to discomfort. And the longer we stay in resistance, the more likely we will lapse into inertia. We can get used to it, it's comfortable. And, after a while, it's easy to forget what we're resisting in the first place.

Resistance is like a big fat bundle of thoughts that scares us into staying stuck. A thought bundle that gets bigger and more forceful as time goes on. Because this thought bundle seems so big and unwieldy, it feels too hard to tackle. So, it's much easier to just to stay stuck. And then to wait, and wait, and wait... for motivation.

And, more times than I'd like to admit, I realize that motivation rarely, if ever, drops into my lap. In fact, waiting for motivation usually creates far more frustration than actual motivation.

This said, motivation is actually not incredibly difficult to find. That's because it's often found on the other side of action. Sometimes just one step will help build the momentum of yet another, and another step. This momentum leads to the motivation to keep on going. These steps can include anything from a plan of action, a paragraph on a page, the outline of a project, or a preliminary sketch. The goal here, is to start something, even when you don't feel motivated, to gradually build momentum, and motivation.

This might not be new news. But sometimes we (I) need to hear it again, and again.

Here are some tips to build momentum, and motivation. During times like this, I like to keep this list handy:

Change up hypnotic routines. Include new, or rarely eaten, foods in your diet. Take a walk in a completely different direction. Add ritual and variety to your evening routines. Make a new social connection. By doing new things, you will help reduce resistance to uncertainty and unfamiliarity. In addition, this will help activate your brain, making it easier to generate new ideas.

Awaken hidden talents. Engage in enjoyable activities which will awaken aspects of yourself that may have fallen asleep. Think back to what you loved to do as a child, and would love to do again. Begin with small, manageable actions to access this place within you. Experiment with activities within music, art, literature, physical pursuits, or spirituality to spark your creative flow. Awakening your hidden talents, with patience, and acceptance, will help you feel more alive, eager, and motivated to move forward.

Break goals into very small tasks, and write them down. This will help you break out of built-up resistance to big, impossible-feeling goals. Enjoy a sense of accomplishment as you check things off your list. This sense of accomplishment will help you build momentum and motivation to do more.

Get comfortable with discomfort. Moving out of your comfort zone simply means you'll feel uncomfortable. And that's okay. We can all handle discomfort. It's temporary. Plus, moving through to the other side of discomfort feels GREAT!

Acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how 'small.' When we only celebrate our biggest accomplishments, we devalue what it takes to get there. Stay motivated by acknowledging your progress, step by step, along your way to reaching your goal. When we're aware of our progress, our goals feel much more accessible.

Give yourself enough structure. Structure will help you contain and focus your efforts. Finding the right structure, especially if you're resistant to structure, is essential. This might mean a schedule that fits your style, or some type of creative set-up for your workspace. Organization and structure will help you clarify what works, and what you want. And, clarity feeds motivation

Show up. Have faith in your own creative process to help bring you forward. The creative process requires your commitment to take action, and show up, again, and again and again.

Though I didn't include it on the list, EFT Tapping is a powerful way to release the fear and resistance that keeps us stuck. In addition, tapping facilitates effective brain function, improved mood, and enhanced creative flow. All of these, of course, are essential for forward movement.

Wishing You Peace and Wellbeing,


Hello! Thank you for reading my article. I'm Marian Buck-Murray, EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. I specialize in helping sensitive people boost courage, confidence and success. For more information about my services, and for helpful EFT Tapping videos, visit me at

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Friday 12 February 2021

FOCUS ON YOU EVERY DAY - Best Motivational Speech

Goals: - 6 Ways To Be Inspired To Go For It

 I really don't know if you have any interest in this sport, but I hope you do take the time to see what you can capture from this story. The 2013 NFL football season is now underway and there is a lot on the line.

Approximately 74,000 fans packed Miami Dolphin's arena on Sunday February 7th 2010 to see the Indianapolis Colts battle the New Orleans Saints for Super Bowl XLIV. In addition to that, millions viewed by television, and on the internet.

These two teams went after a major title in the sports world, but only one came out on top. Both of them did well throughout the regular season but it wasn't necessarily easy as each week they had to fight off opponents.

Now it was one more opponent standing between them and this major goal of becoming champion. Both of them realized that in order to win they had to show up and play their hearts out. I believe as game time drew near coaches and players motivated and encouraged their team by saying "It's Time To Go For It." I'll get back to that in a minute.

I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. - Philippians 3:14 (Amplified Bible)

As you embrace the times ahead, God has placed some major goals before you. But are you going to take advantage of the opportunity. From that biblical quote, that word "press" means that you will have opposing forces.

In the midst of opposing forces I tell you "It's time to go for it". If you set it you can get it. Your greatest enemy is not the devil, co-workers, family, or even your boss. I don't regret telling you this but YOU are your greatest enemy. Why do I say that? Because any time God put something in your heart You make up excuses, You procrastinate; You say I'll do it later, You say I can't get no help. Then when You don't perform or get it You blame everybody else.

I want to help you with 6 things that can help you Go for it:

1. Readjust- There are times when you just have to take another approach and shift, change direction, try another method in order to get the results you need.

2. Reset - I'm sure you are familiar with losing power at home which means that you have to reset your clock. This is important if you are going to keep up with the timing of society. Even more important spiritually is to be able to keep up with God's time flow.

3. Reflect - look at where you came from. This is what gives you the strength to face the challenges you now face because if God did it before he can do it again.

4. Refocus - With so many distractions and temptations around you need something that will help you get back on course. There is nothing better than the Word of God.

5. Renew - Yes that same feeling you get after taking a bath or shower. It makes you feel new, clean, fresh and ready to go again. The renewing of your mind is important to get your thinking on the right track.

6. Rejoice- In order to keep your joy in life you have to celebrate. Life will have many disappointments but you have to stir up the strength and find a reason to rejoice.

Meanwhile back to Super Bowl XLIV, New Orleans Saints first time in and a new opportunity to make history for their city and State. Initially down by 10 points and not being the favored team can be a challenge. You have to love the fighting spirit of this team as they didn't let a slow start stop them. A great team effort from The Who Dat Nation lead by quarterback Drew Brees. So it was the New Orleans Saints that overcame the favored Colts 31 - 17.

So what exactly am I saying? I expect God to bring you into some first time opportunities. I believe you can get some great results if you just know how to keep you goals on track. When the opportunity comes "Go 4 It", everyone will know your name when they ask the question "Who Dat?"

FREE Sample of Inspiring Quotes Plus Book. *ORIGINAL* Inspiring Quotes You Never Heard or Seen Before!: Inspiring Quotes Plus Book

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Thursday 11 February 2021

The Most Powerful Way to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind To Get What You Want - Marisa Peer

Failure Is a Key Behind Your Success

 Everyone wants to become successful in life but no one wants to fail, but why? Why the people are afraid of failure? Now-a-days, people think that they have to make a big jump like a tiger to reach top level position. According to them, it is very easy to have a successful life. They see other people's success and feel jealousy. They just see front side of a person's life but they do not know how much struggle he/she has done to become a successful. How many times he/she has to face failure in life? Did they stop their struggle? Did they become victim of inferiority complex?

Today, I am writing this article only for this purpose to spread awareness among people not to be afraid of your failures. Failures are key points of your life. Without having failure, you cannot get a successful life. It is the golden rule of nature that you have to do struggle for things that you want in your life. Your success is a composition of your determination, hardships and struggle. For this purpose, you have to remain positive and be patience in various steps of your life.

Your positive attitude and determination towards destination are very essential because if you face any failure than you have to take it positively and boost your determination with this courage that you can do better in next try. You have to think like that why I am failed? Have I missed any instruction? What are the reasons in my failure? When you analyze your failure on this pattern, you get the better directions for next try. To remain consistent on your target leads you to success. Just take the example of eagle, his consistency and determination power toward his prey is so high because he knows that he has only one chance to catch his prey. It does not mean that he has caught his prey every time. No, never. Sometimes, he fails but he learns from his mistakes and tries again and again until he succeeds.

Life is just not a name of full leisure and pleasure. Life is full of hardships just to check your patience towards your goal. Ups and downs are part of person's life but it does not mean that person loses his hope. You just need to tackle these hardships with courage and you just have to keep faith in your Creator. All those people have faced hardships that are successful in their life. But these hardships could not distract them from their goals. Can you imagine the hardships of a poor man? He has to work at a very low salary package just to support his family. Poor man does not want comfort for his life but his foremost duty is to provide comfort to his family. He has to bear harsh behavior of his employer because there is no other resource of income. But, he does not lose hope and face all these hardships by keeping his family in front of his eyes.

Remember one thing; your failures are steps of your success stair. Just take steps like a small baby who cannot run immediately. First of all, he tries to crawl and then tries to stand. While trying to stand, he fails many times but he does not stop his tries. If little child cannot give up then why you give up. Struggle means you are crazy about your dreams, goals and achievements. At any point, if you lose your struggle, you will fall down from the position that you have achieved. Here is a main point; there is no need to struggle for things that other people want, always do struggle for things that you want because your area of interest matters a lot.

At the end, I just want to say that failures cannot stop you from achieving your goals. All failures are lesson for you. If you do not learn from your failures, it is your fault. I repeat it, failures are just inspiration. Do not pay attention what other people say. Just focus on your life and its goal.

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Wednesday 10 February 2021

Winning The Mental Battle of Physical Fitness and Obesity | Ogie Shaw | TEDxSpokane

How to Recognize Self-Sabotage Behavior

 If you're not having the type of success that you want, it's possible that you're experiencing some self-sabotaging behaviors. And, if you are engaging in these types of behaviors then it's important to identify what you're doing and turn it around.

Playing the Waiting Game

If you ever hear yourself say, "I'll be do that when xyz" then stop it right now. "When I lose weight I'll go hiking." "When I finish this client's work I'll write my novel." It all makes sense but it's a waiting game that will never end. If you don't take action now, nothing will happen.

You Hang Around the Wrong People

Yes, even as an adult you can choose the wrong friends. If you often find yourself at odds with your friends' values and goals in life, or find yourself apologizing for other people's behavior, you're just making excuses to avoid an uncomfortable conclusion. You've outgrown your friends.

Saying: "I'll never... "

Fill in the blank about what you're never say, do or feel. The fact is, if you don't believe you'll become successful at your business, or lose that extra weight, you likely won't. You have to envision the success you want to achieve to make it happen. If all you see is negative, that's all you'll get.

I Don't Want to Do "It" Alone

We are all ultimately alone. If you wait around for everyone to be on the same page as you, you may miss out on a great new adventure. Whether it's starting a business, seeing a movie, or trying a new restaurant, you can do it yourself without anyone else doing it with you.

Thinking You're Not "Smart" As...

Someone is always going to be smarter, prettier, or something more than you. By saying that you're not something, you will have a hard time breaking out of the box you've put yourself in. Forget about who you think you are, and do what it is that you want to do. No need to be perfect.

You Hide Your Feelings

When someone asks you a question about your feelings, you simply say "I'm fine" and leave it at that - even when you're not fine. Did you know that you can get stuck in a certain mindset if you avoid it and don't talk about it? You have to name it to change it.

My Client Needs Me

Everyone is replaceable. If you find that you're working with someone just because you think they need you, even when it's not working for you, you're really wasting your time. A client who isn't compatible with you will drop you the moment they find someone they're compatible with. Don't do anyone any favors unless you really just want to.

You Lack a Support System

Support can come in a variety of forms, from human support to electronic support. If you set up a good system to help you stick to your schedule (whether it's for work or fun) and get help when you need it, you will be a lot more successful than if you don't do that.

Life can be overwhelming and exhausting sometimes. So how do some people seem to thrive and achieve their goals and dreams while others struggle? The answer is mindset. To start taking steps today to embrace a success mindset get a copy of my free checklist, Cultivating A Succesful Mindset at

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Friday 5 February 2021

Sweet Facts on Fruits

 If fruit is good for me, why can't I eat as much as I want? I get asked this question at least twice a week. The answer I often give people is that it depends on their individual goals and what role they wanted fruits to play in their overall diet.

Fruit is a good source of complex carbohydrates and they contain naturally occurring sugars that convert to glycogen.

Fruits are the body's first choice of fuel, so the body burns them during exercise or physical activity.

For example, if you are a long distance runner, fruit can be a good source of fuel to help you go the distance. But if you are trying to lose weight, and you eat a piece of fruit like a banana before your workout, that will be the first thing the body burns and you won't burn fat. If your body has no quick source of fuel, it will tap into your fat stores and promote weight loss.

Here are some simple facts on fruit and sugar:
(A) Sugar in fruits, in the form of fructose, can cause weight gain or other health issues, particularly in the liver. Fructose increases insulin resistance, blood cholesterol, abdominal fat and raises ghrelin levels, the hormone that controls hunger.
(B) Fructose is only harmful in large amounts. You would have to eat a lot of fruits to ingest too much fructose. The amount of sugar in fruits (12 grams for an orange or banana) is lower than what we get in soda pop (39 grams for a can of Coke) or a chocolate bar (35 grams in a Mars bar).
(C) Fruits are good sources of fibre, water, amino acids and many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin C and folate (folic acid). That fibre and water will make us feel more full and slow the sugar absorption in our systems. Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.
(D) Most fruits are low in fat, sodium and calories.

Because of the sugar content, eating too much fruit can hurt your weight-loss goals. Eating too much fruit can also lead to unpleasant stomach issues. Eating large quantities of high-acidic fruits like oranges and pineapples are often problematic for people who have acid reflux and should be limited or removed from a diet, especially at night. Remember that day you went to the berry farm and ate most of what you picked before you got home? I'm sure your stomach didn't like you after that.

My rule is to never eat fruit past 2 p.m. (unless you are a shift worker, then adjust your time based on when you sleep and wake-up.) The reason comes back to excess sugar intake that can spike blood sugar levels.

Fruits are delicious and beneficial, but sometimes we can rely too much on fruit as a part of our diet. Fruits are convenient easy to grab and a great go to. They can also sometimes help for filling you up, but relying on fruits as a replacement for a balanced diet rich in nutrients is the wrong strategy.

Nutrition is the science of how we fuel our body. We need protein, carbohydrates and fats to keep our body running well. There are no quick and easy fixes for good nutrition - even an apple a day cannot keep the doctor away. I'm not saying, don't eat apples, all I am saying, is you can eat it, but be ready to earn it. Fruits are delicious and great but making them the sole source of your nutrition will not to take you to the next level.

I help people understand that overeating fruits can be problematic - like over doing most things. But the simple notion that moderation is the answer to all nutritional questions is vague at best. Is one piece of fruit moderation, maybe it is three pieces? Track your diet and note how you respond to the food you are eating, including fruits. And you will learn what works properly for you.

My approach to nutrition is guided by education and simplicity. The method I use is based on the fact that no two of us are alike, so we cannot all follow the same path. I recommend helping people understand how to tailor their own individual lives to match the specific health, fitness or weight-loss goals they desire. Teaching people to ignore the noise and focus on the fact. This keeps it simple and effective because they learn the facts as it relates to their specific selves and individual goals.

Here are some examples of fruits that are lower in sugars.

Blackberries and strawberries: 7 grams of sugar per cup.
Figs: 8 grams of sugar per medium fig.
Grapefruit: 8 grams of sugar per grapefruit half.
Cantaloupes: 8 grams of sugar per large wedge.
Tangerines: 9 grams of sugar per medium tangerine.

My Insight as a health and wellness expert.

There is so much confusion or "alternative facts" in health, fitness, weight-loss and wellness. There are always so many different takes or angles promoted by different people for numerous reasons. Some takes or beliefs are legitimate and some are not, this causes a lot of confusion for people that are starving for answers.

This is my suggestion when people ask questions about health, fitness, weight-loss or wellness. Approach any information with some caution and curiosity. Ask yourself if it makes sense or not. We need to ask if the information applies to us as an individual. Then do some research to see how many other people had the same information and what their views are about it.

Only when you have followed these steps should you can consider adopting the information or declining it.

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