Thursday 27 May 2021

Weight Loss - Can You Gain Weight Eating Healthy Foods?

 Do you often feel as though you are eating as healthily as you possibly can, but yet you are still gaining weight? Are you fed up and frustrated with dieting because nothing seems to help you reach the weight you desire? รข€¨If so, it is understandable you would be frustrated. Eating healthily takes work, and when you are fighting food cravings, you want to know you are getting something out of it.

Here is what to know about this issue...

1. Healthy Foods Still Contain Calories. First, note healthy foods still do contain calories, and that is why it is possible to gain weight eating them. If you eat too many healthy foods, you still can have the issue of taking in more energy than you burn off over the course of your day and that is what causes you to gain weight.

To lose weight, you need to do one thing: burn off more calories than you consume. It has nothing to do with eating healthily or not. It is easier to lose weight generally speaking if you eat healthily because those foods tend to be more satisfying, but this is not always the case.

2. Calorie Dense Healthy Foods Should Not Be Eliminated. Next, note calorie dense foods should not be eliminated from your diet plan. Sure, you should restrict the high-calorie dense ones like nuts, oils, avocados, and so forth. Eat smaller servings of these items but still include them because they provide you with a wealth of proper nutrition.

3. Using Volumetrics Is Key. Finally, also note volumetrics is key if you want to lose weight while eating healthily without calorie counting. Volumetrics has been proposed as being an innovative way of appetite control

This is mainly eating foods that contain few calories for how much of the food you can eat. For instance, take popcorn. You can load up and eat five cups of popped plain popcorn for about 100 calories. Eat the same amount of potato chips, however, and you would be easily 750+ calories. And remember foods, for example fruit or soup, hold a lot of water and have a low density. That is, has few calories per pound.

If you focus on this while trying to lose weight, you will find your journey is more comfortable and satisfying.

So keep these points in mind. You definitely should be eating healthy, but there is more to losing weight than just this alone.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Tuesday 25 May 2021

Are Diet Plan Pills And Tablets The Best Weight Reduction Approach For You?

 They've tried many supplements on the marketplace and stopped working, and wonder if there truly is a weight reduction program than can work for them.

I am aware that I really should seek advice from a health service provider before taking supplements for weight loss.

Approaches that target fat loss diet, exercise and inspirational assistance have the greatest success rates.

Most weight reduction supplements have a single action, generally targeting metabolic boost.

Calcium supplements promote weight loss as well as dairy items.

While all dairy foods are an excellent source of calcium and protein, not all products contribute as well to successful fat reduction as others.

A genuine solution requires working with your biochemistry, not versus it.

See likewise realities on fat loss supplements, dishes for fast weight-loss, centers & weight problems support groups.

They were asked not to change their exercise patterns for the research study since exercise can trigger weight loss.

Getting the basics of fat loss nutrition right, along with the ideal type of workouts will result in weight reduction.

Concentrate on fat loss diet nutrition, rather than actual weight-loss.

Your health needs to constantly be the number one thing anyone should consider, particularly with weight reduction.

Anybody who has actually dieted and kept weight off knows this is the right technique to success.

Lean muscle tissue can for that reason be promoted by exercise to burn energy and promote the weight loss process.

The fat calories are said to be flushed out in urine, leading to quick success.

Perhaps the most common sort of diet pill are those that work by reducing hunger.

Setting goals that are difficult to reach will only result in disappointment and may result in the abandonment of the weight reduction program.

For safe, healthy weight reduction, you must maintain your muscle tissue (including heart muscle) and burn fat rather.

You can also turn to products like diet plan tablets that will facilitate your fat loss diet and weight reduction program.

- The more you work out the much easier the weight loss!

- Only then will you be able to achieve your weight loss objectives!

Exercise and appropriate diet plan are necessary to keep and accomplish muscle definition.

Make the most crucial step of your life and start to achieve your own personal weight reduction objectives today!

If you've been looking into programs for a fat loss diet, your head is probably spinning.

Considering that muscle cells burn calories even when at rest, adding more muscle likewise helps increase your metabolic rate and further enhances your success.

Calorie constraint and glycemic load in diet plan 'Calorie-restricted' diet plans differing considerably in glycemic load can lead to comparable long-term weight reduction.

The usage of grapefruit with each meal was said to increase the metabolic rate, burning fat and making it possible for fast weight reduction.

Previously I discussed more effective and healthy ways to shed pounds fast instead of weight-loss surgery that many are choosing to investigate.

An effective fat loss diet plan is everything about energy.

I may warn that for weight reduction newbies, 'Burning away the fat' is not actually all that simple.

Mainly, it's the attention set aside to each and every component of effective dieting.

The majority of nutrition specialists are less delighted with the recommended weight reduction.

The sensible solution to, 'a quick trim' isn't really going to deny you of everything you know and enjoy.

Private weight reduction will differ and depends on your metabolic process and body structure.

Learn more about a dieting advancement.

To estimate the number of calories you have to take in day-to-day for weight-loss, simply increase your body weight (in pounds) by 10.

See that fast fat loss diet tips and best ways for weight-loss is balanced nutrition and active lifestyle.

For weight reduction to be really healthful, you have to develop satisfaction for practices of healthy metabolism, regular exercise and correct nutrition.

Water is often overlooked, and intake of water is crucial and often contributes to success.

Since weight-loss typically involves a moderate process of detox, with the body burning fat and sometimes other tissues, antioxidants might be useful.

Diet success for all means - natural fat loss diet exercise, diet, nutrition, metabolic process, energy balance and fat oxidation info to assist lose weight naturally.

The research study reveals how calcium helps people who are dieting lose weight much faster and may assist keeping the weight off.

And, yes, of course, you may also need my weight loss tablets that may absolutely help you lose weight.

When picking a strategy for a fat loss diet, review the general diet strategy thoroughly.

By offering you with a clear head and by working as a metabolism aid, certain teas as a detox are a wonderful compliment to any diet plan.

No diet plan would work correctly without good nutrition and water, and therefore it is a significant factor in ever-so-popular protein and detox diets.

Where proven tablets and pills are concerned, anyone who has actually dieted and kept weight off knows whether if this is, or not, the right technique for them to weight loss success.

To your health and dieting success!

You can find related info on topics like, 'how do you lose weight fast, is it with weight-loss surgery or fat loss naturally?, and so much more.

The link above gives you access to further helpful material and for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and moving on in life to attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, videos, Podcast, and other content for a better life, where I reflect on the principles of A Course in Miracles. It's about being all you can be and a life of success and happiness. Thank you for visiting.

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Thursday 20 May 2021

5 Reasons Most Diets Fail, In The Longer - Term!

 Studies, and surveys, indicate, the vast majority of Americans, seek to lose weight, and go, on some sort of diet, over - and - over - again, with a majority, of these attempts, failing to provide, the desired results! How many times, have you seen, read, or heard, an advertisement, or marketing, for a particular approach? This includes, major brands, some selling specific foods, as well, as a variety of other types. While, some people are successful, in dieting, there are probably, many reasons/ causes, why, so many others, are not! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 reasons, most diets seem to fail (or have, less - than - stellar - results).

1. Willpower: Losing weight, often, requires, and takes, a significant degree of willpower, to overcome, our urges, to splurge, eat something, or avoid an exercise regimen! This is why, most people, should, prior to embarking on this journey, take a moment (or more), and do some, objective introspection, and/ or, a check - up, from the neck - up! Unless/ until, one realizes, it will take true commitment, and a strong - will, to achieve, any significant, weight - loss, especially, long - term, the chance, for success, is limited!

2. Persistence/ boredom: Many become bored, with eating the same foods, over, and over, again! This boredom, often, creates, a weakening, in their discipline and commitment, etc! Do you have the persistence, to maintain your efforts, despite, getting, weary - of, them?

3. Personal motivation: A diet, in order to succeed, requires/ needs, someone, to proceed, with considerable amounts, of personal motivation, and a strong reason, to maintain, the commitment, discipline, and persistence, needed, to achieve one's weight loss goals! In other words, why do you want to go on a diet, and how important is it, to you?

4. Path - of - least - resistance: Let's face it - most diets take effort, work, and may not be, too much fun! One does so, in order to lose some, unwanted, pounds, either for health reasons, or to look better, in a bathing suit, etc! Therefore, when one is tempted, he often, opts, for, a path, of least resistance, rather than, sticking - to, his program, etc!

5. Insufficient commitment and discipline: Since, dieting takes a concerted amount of commitment, and degree of discipline, many people, often, lack, the level, needed, and necessary, to make one's plan, a reality!

If you want to lose weight, for whatever, personal reasons, etc, achieving your objectives, often, requires, proceeding, in a better, long - term, manner, and using, an approach, which might have the best chance, to work, for you! Are you ready, for this process?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Tuesday 18 May 2021

Living Invisible

 The story I'm about to share with you is a true one. Many men and women from all over the world suffer excruciating hurt, pain, and deep embarrassment due to being overweight. Being overweight is nothing to laugh at. In many cases people develop deep resentment towards life and fall into an unfathomable depression. The reason how I know such things is due to me being overweight myself at one time for over two years. It was by far one of the most painful and lonely periods of my life.

Back in 2003 I had ballooned up to about 310 lbs and looked like a prized pig at the county fair. This was not one of my better periods in my life. I was so overweight that people ignored me everywhere I went. It was like I was invisible. People treated me like I had contracted a deadly disease. I felt alone and just wanted to die. I did not know that people could be so harsh and cruel.

It had gotten to the point that I dreaded seeing my reflection in the mirror and soon took all mirrors down in my home. I did not want to be reminded of how I looked. It was much easier to deal with the pain by doing so. After a while, even my so-called friends stop wanting to be around me. Instead of finding comforting words from people I knew, all I got was fat jokes and peoples voice mails. I was invisible. No one could see me. It was awful. I would not wish this on my worse enemy.

Many people have experienced the same things that I have experienced and are still suffering from the agony that obesity can cause. Some people never recover from the mental mutilation they suffered and end up taking their life. For many, living is not an option.

After several years I turned my sights on doing something about my obesity. I knew that if I did not do something about this disorder that I would no longer want to live. I always wondered how someone could take their own life voluntarily. After experiencing what I experienced back in 2003-2004 I understood without any doubt how someone could take their own life. The pain and misery I suffered was almost unbearable.

I began to learn about eating properly and dieting. I wanted more than anything to get my old life back and to help others that were suffering from the same disorder I was suffering from. I did not want anyone to have to endure the same pain that I endured. No one deserves to be ignored and shunned their entire life. I am a witness that if you truly want to live again that it is possible. Don't let another day pass you by without trying to end the pain and misery you are now experiencing. Nothing is worth more than your happiness and peace of mind.

If you would like to know more about how to turn your weight gain around you can drop by and pick up a copy of "The Rewards Of Healing A Broken Body The Alternative Way " There is a section in this book that covers several ways of dieting and losing weight.

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Thursday 13 May 2021

How Many Steps In A Day (Lose/Maintain Weight)

 Thank you guys for landing on this page "How Many Steps In A Day". You landed in a right place. In today's article, I will discuss how many steps to take in a day to maintain a balance and a healthy physique. Not only we will discuss steps in a day but also most related topics like how many steps to lose weight, how many calories are burned by taking this much steps etc for balanced physique through which we can achieve good health internally and externally. So let's start.

How Many Steps In A Day For Regular Fitness

Nowadays, the world is changing and it's all about computerized work and online working, so what is happening, we tend to relax more at home and be in our own comfort zone all the time. Most people don't have the time to go the gym and exercise daily. They always find ways about how can they stay fit without investing much time.

First of all, we will start with how many steps a normal person would take who don't have any physical goal like example, a physical goal of losing weight etc, a healthy person who just want to go park in the morning and walk daily and regularly for basic healthy lifestyle who only wants to be fit and want to keep his body in working state which is very important to maintain.

A person who just wants to be physically fit must take minimum-to-minimum 1500-2000 steps in a day which is nearly about 1-1.5 km (or 1 mile). By taking that many steps in a day, you will burn 100-150 calories which is a good thing. And actually, it won't take much of a time to walk 1-1.5 km. It takes nearly 30-40 minutes to cover that much distance.

You can walk anytime when you feel that you have plenty of time left. Walking is the easiest task to go through which can make you fit. Start with walking 1 km on the first day and just like that slowly and gradually increase the distance to 2 km daily within a month or two.

I recommend walking in the mornings is best. And if it's possible, walk on the grass bare feet and where there are lots of trees nearby. That atmosphere will nourish your body with clear air without any pollution. Because has been seen that there is most pollution on mornings.

How Many Steps Daily For Weight Loss

Now, this is the second category who have a physical goal of losing weight. Losing weight can be a challenge if you want to lose it through walking daily in the morning. Because there are so many aspects involved in losing weight. So let's face the truth, you need to adjust your nutrition which is the biggest challenge people face. They are unable to make changes in their nutrition.

People who want to lose weight often resist changing their existing diet which makes it difficult for them to lose weight, so be that person who accepts change. People go to the gym and train so that lose some weight, but if you don't want to go to the gym, it's completely OK, but from then you need to develop some patience within. Yes, you will lose weight definitely and for sure.

You need to follow a strategy which will help you to see changes really fast. So what is the strategy to follow? let us understand.


You need to walk 3-4 km daily i.e. nearly 2-2.5 miles. 4000-4500 steps in total to cover early in the morning. As I said earlier, we don't need to walk 4000 steps on the first day. On the first day, walk 2000 steps and then slowly and gradually increase your steps to 4000 within one month or after. It will take 80 to 110 minutes, around 1.5 hours.

One most important thing to remember is that, as when you walk that much, you will for sure burning a lot of calories. So we need to increase protein intake so that our body only loses the extra fat content which is stored in our body in the means of undigested energy. Sources of protein like eggs(whites), fish, protein powder etc. must be increased but make sure that the overall calorie intake must be less than the maintenance limit.

That's it guys from this article "How Many Steps In A Day (Lose/Maintain Weight)". I hope you got the information and If you find value in the content I put up, then be sure to share it with that person who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle through walking daily. And my mission to provide useful content can be served.

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Tuesday 11 May 2021

Weight Loss - Four Reasons Why Your Diet Is Not Working And How To Overcome Them

 Struggling to see the weight loss results you desire? Wish there was something you could do to speed up the weight loss process? Often, there is one primary reason why many people fail to see the weight loss results they desire and even better, a simple manner of fixing that.

Let us look at four reasons your diet may be failing you and how to overcome each of those reasons...

1. You Are Not Tracking Calories. If you are not tracking your calorie intake, you are leaving your results up to chance. Weight loss is going to come down to calories in versus calories out, so it is something you want to pay close attention to.

Now, this does not necessarily mean you need to get out your hand-held calculator and tally up every morsel of food that passes your lips though. Just plug the numbers into a food database, and it will tell you exactly what you are taking in.

2. You Are Chronically Dieting. Another reason for failing with your diet? You are chronically dieting. If you cannot remember the last time you were not on a diet, this is a real problem. It is important to be taking dieting breaks every so often as this resets your metabolic rate; allowing you to "kick-start" your engine and ensure you continue to see progress going forward.

If you seem to have hit the dreaded plateau, this is likely why.

3. You Are Not Getting Sufficient Protein. Lack of protein is another reason many people do not get the results they are after. Remember protein is the only nutrient to help you preserve your lean muscle mass tissue. If you are not eating enough, you will lose strength, and your metabolism will slow down, making it harder to see fat loss.

Aim to get at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. If you aim for 15 to 30 grams each snack or meal, you will have no trouble reaching your daily total.

4. Your Diet Lacks Variety. The last common reason people fail with their diet is the diet does not contain enough variety. You need variety to see results. Those who are not eating a varied diet not only suffer from nutritional deficiencies but more importantly, boredom. This causes them to cheat on their diet plan and fail to see results. Each week, try at least one new healthy food in your plan.

Eliminate these four mistakes in your diet program and be prepared to start seeing results again.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Thursday 6 May 2021

Weight Loss - When Fat Isn't What You Thought It Was

 Back in the 1970's we were told that we had to eat a low fat. This was in spite of clear knowledge that not all fats are bad for us.

But because 1st world governments thought we were too stupid to understand the difference we feel into low fat trap for decades, effectively ruining millions of lives and killing many more.

Even today much miss-information about fat continues to be spread by health authorities, dieticians and the medical profession.

To equate the fat of an avocado with that of a hamburger has fortunately gone by the way in the past 10 years.

We know that olive oil is healthy but we hear little of the health problems caused by vegetable oils.

Soy, Canola, sunflower, safflower, etc. are nothing short of toxic processed products, sold under the guise of food.

These oils are cheep, however a meal cooked in these oils will disrupt the endothelium lining of your arteries for longer than a cigarette.

When you deep-fry with these oils there are toxic bi-products created that are shown to cause cancer.

These same oils, which are in the omega 6 category cause a major imbalance in our cells, out competing the low levels of omega 3 oils we consume.

This leads to inflammation, which plague our modern society, which is at the root cause of so many chronic illnesses.

Confusion about fat leads to general statements such as all saturated fats are the same, but even this is not the truth, and those professionals who continue to claim it are either ignorant or intellectually lazy.

For starters there are three kinds of saturated fats.

  1. Short chain such as butter, which is a readily available source of energy, and is also made by our gut bacteria.
  2. Medium Chain fatty acids such as coconut oil, which is also a readily available source of energy.
  3. Long chain fatty acids as found in meats, and converted from glucose is stored in the fat cells and is only released when fasting or when we eat a low carbo-hydrate diet.
Another important fact is that many of the so-called bad saturated fats such as those found in meats are 50% or more unsaturated and act in a similar way to the mono-unsaturated fats in olive oil.

Without becoming boring or over technical we need good healthy fats as found in meats, nuts, eggs, olives, avocados and we need to avoid the fats in processed foods and deep fryers.

and for your free programme to reduce pain, burn fat and boost your energy go to

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Tuesday 4 May 2021

Weight Loss - Creating Your Personal Weight Loss Plan

 Has needing to lose weight been on your mind? If so, you are in the process of following a weight loss plan or not doing anything at all. There is no middle ground. If the latter applies to you, it pays to take a moment to consider why you are not making an effort to reach your goals. Is it because of a lack of guidance and instruction? Surely you want to lose weight; otherwise, you would not be thinking about it. Perhaps the need to lose weight is more significant than your desire to get lean. Often this is the case for many adults, who realize being overweight is more problematic than it initially seems.

You may need some guidance. So let's talk about some tips for creating a weight loss program that will work for you. If you are already making an effort, the following might still be of use to you...

1. Outline your objectives. First, you must outline your goals. Don't focus so much on the specifics. It is not nearly as important to set how much weight you ought to lose, as it is focusing on the process itself. It is better to focus on losing weight generally, not how much.

Have your "why" adequately figured out before you begin.

2. Eat well. Not surprisingly, it is vital to eat well when starting a weight loss program. Your food choices matter, more than you may think.

It becomes especially important to eat the right carbohydrates if you have high blood sugar. In any case, it will probably do you well to eat more fruits and vegetables than you already do, and eat a healthy balance of proteins and fats. They are all important.

3. Mind your portion sizes. Your portion sizes are just as important as your food choices. Even if you are selecting healthy carbohydrates such as brown rice and sweet potatoes, you can still overeat and losing weight will then be much harder.

Counting calories helps, but is too tedious for most people. By eating slowly, you will have a better idea of how much you should be eating. Always stop eating before you feel full, and don't hesitate to feel hungry for a part of your day.

4. Begin exercising. If you have not already, start exercising. It will help, no matter which exercise program you chose. Even walking will help get the job done.

5. Anticipate setbacks. Setbacks will occur: know you will not make weekly progress forever. You will stall eventually. You will get frustrated. Relax and make adjustments if needed. Don't stress, and be patient: weight loss requires patience more than anything.

Lastly, remember to make your weight loss program your own. What works for other people will not necessarily work for you. Feel free to experiment with different diets and exercise plans. But know you will have to discover what yields the best results for you and your body.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Thursday 29 April 2021

Three Keys to Opromize Metabolism: Stress, Sleep And Diet

Metabolism accounts not only for weight loss and weight gain, but also for immune system function, energy levels, mood and emotional health, hormonal balance, skin quality, body shape, elimination... In fact, every function you can think of in the body, physiological or mental, can be related to some metabolic process. Thus, conditions like diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart failure, chronic inflammation, depression, and even epilepsy - all of those (and many more!) can be linked to an underlying metabolic issue.

In truth, we metabolize much more than what we eat and drink. We metabolize our own hormones and the waste created as byproduct from physiological processes (including metabolism itself). And of course, we metabolize thoughts and emotions (some of which are often highly toxic) much the same way we metabolize food and drinks.

On the face of it, metabolism turns out to be at the core of our physical, mental and emotional health. Therefore, to optimize health, we must optimize metabolism. Importantly, there are three equally important factors to look at in order to improve metabolism: stress, sleep and diet.

Stress creates free radicals, i.e. more waste to be metabolized. The other problem with stress is that it turns on the fight-flight mechanism which leads to shutting down the healthy metabolic pathways. As a result, blood sugar and insulin levels go up making us store more fat (and fat cells, in turn, hold on to more physical and emotional toxins). Therefore, de-stressing practices such as meditation, physical exercise and some form of therapy are crucial to maintaining optimal metabolic health.

Lack of sleep also raises blood sugar and insulin levels and prevents the parasympathetic nervous system to kick in. Thus, instead of the parasympathetic rest-digest-metabolize-repair mode, we stay in fight-flight which, as already explained, leads to fat and toxin storage. To avoid that, make sure you are asleep by 11pm at the latest, and get at least 8 hours of sleep.

Last but not least - diet. Now, there is a way to eat to increase metabolic heath, and there is a way to eat to destroy it. If you want to help your metabolism, you need to stay away from: sugar (especially fructose which is highly fattening and inflammatory), flour and starch, poly-unsaturated fats (especially seed oils), and alcohol and cigarettes. You also need to stay away from snacking: limiting your food intake to two or three meals a day will raise your metabolism and help you burn your own fat and toxins; constant grazing, on the other hand, will do the opposite. Lastly, don't eat after 7pm for everything you put into your mouth after that time gets stored as visceral fat around organs (the worst fat of all).

In conclusion, eat right, love and pray, and sleep, and you will feel and look beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside.

Vyara Bridgeman is an Advanced Certified BodyTalk practitioner who works with patients from all over the world suffering a variety of physical, mental and emotional conditions. To find out more about Vyara's BodyTalk practice, what her clients say about her, and how she can help you achieve a balanced body-mind, visit:

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Tuesday 27 April 2021

Lose Weight Quickly, and Successfully

 Whether you are a few pounds overweight or would like to drop a few sizes, you do want quick results. After all, you are going on a diet which means that you have to change your eating habits, perhaps drastically. And without results you will not have the incentive to go on.

Why do you need to lose weight?

It is essential to lose weight not only to look more attractive and get rid of unsightly bulges, but more importantly for health. That is because obesity has a major role to play in
• Reduced mobility
• Sleep disturbances
• Diabetes
• Heart disease
• Depression
• Hypertension
• Joint disorders
• Cancer
• Breathing problems

All or any of these can further fuel the weight gain, making losing weight an even more uphill task.

How to lose weight fast?

When you are embarking on a weight loss diet or plan, you need to have goals set out and these should be achievable goals. If you wonder how to lose 10 pounds and you have a time frame for it, then it becomes a goal that you set for yourself and can have the joy of achievement once you have reached the figure.

The first thing you have to do is to make an eating plan or follow a diet. The plan that you follow should be one that suits you and takes into account your eating habits, your daily routine, your work and other variables that are unique to you.

When you have a plan or diet set out, it becomes easier to follow and leaves less room for errors. Popular diets include:
Paleo Diet - When you follow the Paleo diet you eat more whole grains and unprocessed foods, more fruits and vegetables and more of lean meats. This was the diet followed by the hunter- gatherers at a time when food was natural. Since you eat healthy and natural foods with unrefined and natural fats, you will lose weight without counting calories.
Mediterranean Diet - Unlike the Paleo diet, this does not restrict dairy or legumes. You can eat more fruits and vegetables, lean proteins like fish, olive oil, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices and unprocessed grains along with wine. As this diet encompasses a wide variety of foods, it may be easier to follow.
Whole30 - A 30 day plan, this aims to reset your system. The diet is highly restrictive because it cuts out dairy, legumes and beans including soy and its derivatives, sugar and sugar substitutes. There is a wide range of prohibited food items in this diet and so you are bound to lose weight.
Raw food Diet - Since you eat only raw foods on this diet, it is relatively simple to follow as no cooking is involved. However, it does involve juicing, blending and even sprouting as an alternative to cooking.

What about exercising for losing weight?

Many people think that exercising is not effective for weight loss. You can be sweating for hours without any appreciable results. That is because many activities do not actually burn a lot of calories. To give you an example running or swimming for an hour will burn between 300-400 calories.

However, exercise does have an important role to play in weight loss. For one thing, even smaller numbers calories burnt do add up, so just by swimming an hour a day, you could lose a pound in 10 days. Exercise also helps in building muscle and keeping you fit, so you are healthier.

More significantly, exercise boosts your metabolism. When your metabolism is stoked, you burn calories faster for up to 24 hours after exercise. Of course this means regular and sustained exercise for the results to show.

When exercise is combined with a weight loss diet, you will get the best results as you will burn fat and reduce weight. With the right kind of exercise, whether rumba, dancing, strength training, crunches or whatever, you can achieve the kind of figure you want. You can improve muscle tone, get rid of unattractive bulges, get a flatter belly and a more toned butt.

How important is sleep for losing weight?

Getting enough sleep is very important in losing weight. What is the connection between weight loss and sleep? The fact is that if you don't wake up feeling fresh and fine, if you are groggy, you will find it difficult to get going. You may feel lethargic and tired and then not exercise.

At the same time, when you are fatigued, you are more likely to reach for high fact, high sugar and high calorie foods because of the comfort factor. If you cannot follow your diet or exercise plain, your metabolism slows down and you can actually end up putting on more weight.

What you should not do to lose weight?

You may follow a strict diet in an effort to lose weight fast, but it is important to keep some facts in mind.

You should certainly not be fasting to lose weight. While fasting gives quick results it has a rebound effect. As your body does not get the required food to maintain itself, it slows down the metabolism to conserve calorie burning. This results in your actually gaining weight when you start eating, even if you eat smaller amounts of food.

Even when you restrict your meal intake in an effort to lose weight, it is important that you should eat very little or no salt and sugar. You should also limit your starch intake, whether this is in the form of grain start or high carbohydrates foods. You should be eating the right kinds of food that have more nutritional value but fewer calories.

So then how do you actually succeed in losing weight?

You should have the determination to stick to your goals, follow the kind of diet that is right for your lifestyle and eating habits, while eating healthy foods. You should also get in the correct amount of physical activity and sleep that will help you lose weight and maintain fitness. Once you have lost the desired amount of weight, it is best to stick to your diet with some modifications so that you maintain your weight loss. There is no shortcut to lose weight - it comes off surely and certainly if you follow a diet and fitness regime.

Smiti Munwani has been writing for a very long time. She is a journalist, book author, content writer and dietitian. She has had two books published, The Snack-Time Cookbook and Count Your Calories to Slim and Stay Slim. She also has two books ready to be published, one on party menus and another on cooking for a healthy heart. She can be contacted via email: if anybody is interested in re-publishing the books (she has the copyright) or requires any articles. She has written extensively for the print media and done web content writing.

A versatile writer, Smiti writes on a wide range of topics - please contact her via email for web content work. She writes on health, medical, alternative remedies, family, relationships, diet, business, travel, beauty and other topics of general interest or niche interests.

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Thursday 22 April 2021

Can Ancient Wisdom Help You Lose Weight?

 The weight loss industry is a billion dollar business. People want to look and feel slim, fit and young. They crave seemingly instantaneous results. Again and again, many dieters experience a roller coaster trend of losing weight, gaining it all back, plus a few extra pounds. In frustration, they search for the next best diet.

Is there a simpler solution?

Have you ever heard of Maimonides? He is known also by his name Moses ben Maimon (1135-1204). He wrote prolifically on theology, law, philosophy, medicine, astronomy and mathematics.

"If you follow the ways we have set forth, I will guarantee that you will not get sick throughout your life... Your body will be in perfect shape and remain healthy all your life."-Maimonide

This is rather a bold statement. Is there any truth to it?

Here is a short overview of what is written in The 5 Skinny Habits¹.

1. Listen to your body: An experiment with 3 year-olds showed that they stopped eating when they were full. A 5-year-old group kept eating even after they felted satiated. The premise is that as children we learn to "clean" our plates.

2. There are two primary principles:
• Don't over eat
• Exercise at the right pace

3. Changing your habits all at once results in illness-Maimonides

4. The book recommends making one habit change per week. For example on week one you eat a light meal. It can either be fruit, vegetables or two eggs and 1 slice of bread. You can have different kinds of fruit and combine them. If you decide to have vegetables for your light meal you may choose to make soup or salad.

5. Week two you make one meal a protein and veggie meal while maintaining a light meal, in week one.

6. Week three you add a protein + veggie + a carbohydrate at one meal. If you are still hungry then you have a second helping of veggies. You continue what you have done in the first two weeks.

7. Week four is when you add exercise. The goal is ten minutes of exercise at least three times a week. If you already have an exercise program then you continue with what you are doing. For those of us who don't exercise then ten minutes three times a week is a good starting point.

8. Week five is substitution method. I will leave it up to you to decide if you want to look into this further.


1. The 5 Skinny Habits, How Ancient Wisdom Can Help You Lose Weight and Change Your Life FOREVER by David Zulberg, © 2014 by Skinny Habits, LLC, ISBN-13::978-1-62336-372-7 hardcover

Kathleen Boucher, Certified lifestyle coach, Certified neuro-coach, Certified Stress & Wellness Consultant,, Life is busy. We all want to be the best we can be, healthy, fit and energized! Great information should be shared. Enjoy!

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Tuesday 20 April 2021

Tips And Strategies To Increase Physical Activity And Lose Weight

 Tips and strategies for using increased physical activity to lose weight. You need to make a conscious effort to increase your daily physical activity. At home make out time to garden or to mow the lawn yourself instead of giving out as a contract to others. You could also participate more in yard cleaning, every little bit of physical activity counts. Don't worry if some people see it as additional stress as long as you know that the physical activity and creativity involved in determining where to plan, how to shape and trim your flowers and shrubs helps you to stay physically active and mentally fit.

When you go for social gatherings and sporting events, volunteer to clean up and move the chairs and tables. At work or at events, walk up and down the stairs instead of using the elevators or lift. Stay healthy, keep active should be your motto.

Consistent daily walks, is one of the ways you can easily lose weight and clear your mind. Even if it is just around the block, walking can do wonders for your health. It can also help to reduce your stress level. Aim to walk 10, 000 step a day or 4 miles a day. If you don't have room at home go to your neighbor hood park. If it is closed or unsafe, walk on a treadmill or jump rope. Aim to do 500 jump ropes per day.

If you do not like walking or going to the gym, consider going for swimming exercises, joining a dance class or even playing tennis. If you have a pool at home, you may find swimming to be very beneficial way to increase physical activity and help you relax. Focus on low impact exercises and avoid strenuous exercises that can easily damage your body. Examples include walking on the treadmill, dancing and doing jump ropes.

The great news is that once you find the tips and strategies that work for you and do it regularly, you will see that the pounds will start falling off gradually. Increased daily physical activity will also lift your mood and make you approach your daily tasks and goals with more optimism and hope. On the other hand, if you spend most of your days, sitting in the car (don't get buy your food or fill your pharmacy prescriptions through the drive through, all the time), sitting down at work in the office, and sitting down in front of the TV or internet at home, then your daily metabolism will be low and you will find yourself gradually gaining more weight, while increasing the risk for negative outcomes like deep vein thrombosis. Please get up and move!

Now that you have learned about some of the ways that increased physical activity can help you lose weight, please sign up for relentless weight loss training program and the Dala Compass Academy to find out more ways to achieve relentless wellness and improvement.

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Friday 2 April 2021

5 Ways A More Positive Attitude Can Help You Create More Positive Weight Loss Results

 How does your attitude shape the way your look at your goals and outcomes? One way to create better weight loss outcome for yourself is to develop a winning attitude. I say this because before I was able to consistently develop a consistent weight loss strategy I had develop a consistently positive attitude. My attitude shaped my experiences. A positive attitude will invite more happiness and success into your life. A positive attitude will help you radiate enthusiasm and develop the confidence that you will succeed in all that you strive to do..

Encourage yourself through self-talk. Remember that words are powerful. Speak to yourself with kindness and compassion and remind yourself on why wanted to lose weight. It is to improve your health, self-esteem and achieve a greater sense of self- worth. The more you say positive things about yourself, the more you can can make your weight loss relentless.

Effective positive communication is good because it will help you to reduce the tendency to allow negative stress to dominate you. The more you reduce stress the less likely you will attempt to use eating to deal with stress. Do the best you can and leave the rest. The smallest action is better than the greatest intention.

Taking action will help you find more fun ways to keep your attitude more positive, It will help you to find ways to reduce complex problems to small segments that you can help you meet more of daily goals. Ask yourself questions that will help you recognize which aspects of your relationship with others could either be contributing to your weight gain or making it more difficult for you to lose weight.

A positive attitude will help you to overcome obstacles and achieve your full potential. It will help you overcome stress. If you become cranky or blue, look for the underlying causes. When you figure out the triggers that can influence your ability have healthier reactions and thrive!

A better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses will help you know your limitations, when it comes to choosing pathways to better health and consistent weight loss. It will also help you to anticipate problems, quarrels and pressure points. If you are a person of faith take advantage of it! Draw upon your faith. Connecting with the divine will help to remind of your ultimate purpose. Feeding your spirit will help you to feel more motivated and powerful.

Now that you have learned about some of the ways a more positive attitude can help you to achieve your specified goals, check out other solutions and ideas at DalaCompassAcademy

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Wednesday 31 March 2021

Tips And Strategies To Help You Lose Weight After The Holidays

 Tips and strategies for losing weight after holidays. The first step you need to take when trying to lose weight after the holidays is to weigh yourself. This is a simple and easy step that most people forget to take. Why is it important? If you weigh yourself, you will find out how much weight you need to lose. You will also have to find out how much weight you gained over the holiday period.

The second step will be do a 72-hour food audit so that you can identify the type of food, you typically eat This help you identify the food you need cut down on. it could be high density energy food types like pizza or it could be fast food. It could also be that the frequency and quantity of food that you eat has increased. If you notice that you have been eating more food over the holidays, then one of the strategies you can use to lose weight after the holidays is cut down on the quantity of food you eat after the holidays. Start today!

Drink at least a glass of water per meal. Why? Research has shown that drinking water before a meal will help to expand your stomach. This approach will make you feel completely full when you are only 80% full. This is important because eating only up to 80 % full was one of the common practices of people of Okinawa in Japan, who have the highest number of centenarians in the world (Boyle & Long, 2010). If you want to lose weight relentlessly without making it seem like a tedious task then drink at least two glasses of water per meal and eat more fruits and vegetables. This will help you reduce your total calorie intake per meal and slowly lose weight without counting calories.

Apart from starting every meal with a glass of water, make sure you also add vegetables, like cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach and bananas to your meals. Eating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables per meal with reduced portions of your regular or usual meal will significantly help you to lose significant pounds and keep them off. Remember calories in calories out.

Do you know the factors that make you want to eat more food? One factor is stress. If you truly want to lose height, you need to make sure that you do not get too stressed out about your post holiday bills or relationship issues. Wren you regularly write down what stresses you out, and what you eat after you are stressed out, you will be in better control to lose weight and keep it off. This is part of the process of relentless self-mastery.

Now that you have learned about some of the tips and strategies that would help you lose weight and keep it off after the holidays, please sign up for more holistic strategies for relentless transformation and self-mastery Dala Compass Academy

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Monday 29 March 2021

Weight Loss, Exercise, And 5 Ways To Dominate!

 It's confusing, isn't it?

Diet can be tricky with regards to losing weight, but then comes exercise.

And you know you have to do it. If you think you can lose weight without exercise, you are deluding yourself!

The question is, which plan?

You watch videos... no help!

You read about it... you may as well try to read the Egyptian hieroglyphics.

And yet, without exercise, you know you are going to lose.

Lose the drive, lose the body, and especially, lose this battle.

And this is a battle you want to win, not lose!

Losing is simply not an option.

So you are stuck. Confused. Annoyed. And probably hungry!

You need to choose an exercise plan, but which one...
Too much exercise, and you will start hurting. You may cause injury, and you will give up.

Too little, and there isn't much weight loss to measure. What was the point in even starting?

And yet, you know, exercise is important. You cannot seriously try to lose those pounds, without taking up exercise.

You tried to avoid it. You tried to stick to a diet, to a decent amount of sleep. Heck, you've even tried hypnosis.

Yet, exercise remains the key that unlocks the door to the body that you can only dream off. And you are desperate to force that door open!

And you want it to open now!

But the ultimate question is, what do you do?

That's one of the biggest issues with exercise programs. Too much information, not enough direction.

Annoying though it is to say, but it does boil down to what you need. (Sorry to be vague).

Everybody is different. That is to say, every, 'body' is different. And as a result, what works for someone, won't always work for you.

Regardless of your commitment to losing weight in terms of the food you eat, exercise will be an essential part of your weight loss program.

But all is not lost...
Consider the tips below for maintaining motivation and maximizing your potential, starting with the fact that you can try changing your exercise routine four times a year.

Keep track of your exercise routine change times with any calendar, in order to give yourself a clear idea of start and stop dates for a particular exercise routine.

Recording your weight.

Put simply, incorporate the use of a symbol such as a checkmark for the days during the exercise period that you actually exercise. Record your weight during the four times during the year to keep track of your weight loss goals.

If you are still not satisfied with your weight loss results at the end of a particular three-month period, firstly determine whether you missed more days of exercise during that period of time than you typically miss during a specific three-month period.

But what happens if, when you record your weight, there is very little change, you need help, or there is no gym... that's next!

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Saturday 27 March 2021

How To Take Action Consistently And Lose Weight

 If you want to lose weight consistently, you have to consistent action. Extraordinary results require extraordinary effort. Talking and planning aren't enough to make progress with most tasks. This will include losing weight. Don't spend your time dreaming or planning about how you would lose weight after the holidays or next year. Today is as good a time as any to start losing weight, provided you start taking action.

If you have the best ideas, but don't take action, it will be a waste of time and mental energy. It's important to spend the majority of your time actually doing something that will help you achieve your desired results. Consistent action is the key. You can't lose weight by exercising once a week or reducing your food portion once a month. Daily consistent action is required

The first thing you need to realize is that nothing will change until your behavior changes. Visualization and positive self-talk have their place, but they're only effective if your behavior changes. You can try to wish your way to a new Rolls Royce, or to make a million dollars by aligning your chakras with the universe, but it won't happen unless you're actually doing something different. You can't lose weight by reading about weight loss without actually taking action. You need to understand that a consistent change in your behavior is the key to real change.

The second thing you need to know the outcome you desire and make it determine your actions. It's not easy to take action if you don't know what you're attempting to accomplish. Be clear on your intention. Take the time to determine what you want to accomplish. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? What actions can you take today to move in that direction? What action can you take today? How much weight do you expect to lose in the next six months?

While it is important to begin with the end in mind, you have to remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Start by taking small steps. Do you want to jog for 60 minutes each day? Get started by jogging for five minutes each day. You won't get in shape by exercising for only five minutes, but you will develop the habit of getting out the door each day. After a week, up the time by another minute or two. Typically after about 3-6 weeks, you'll have developed an exercise habit and can begin to make a difference for you..

Don't spend too much time planning to begin taking action. Limit your planning time. Those that are slow to take action love to plan, but the best plans are worthless until they're executed. While you're trying to work out the fine details, everyone else is already taking care of business. Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the possible. One way to take action quickly is to start early. Get started early in the day. If you can accomplish something worthwhile before 9AM, you'll be motivated to do even more during the rest of the day. Don't form the habit of putting off your actions until tomorrow. Take action today and don't try to let yourself off the hook by telling yourself that you'll get twice as much done tomorrow. This is particularly important if you want to consistently lose weight by taking daily action.

Now that you have learned about how taking consistent action can help you achieve more of your goals, you can also find out more ways to achieve greater self-mastery, optimal health and relentless transformation by signing up for the program at the Dala Compass Academy

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Thursday 25 March 2021

5 Things Needed For Any Diet To Work!

 At any specific, point - in - time, millions of Americans, as well as others, around the world, are dieting, in some form, or another! The motivations, reasons, concerns, action plan, efforts, discipline, etc, may differ, but, regardless, of which one, there are five key things, needed, for any weight - loss/ diet, plan, to work, effectively. There is no such thing, as, one - size - fits - all, in terms of, which method, and/ or, approach, might work, best, for someone, because there are many diets, and weight - loss programs, which work for some, but, aren't effective, for others! However, regardless of which approach, and/ or, plan, is used, there are 5 things needed, for any diet, to bring, the desired results. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, these, and why, they are meaningful, and significant.

1. Mindset: Any specific plan will only work, when one possesses the necessary, mindset, and being ready, to commit to this effort, on a consistent, disciplined manner! Perhaps, considering Groucho Marx's famous line, It's a matter of mind over matter. If you don't have a mind, it doesn't matter. In other words, before any specific plan, will have the results, the individual has to be ready, and have the motivations, to commit, to it!

2. Health concerns/ warnings: Many attempt to lose weight, after visiting their doctor, and being strongly advised, doing so, is necessary, to address specific health concerns. At other times, there are certain warnings, people heed, such as their appearance, pain in joints, and other early warning signs, of specific health - related challenges!

3. Commitment: For any program, to work, it takes significant commitment, to pursue, and move forward, even when it is difficult, challenging, or, there may seem to be, an easier path! When someone commits to any specific diet, there are times, when it may not seem worth the effort, but, if one wants to be successful, it requires patience, and looking at the bigger - picture!

4. Discipline: How can anyone proceed, forward, unless/ until, he has the degree of self - discipline, to maintain the quest, and resist/ overcome the temptations!

5. Resist temptation: One of the many challenges, thrust in the path, of those, seeking to lose weight, is the temptation, to abandon it, because of specific conditions, etc, which might interfere with those efforts. Do you have the inner strength, and fortitude, to resist these temptations?

Since, so many seek to lose weight, wouldn't it make sense, and be beneficial, to be prepared, for obstacles, to this quest? Are you really committed to dieting?

Richard has owned businesses (including natural health products), been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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