Tuesday 30 June 2020


Foods That Can Literally Make You Happy

Most people would agree that food makes them happy - but did you know there's actual science behind it? Some foods can truly boost your mood, and I want to share a few of those with you. It's important to note that our gut is our second brain so when we take care of it by eating a healthy diet we will feel much better overall. It is estimated that 90% of our serotonin production is in our digestive system so let's get to feeling happy.
Here are a few of my favourite mood-boosting foods...
Dark chocolate. You may have felt like chocolate made you happier, but now it's been scientifically proven as well. It's been shown that eating dark chocolate each day lowers your levels of stress hormones and therefore makes you happier. This isn't a free pass to eat endless amounts of chocolate, but a little piece won't hurt - in fact, it could actually help!
Fruits & Veggies. All the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that come from a lifestyle filled with vegetables and fruits allows you to release neurotransmitters that make you happy. Therefore, incorporating this rainbow of food into your life is great for your mood and health.
Fatty fish. The omega 3's that come from fatty fish like wild salmon and tuna provides your body with the nutrients it needs to feel less stressed, a lot more relaxed and happy. Another benefit of omega 3 is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If it helps you reduce pain that's an added bonus to boost your mood.
Saffron. Have you heard of saffron before? Saffron is a spice from India. Conducted research showed that only a little bit of saffron a day makes serotonin more available to the brain. Saffron has also been shown to help alleviate PMS symptoms.
Along with eating mood-boosting foods, you can also make an effort to exercise on a regular basis for more mood boosting benefits. The endorphins that are released during exercise have a powerful effect that can last the whole day and set you up for success. Another great practice to boost your mood is by keeping a daily gratitude journal. Every day write down at least 3 things you are grateful for and really think deeply about them. When we are in a state of gratitude it completely transforms our perspective and mood.
Enjoy your food, make healthy decisions and you will be happy!
If you are struggling with your mood, please seek medical attention from a licensed medical professional. These tips are not to take the place of medical assistance.
For healthy summer BBQ recipes grab your FREE copy of my Summer BBQ Plan here: https://www.summerbbqdiet.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9745785

Monday 29 June 2020

1 Year 100 lb Weight Loss - Mind & Body Transformation

Heal Your Emotions With Food

These foods can help you regulate your moods in a natural way.
Sorrow and grief: Reach for cauliflower, turnips and asparagus. These foods resonate with the immunity system, lungs and large intestine organs which in the Chinese medicine system are associated with processing emotional grief.
Asparagus naturally supports healthy bronchial tissues to open up the lungs when grief is causing you to feel like you just cannot take a deep breath. The turnips and cauliflower help to support your immunity system so that the process of living with and healing grief does not leave you vulnerable to developing colds, flu and bacterial infections. It can be challenging enough just dealing with the emotional impact grief without the added stress of becoming physically ill. So, try these foods to help protect your health during a process of grieving.
Affirm as you eat these foods: I am breathing deeply and strong in immunity.
Anxiety: Reach for yellow/orange foods such as pineapple, cantaloupe, and sweet potato (great for quelling carb cravings-and yes, you can microwave the potato for a quick snack although I don't recommend microwaving in general). Also, cinnamon and ginger teas will help to quell anxiety.
Similarly, a cup of butternut squash soup can also soothe anxiety. Look for varieties that are low in sugar.
In Chinese medicine, the foods that impact anxiety resonate with the stomach and spleen energies, or "earth" energies. Thus, they help a person come back to center when feelings are strong, which can also support processing other feelings such as grief, sadness, disappointment, anger, and fears.
Affirm as you eat these food: I am centered and strong.
Fear: Reach for deep water fish such as salmon or tuna. If you are vegan, reach for seaweed such as nori, wakame and kombu.
These foods resonate with the kidneys and bladder in the Chinese medicine system which we associate with the "water" element, which rules courage or fears.
Sometimes fear can exist in response to situations all by itself, or it may be a secondary emotional reaction to other emotional states. You may feel deeply sad, then fear may emerge around thoughts such as, "I'm really scared that I may not ever feel joy again."
Foods from the sea can help to take the edge of fear and connect us back into states of courage by supporting our adrenal glands which can go into overload with the fight or flight response when we feel strong feelings.
As you eat these foods affirm: I am courageous and strong.
Anger: Reach for any green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard or collard greens, romaine lettuce or kale. Reach for spirulina, cucumber, green vegetable juices with small amounts of carbohydrates.
Anger in the Chinese medicine system resides with the "wood" organs of the liver and gallbladder. When we support the health of these organs with the foods listed, we empower ourselves to access our sense of peace and calm even when things are occurring that are naturally frustrating or irritable. These foods will enable you to access your natural patience and compassion even when you are feeling angry. Drink a bottle of a juice like Suja uber greens which is low in calories (and no I don't get paid to plug that product-I actually drink that juice) when you are in the midst of feeling angry. Or juice cucumbers, cilantro kale, lemon, green apple and peppermint yourself.
It is amazing how much calmer you will feel when you take a moment to detoxify the liver and gallbladder with healing foods.
Affirm as you eat these foods: Compassion and patience are overcoming anger and frustration.
Nervous stress/excitement: Reach for almonds, sesame oil or seeds and spinach.
These foods help to specifically calm the heart energies associated with fast moving energy and that hyped up feeling that won't let you sleep, rest or get focused in your thoughts. Think of a flame going in many directions.
Affirm this as you eat these foods: I am calming the flame of my excitement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10077004

Sunday 28 June 2020

Dwayne Johnson: ONE OF THE BEST MOTIVATION EVER (The Rock 2018)

Soothing Arthritis Pain Through Nutrition

Arthritis is a painful condition where one or more joints of the body become inflamed; it typically worsens with age. With over one hundred different types of arthritis, the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While the different types have different causes, most often the body's immune system begins to attack its own tissues, thus breaking them down.
Although there is no cure for arthritis, there are several common treatments that can help to manage the condition and the associated pain. These treatments include plenty of rest, physical therapy, medication, exercise, and sometimes surgery.
Nutrition can help treat arthritis pain as well. Certain foods can help to improve the pain while others may worsen it. Understanding which foods to choose can make all the difference in your body's experience with arthritis.
Foods that Help Arthritis Pain:
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Once ingested, omega-3 fatty acids convert into compounds that are much more potent than the original fatty acids themselves. One important type of compound, called resolvin, is effective in signaling the inflammatory response to end. In arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, an overactive immune system causes degradation of body tissues. Resolvins flip the "inflammation switch" to the off position. For best results, food sources of omega-3 fatty acids, like fatty fish salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines, walnuts, walnut oil, flaxseed and flaxseed oil are preferred over supplements.
  • Fiber: Consuming adequate amounts of fiber appears to lower a protein in the blood called C-reactive protein (CRP), an indicator of inflammation. When blood levels of CRP are high, it is a strong indicator that something is causing an inflammatory response in the body. While it can't be officially said that high fiber foods will treat arthritis specifically, lowering CRP levels may be helpful.
  • Strawberries: These juicy red berries have the same effect on blood levels of CRP as fiber does. A study conducted at Harvard University found that women who ate 16 or more strawberries each week were 14% less likely to have elevated CRP levels compared to those who did not eat strawberries.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Foods like broccoli or kale contain chemical components that can help to decrease the inflammation seen in arthritis. As a result, the symptoms associated with arthritis often decrease too.
Foods that Hurt Arthritis Pain:
  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids: This type of fatty acid is prevalent in all types of snack foods, deep fried foods, and margarine-like spreads. Coincidentally, overindulging in processed snack foods has been linked with enhancing joint inflammation and obesity. Obesity and arthritis are further associated with one another because fat cells can produce cytokines, a type of protein that promotes inflammation.
  • Processed Foods: Packaged foods are often high in sodium, oils, and sugars, none of which is good for managing arthritis. These ingredients encourage the progression of arthritis and do little to help.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol increases inflammation in the body and puts your body at risk for several different health complications. It's best to avoid alcohol completely or consume it in amounts that are sparing.
Hopefully this information can be of practical use to your or a loved one dealing with arthritis. If you find a food causing an increase in your pain levels, consider eating less of that food to see if your experience improves. The goal of arthritis treatment is to prevent the condition from getting worse and to manage painful symptoms. Eating healthfully can do just that.
Bonnie R. Giller is a Registered and Certified Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She helps chronic dieters, emotional eaters, and people with medical conditions like diabetes, break the spell that diets have over them and reclaim WholeBody Trust™ so they can live their life to the fullest. She does this by creating a tailored solution that combines the three pillars of WholeBody Trust™: Mind Trust, Hunger Trust and Food Trust™.
Join her free Break the Spell of Diets in 3 Days online experience at https://dietfreeradiantme.com/breakthespellofdiets
Have diabetes: Grab a free copy of her eBook: 5 Keys to Manage Diabetes Without Dieting at https://brghealth.com/5keysebook

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10305163

Saturday 27 June 2020

The mathematics of weight loss | Ruben Meerman | TEDxQUT (edited version)

5 Ways to Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes Complications

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease where the body struggles with insulin resistance. This means the body's cells are resistant to the insulin your pancreas is secreting and as a result, sugar (glucose) is not able to move into your cells for energy. Therefore, your blood sugar levels stay elevated. If type 2 diabetes is left untreated, complications may result. These complications include heart disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, and eye damage to name a few.
Like any other disease, there are modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. These describe the factors that affect your risk of disease and related complications; some you can control and others you cannot.
Non-modifiable risk factors:
● Family history
● Age
● Ethnicity
● Socioeconomic status
Modifiable risk factors:
● Diet and nutrition
● Physical activity
● Poorly controlled blood glucose levels
● High blood pressure
● High cholesterol levels
● Cigarette smoking
Lifestyle choices have a big influence on type 2 diabetes and its complications. You can come that much closer to health with every bite you eat or every step you take! Below are 5 ways to lower your risk of complications from diabetes.
5 Ways to Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes Complications:
1. Balance your plate with nutritious foods and learn how much carbohydrate your body can process at a meal. There is no one diabetes meal plan. It's very important that your diet be individualized to you.
2. Increase your physical activity. Start small and build up to your goal. Being physically active helps to decease insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity so your cell doors open and accept the sugar.
3. Take medications as prescribed. Set reminders on your phone to help you remember to take your medications at the prescribed time.
4. Stop smoking. If you smoke, speak with your physician about the best way to stop.
5. Test your blood glucose. Self-monitoring of your blood glucose allows you to see what is working and what isn't working in your diabetes care plan. It gives you data so you can make adjustments along with your diabetes care team.
6. Meet with a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) who is also a certified diabetes educator (C.D.E.) to help you learn about self-management of your diabetes.
  1. A RDN who is also an expert in diabetes care and education will give you the support you need to take charge of your diabetes.
You can live a long healthy life with diabetes. You have the power within you to make the lifestyle changes that will lower your risk of complications
Bonnie R. Giller is a Registered and Certified Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She helps chronic dieters, emotional eaters, and people with medical conditions like diabetes, break the spell that diets have over them and reclaim WholeBody Trust™ so they can live their life to the fullest.
Join her free Break the Spell of Diets in 3 Days online experience at https://dietfreeradiantme.com/breakthespellofdiets
Have diabetes: Grab a free copy of her eBook: 5 Keys to Manage Diabetes Without Dieting at https://brghealth.com/5keysebook

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10305121

Friday 26 June 2020


Vitamin A & Your Immune System

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global pandemic and severely affected our everyday life. At this time, there is yet any clinically proven drugs or treatments to prevent or cure COVID-19.
With the novel coronavirus, about 80% of the infected had mild to moderate symptoms (mild symptoms up to mild pneumonia), about 15% developed severe disease (shortness of breath, low blood oxygen, or >50% lung involvement), and 5% became critically ill (respiratory failure, shock, or multi organ dysfunction).
Patients with severe COVID-19 illness and adverse outcome are mostly older, have diabetes, heart disease, prior stroke, hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, and/or chronic lung disease. In many cases, these patients' immune system, in an attempt to fight the virus, becomes dysfunctional and go into overdrive, resulting in a deadly effect known as a "cytokine storm".
Cytokines are an important part of your immune response. Your body release them as a response to an infection to trigger inflammation for your protection. A cytokine storm happens when the body releases excessive or uncontrolled levels of cytokines, causing hyper inflammation, which may lead to serious complications and even death.
Why does the immune system go haywire? How come it occurs more in patients who are immunocompromised or with preexisting conditions? How can we have a stronger, better functioning immune system?
By now, most of us are well aware of the important role nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and probiotics play in regulating the immune system and keeping us healthy. Not enough has been said about vitamin A though.
For the past several decades, scientists have been studying the impact of dietary vitamin A on human health. It is well established that vitamin A is an essential nutrient and is responsible for many vital functions in the body:
  1. It protects the eyes from night blindness and age-related decline.
  2. It reduces the risk of certain cancers.
  3. It supports a healthy immune system.
  4. It reduces the risk of skin problems like eczema and acne.
  5. It supports bone health.
  6. It promotes healthy growth and reproduction.
In the following, we will look at how vitamin A can help reduce the incidence and severity of infectious diseases, how the immune system works against infectious agents like viruses, and the role vitamin A plays in regulating a healthy immune response. Lastly, we will discuss how you can get enough vitamin A to complement your immune protocol.
Understanding Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a group of compounds found in both animal and plant foods. It comes in two forms: preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids.
  • Preformed vitamin A is known as the active form of the vitamin, which the body can readily use. It is fat-soluble and found in animal foods, like liver and eggs, and includes retinoid compounds like retinol, retinal, and retinoid acid.
  • Provitamin A carotenoids include carotenes (like alpha-carotene and beta-carotene) and xanthophyll (like astaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin). These are the inactive form or precursors of the vitamin found in plants such as sweet potatoes and carrots. These compounds are water-soluble and have to be converted to the active form before the body can use it. For example, beta-carotene is converted to retinol in the small intestine. However, the ability to convert provitamin A into the active form is impaired in many people. More on this later.
Vitamin A Reduces Incidence And Severity Of Infectious Diseases
Research studies over the past several decades have well established the beneficial effect of vitamin A on infectious diseases.
  • It was dated back to the ancient Egyptians that vitamin deficiency and disease were first correlated. They applied liver (which is rich in vitamin A) extracts to the eyes of people affected by nutritional night blindness.
  • In 1892, it was suggested that diet could have an impact on susceptibility to infectious diseases based on the observation that children suffering from measles or whooping cough also developed blindness produced by vitamin A deficiency.
  • Later studies indicated that supplements with carrots (which are rich in beta-carotene) could reduce the number and severity of respiratory infections.
  • More recent studies have shown that deficiency of vitamin A is associated with heightened incidence of infectious diseases, including respiratory diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV and others.
  • Studies showed that high dose vitamin A supplementation in children with measles increased the number of circulating T cells (a type of immune cells), and also that vitamin A supplementation could reduce the incidence of respiratory infections in children.
How The Immune System Works
Our immune system can be broken down into the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system.
Innate immune system
This is the dominant defense system in the body and it relies on the use of physical barriers like the skin and mucous membranes, coupled with first responder defenders called leukocytes (white blood cells). Leukocytes include phagocytes (which engulf foreign invaders) and natural killer cells.
The innate immune system response is why you get a stuffy nose and sneeze when you have a cold, or why a scrapped knee gets red, hot, and inflamed, or filled with pus. For people who contract COVID-19 and have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, their innate immune system is effective and working well against the coronavirus.
Adaptive immune system
When the innate immune system is not strong enough to combat the foreign invaders, it sends out signals called antigens to call on the second line of defense - the adaptive immune system. This system uses special types of leukocytes called lymphocytes, namely the B-cells and T-cells.
This is typically when the inflammatory response gets kicked into a higher gear and you develop a fever and body aches. The adaptive immune response not only identifies and fights off viruses, it also remembers them so it can quickly and effectively combat and neutralize them in the future, thus creating immunity. This is also how vaccines work.
COVID-19 And Cytokine Storms
The coronavirus tends to target the respiratory system by attaching and infiltrating the lung cells where it can more effectively hide from the immune system and reproduce. The infected cell will then produce more of the coronavirus and the process repeats itself.
When the immune system detects this, it kicks off its response. The T-cells are then activated and they release cytokines. A cytokine is a hormone of the immune system. The body produces cytokines to help fight bacteria, viruses, and other invading organisms. Cytokines can be pro-inflammatory when they attract white blood cells to the site of an infection. Cytokines can also be anti-inflammatory when they try to ramp down an immune response once the threat has been neutralized.
The release of cytokines triggers additional T-cells to be made, which then release even more cytokines. One type of T-cells called cytotoxic T-cells roam the body and kill infected cells. When the immune system is working well, the cytotoxic T-cells only target infected cells to be killed and move along.
A cytokine storm happens when the immune system goes haywire. This is when the body's immune response gets so amped up that it stops differentiating between infected and healthy cells. In other words, the lung cells are now attacked by both the coronavirus as well as the immune system.
With COVID-19, the cytokine storm focuses on the lungs, causing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and damage to the walls and lining cells of the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs.
Normally, the wall of the alveolus is super thin, so oxygen can easily get from the air space in between into the red blood cells. In this case, both the wall and lining cells as well as the capillaries are destroyed. The debris that accumulates from all that damage lines the wall of the alveolus. The damage to the capillaries also causes them to leak plasma proteins that add to the wall's thickness. Eventually the wall becomes so thick that it is hard to transfer oxygen, hence, the feeling of shortness of breath.
Many people who get ADRS need help breathing from a ventilator. As fluid collects in the lungs, they carry less oxygen to the blood. That means your blood may not supply your organs with enough oxygen to survive, resulting in the lungs, liver, and kidneys to shut down and stop working.
Additionally, doctors found that once the coronavirus gets to the lungs, it may travel to the bloodstream and infect the endothelium, lining of the blood vessels, causing endotheliitis. It is, therefore, no surprise that people who have conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease that put a lot of stress on the endothelium are also the ones who get the sickest when they catch the coronavirus.
COVID-19 does not merely cause lung problems. Many severe patients also develop widespread blood clots as a result of the hyper-inflamed state of cytokine storm, leading to strokes, heart attacks, and organ failure. What's more, doctors have noted an alarming trend as they treat more and more COVID-19 stroke patients who are in their 30s and 40s without risk factors. These people are at least 15 years younger than usual stroke patients without the virus.
Vitamin A Regulates Immune Responses
The effect of vitamin A on immune function is wide-reaching:
  • It promotes and regulates both the innate and adaptive immune systems and the development of healthy immune responses.
  • It plays an important role in the regulation of different white blood cells (neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells, and lymphocytes) and influence the generation of cytokines by the immune cells.
  • Deficiency of vitamin A favors the production of more pro-inflammatory cytokines.
  • Research on vitamin A deficiency in children found that it damages the mucosal barrier, which is the natural defense of the respiratory tract, allowing bacteria and viruses to proliferate.
Are You At Risk For Vitamin A Deficiency?
Vitamin A deficiency may lower your immune function, thereby raising your risk of complications from infectious diseases.
A blood test can determine if you are severely vitamin A deficient. Vitamin A is stored in the liver. Normally, the body will always try to maintain a healthy blood vitamin A concentration (a process called homeostatic regulation). However, when the body's reserves of vitamin A are significantly compromised, vitamin A concentration in the blood can drop below normal range.
Signs of mild deficiency
  • dry eyes
  • poor night vision
  • hormonal imbalances
  • irregular periods
  • vaginal dryness
  • infertility
  • low energy and fatigue
  • mood disorders
  • frequent throat and chest infections
  • bumpy skin
  • eczema and acne
  • thyroid dysfunction
Strict vegans who avoid all animal-based foods and alcoholics are more prone to vitamin A deficiency.
Since vitamin A is stored in the liver, and alcoholics may have existing liver damage, they may be more susceptible to deficiency.
Vegans who rely entirely on plant sources of the precursor to vitamin A need to have the carotenoids converted to retinol, the active form of Vitamin A. However, in a majority of people, the carotene-to-retinol conversion is severely compromised, and in some it may even be as low as 10%.
Factors that inhibit the conversion include:
  • genetic variants in the BCO1 gene that impact the conversion of beta carotene
  • diabetes
  • alcohol use
  • certain medications
  • toxic exposures
  • medical conditions that interfere with the digestion of fat (including Crohn's disease, Celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, and gallbladder and liver disease)
  • a low-fat diet - as healthy fats are needed for the efficient conversion of carotenoids to retinol
Sources Of Dietary Vitamin A
From animals (preformed vitamin A):
  • Pastured animal liver (liver is an organ that processes toxins, toxins are not stored in the liver but in fats in the body)
  • Pastured poultry giblets
  • Cod liver oil
  • Grass fed ghee and butter
  • Grass fed cream and cheese
  • Pastured egg yolks
  • Sockeye salmon
From plants (provitamin A carotenoids):
  • Sweet potato
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Winter squash
  • Dark green, leafy vegetables
  • Broccoli
  • Cantaloupe
  • Red bell peppers
  • Mangos
  • Apricots
Vitamin A Supplementation
Ideally, it is best to eat vitamin A-rich animal foods regularly. There is no risk of excessive intake through food. The risk lies in taking mega dose supplements. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include changes to vision, bone pain, and skin changes. Chronic toxicity can lead to osteoporosis and liver damage.
Do note that blood vitamin A levels (as indicated in a blood test) may not indicate changes in supplementation because for healthy people blood vitamin A concentrations are always under homeostatic regulation and will stay within normal range. At present, there are no non-invasive ways (requires liver biopsies) to accurately measure the amount of vitamin A stored in the body.
For people who would like to take vitamin A supplements, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for adult male is 3,000 I.U. (or 900 mcg) and adult female is 2,300 I.U. (or 700 mcg).
The Upper Tolerable Intake Level (UL) is 10,000 I.U. (or 3,000 mcg) daily.
Always take it with food containing fats for optimal absorption.
Remember that vitamin A is available in two different forms: preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids. The maximum daily dose of 10,000 I.U. per day relates to only preformed vitamin A.
Some supplements contain vitamin A in both preformed and provitamin A carotenoids forms. For these supplements, the amount of preformed vitamin A should be used to determine if the amount of vitamin A is safe.
In some cases, a vitamin A supplement with vitamin A in amounts greater than 10,000 I.U. may still be safe if a portion of the vitamin A is in the provitamin A carotenoids. For example, a supplement containing 23,000 I.U. of vitamin A, of which 60% is provitamin A carotenoids, will still be safe. This is because only 40% of the vitamin A content, or 9,200 I.U., is preformed vitamin A.
Preformed vitamin A may come in two forms - from retinyl palmitate (in tablets) and/or from cod or other fish liver oil (in soft gels). Check the ingredients if you have allergies towards fish or soy.
  • If you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or breastfeeding, keep the daily limit to 5,000 I.U.
  • If you have a disorder that affects fat absorption, you may not be able to absorb vitamin A properly.
  • Do not take vitamin A if you have a type of high cholesterol called Type V Hyperlipoproteinemia.
  • Do not take vitamin A if you have liver disease.
  • Iron deficiency may affect the body's ability to breakdown and use vitamin A.
  • People with severe protein malnutrition may end up with too much vitamin A in the body.
  • People with zinc deficiency may need to take both vitamin A and zinc to improve the condition.
  • Use caution if you are taking medications for skin conditions (Retinoids) as they may interact with vitamin A.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, do not take a high dosage of vitamin A.
  • Medications that harm the liver (hepatotoxic drugs) interacts with vitamin A.
  • Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts with vitamin A.
Although nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and probiotics have been shown to strengthen the immune system, at present, there is no research or study on their efficacy towards preventing and curing COVID-19.
Carol Chuang is a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She has a Masters degree in Nutrition and is a Certified Gluten Practitioner. She specializes in Metabolic Typing and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10285165

Thursday 25 June 2020

My Motivational Story Will Change Your Life (Animated)

The Ardell REAL Wellness® Self-Assessment For Athleticism (Exercise And Nutrition)

This edition essay consists of a self-assessment designed to reflect your knowledge, satisfaction level and general experience of Athleticism, one of four REAL wellness dimensions.
The self-assessment protocols are copyrighted; all rights are reserved. Visit donardell.com for licensing information regarding educational, corporate, non-profit or other uses of one or more of the four REAL wellness self-assessments, as well as a separate self-assessment for stress management.
The purpose of all the self-assessments is to promote familiarity with and added commitment to REAL wellness mindsets and lifestyles. The overall goal is a philosophy guided by reason, inspired by exuberance, supported with athleticism and enriched by increased personal liberties.
The Athleticism dimension of REAL wellness is about exercise and nutrition. These two domains have been treated as separate professions until recently. Degrees and certifications, professional societies, conferences and scholarly journals were and largely remain devoted to exercise and to nutrition, but not both as a single, integral element of the same topic (i.e., Athleticism). As far back as the mid-seventies, I insisted the two were intertwined and logically inseparable and should be addressed together, understood as one discipline of two integrated parts. Playfully, I insisted exercise and nutrition were inextricably intertwinked. I made this case in High Level Wellness: An Alternative to Doctors, Drugs and Disease, initially published by Rodale Press in 1977 and later by Bantam Books and Ten Speed Press.
For best results from exercise as well as from wise food choices, these two elements deserve equal attention. One contributes to the other; best results from exercise result from attention to complementary food patterns and vice-versa.
Four centuries ago, Joseph Addison (1672-1719) identified three grand essentials to happiness: 1) something to do, 2) someone to love and 3) something to hope for. There are probably many more essentials for some people, but there is absolutely one more for everyone--good health. You can manage a bit of happiness when in pain and otherwise severely distracted from things to do, someone to love and something to hope for, but after a while dreadful health will get in the way. Chronic ill health, distractions from doing what you desire, love and hope, is almost guaranteed without adequate exercise and sound diet.
Sufficient exercise and wise diet choices on a daily basis require mental toughness, a disciplined and unwavering commitment to regular body care involving both movement and nourishment. Only about ten percent of older adults (65 plus) in the Western world exercise at even minimal levels. While Americans spend a great deal more on fitness products and services than any other nation ($265 billion annually in 2018, according to the Global Wellness Institute), we rank 143rd globally for actual participation in physical activity.
Those who exercise regularly and sufficiently enjoy less stress, fewer illnesses and better reflexes, memories, balance and metabolic profiles. How much better? So much so that on these health measures, fit elders test at levels decades better than their sedentary peers. (Source: Ross D. Pollock et. al., An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Age and Physiological Function in Highly Active Older Adults, The Journal of Physiology, January 2015.)
To become and remain physically fit and to sustain yourself with foods that support good physical and mental health, knowledge and disciplined choices are required on a daily basis. The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) identifies poor nutrition and lack of physical activity as two of the four main risk factors causing preventable chronic diseases; the other two are tobacco use and excessive alcohol.
Vigorous daily exercise and nutritious, delicious and only occasional pernicious treats (e.g., pies, cakes, donuts) are foundation requirements for wellbeing. The mental and physical acuity gained from mastery of the Athleticism dimension will enable and support rational decision-making, exuberance and freedom from avoidable dysfunctions that otherwise inhibit thriving and flourishing.
The Athleticism self-assessment contains ten statements. Each statement is prefaced by a background commentary that provides a context for a fuller understanding of the statement to follow.
Please choose a number from one to five that reflects the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement. If you strongly believe that your thinking or situation aligns with the statement, place the number 5 as your answer choice in the space provided. If you strongly disagree, enter the number 1. These are the two extreme positions.
The middle number 3 represents a neutral position, indicating that you are not sure which side of the continuum your situation merits. The numbers 2 and 4 express modest alignment with one side or the other along the continuum.
An interpretative commentary is provided based upon your cumulative score. In addition, a selection of ten Athleticism-focused books are included; five relate to exercise and five to nutrition.
This instrument is not intended as a competition, but rather for personal self-assessment. Be scrupulously frank with your self-assessments.
The value of the assessment will be in the degree to which your score accurately represents your thinking and activity level in this dimension of REAL wellness. The cumulative score for the ten statements will determine the feedback. This should be helpful for making positive adjustments, if needed and desired.
Enjoy the process.
I. Background
In 1912, the architect William Mitchell Kendall designed the General Post Office Building in Manhattan. Upon completion, Kendall had words inspired by the Greek scholar Herodotus (500 BC) inscribed on the grand entrance:
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
Though never officially adopted by the U.S. Postal Service, this motto has been associated with U.S. mail couriers ever since, which might explain why some people get cranky when the mail carrier does not arrive as expected.
Statement # 1
My commitment to vigorous exercise is such that I almost never miss a daily workout, come tornado, flood, earthquake, tsunami or pandemic. Well, maybe in the event of a tornado, flood, earthquake or tsunami,
but certainly not in case of a mere pandemic, or snow, rain, heat or gloom of night. _____
II. Background
The American people suffer from extraordinary levels of overweight and obesity, both considered preventable diseases. At least 52 percent of adults are in one of these two hazardous weight categories. Absent a strong conscious commitment to a lifestyle that includes dietary restraint and exercise sufficient in terms of duration, intensity and frequency, excess weight is inevitable.
Statement # 2
I exercise sufficiently in terms of duration, intensity and frequency and otherwise act so as to maintain the recommended standard of a BMI of 24 or less. _____
III. Background
There are unlimited excuses for not doing enough exercise, time pressures being at the top of most lists. Many people work multiple jobs and struggle to meet their basic needs. Exercise can seem like a luxury, an optional part of life. Even good reasons, however, do not affect the onset of adverse consequences of doing too little or no exercise at all.
Statement # 3
It's not always easy, convenient or fun, but I do manage to meet or exceed the global standard of 150 minutes per week of moderate to intense physical activity. _____
IV. Background
In time, we all lose a bit of speed, our endurance diminishes and recovery from exertion takes longer. In addition, injuries seem more frequent and the healing process is slower than in earlier life. Core muscles, the movers and stabilizers that support the spine and transfer force through the body, need extra attention in middle and later years. Specific exercises can be done to improve core strength and prevent or reduce the incidence of back, hip, knee and neck pain.
Statement # 4
I incorporate core exercise in my exercise routines. _____
V. Background
Stretching, balance and strength training are critical elements of physical fitness. Strength training is vital but rarely practiced sufficiently, as it is hard work and not as enjoyable as common endurance activities. What's more, it requires a gym membership for most people.
Bodyweight machines, and especially free weights, reinvigorate your neurotransmitters and aid in coordination and balance, back alignment and preventing muscle deterioration over time. Alas, endurance exercise does not provide these benefits, so endurance training should be supplemented with strength training. Strength training adds to the staying power of muscles and builds the power needed to coordinate movements with grace, balance and efficiency.
Statement # 5
I nearly always manage to get in at least two 30 minute or more workouts per week on bodyweight machines and/or free weights--and I know enough about such strength training to maximize benefits from such exertions without inviting related injuries, such as muscle strains or worse. _____
VI. Background
A sound diet, weighted in whole grains, fruits, legumes, vegetables and nuts will help you look your best and stay well. Most people follow a diet pattern more or less consistent with whatever was served on tables set by their parents and caregivers in their initial decades.
Statement # 6
I have learned from varied reliable sources and from trial and error over time to continually fine-tune my nutritional choices. My food selection and consumption patterns complement and contribute to my enjoyment of foods and positive health status. _____
VII. Background
Most adults have tried a variety of diet patterns, often based upon anecdotal accounts of a miracle weight-loss plan, foods that boost human performance or wild claims of panacea-like benefits from following a best-seller diet book.
There is no shortage of both genuine and bogus experts with meal plans, cookbooks, seminars and persuasive claims that scientific studies support their diet. It's between hard to impossible to be certain that any given approach represents the one true, best food plan. Well-meaning friends and money-grubbing mountebanks galore are willing and anxious to offer their food plans that will cure whatever ails you, but all have at least one conflict of interest. That is, their interests (profit) and yours (good health) may not align.
Statement # 7
For information about nutrition, I explore a wide range of sources, including diet books, weight loss plans and maybe occasionally even celebrity doctors, but largely for entertainment, not facts. For the most up-to-date findings and nutritional recommendations, I primarily rely upon independent studies, government reports and reputable experts. _____
VIII. Background
Junk food in America is cheap, omnipresent, overabundant and effectively promoted in massive marketing campaigns, most targeted to children. Tempting ads urge us to select and consume high fat sweets, which are ubiquitous and arrive under the radar of conscious choices, leading to passive over-consumption. Snacking almost anywhere is socially acceptable; vending machines and other sources of treats are omnipresent in school cafeterias, gas stations, worksites, shopping venues and so on. Other than at regular meal times, snack foods are ingested on four or five occasions daily. In the last decade, snacks and beverages accounted for twice the calories traced to increases in portion size of regular meals. (Source: Michael Greger, M.D., The Role of Personal Responsibility in the Obesity Epidemic, April 29th, 2020.)
Statement # 8
I'm well aware of the ubiquity of snack foods and their harmful effects if consumed other than occasionally. For that reason and possibly others, low nutrient junk foods are hardly ever among my food choices. _____
IX. Background
Many people abstain completely or in good part from animal products. Reasons for doing so include the following:
  • They consider factory farming cruel and inhumane.
  • They know animal agriculture is environmentally destructive.
  • Health reasons--vegan/vegetarian diets are low in fat, calories and cholesterol and high in fiber and vitamins.
  • Ethical factors--while we are acclimated to animal slaughter, most people realize, when they reluctantly think of it, that factory-farmed, egg-laying chickens and dairy cows lead unnecessarily miserable and brief lives.
  • Animal agriculture consumes vast amounts of land and water to support livestock and grow feed which entails deforestation, soil degradation, a decline in biodiversity and irrigation usage amounting to eight percent of global human water use (Source: LEAD--Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.)
Statement # 9
I'm aware of the above described facts and, to the extent that I can do so given my current circumstances, I restrict or eliminate animal protein in my daily diet. _____
X. Background
The majority of vegans get their required nutrients despite not consuming animal products, though many take vitamins B12 and D in supplement form. In addition, some experts recommend occasional blood testing to discover if supplemental iron, zinc, iodine, calcium or long-chain omega-3s are indicated. The mainstay vegan diets consist of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and legumes--all of which are naturally low in fat and cholesterol but rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate and vitamins C and E.
The American Dietetic Association reports that vegetarians and vegans have lower body mass indexes, blood pressure and cholesterol levels than nonvegetarians. The ADA also reports that vegans have lower rates of type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, prostate cancer, hypertension and heart disease (Source: ADA.)
(On a personal note, I might add that my own observations suggest that vegans have higher morale, superior bowel movements, whiter teeth, enviable sex lives and more antibodies to ward off pandemics. However, these claims are anecdotal, unsupported by double- blind randomized longitudinal research. I mention this here only to suggest, subliminally, that I'm a good person, more or less.)
Statement # 10
I'm either a vegetarian or vegan now or, there's a good possibility I might become one, most of the time, someday. _____
Please add the total count for each of your responses to the ten statements. The range will be from ten to 50.
The following commentary is impressionistic, subjective and approximate; it is not based upon robust randomized clinical trials, nor does the author proclaim nor imply magisterium via ex cathedra sources of inspiration or certainty. Rather, the interpretation will only approximate the extent of your familiarity with the nature of Athleticism and mastery of this REAL wellness dimension.
And now, the interpretation of your Athleticism score.
10 to 20
At present, REAL wellness attitudes, behaviors, skills and priorities associated with Athleticism have not been well developed. However, the simple fact of exposure to the elements of Athleticism in this self-assessment might prove to be a fortuitous encounter that opens new possibilities for you.
Your score is as low as it could be in both the exercise and nutrition categories. The good news is you can only move forward in positive directions; even moderate initiatives to exert more and dine better will result in meaningful gains. Here are a few simple suggestions:
  • Join a group -- doing something new is easier and more enjoyable if it entails connections with others.
  • Make a plan--and write it out. Identify a goal, a timetable and someone or several who will work with you, offering mutual support and encouragement. Be specific and note obstacles you'll have to overcome and payoffs you expect along the way to reaching the goal.
  • Choose a book to read, a program to follow and/or an app to use for the goal (s) you set.
  • Attend events that might add excitement and give you ideas about activities you might enjoy, such as a charity walk or run, or just watching people like yourself play games in local leagues. You may decide, I can do that, and add another outlet to your plan.
  • Watch Brian Wendel's 2006 classic video Forks Over Knives to appreciate the case for eating less meat products.
  • Add extra steps and movements of varied kinds into everyday routines. Find a few steps to climb, stretch during TV commercials, get a dog that will insist you walk with it throughout the day and make a log of your daily movements. There are plenty of apps that will make doing this easy--and provide motivating in the process.
  • Keep plenty of fruits around the house, add them to meals and snack on them throughout the day.
  • Start each day with a healthy breakfast high in fibre and low in fat, sugar and salt.
You may have been discouraged about exercise by certain basic issues, such as what others might think, who to trust for sound advice, how to get started and/or similar hesitations about the choices for exercise and better diet patterns. There is no one, guaranteed way to optimal exercise or a one-true diet for all, given the extraordinary variety in a country with 330 million people. However, as suggested in the above listing, there are things you can do to make changes easier and boost chances you'll stay with good intentions.
21 to 30
You are quite aware of the importance of exercise and sound nutrition. You're somewhere in the middle range of folks who ignore these two parts of Athleticism and those who go all out, that is, the superstars of fitness and healthy food practices. You might consider jump-starting new initiatives to boost your Athleticism by joining a gym, if not already a member of one.
Gyms come in many forms and cater to different athletic interests, with price structures from bare bones to haute couture. Visit several close to your home or place of work before choosing one--there are dramatic differences.
If you are old enough for Medicare (65), your insurer's Advantage Plan probably offers free gym memberships, a splendid benefit not to be ignored if you want to make the most of your insurance plan--and who does not? A gym workout can and should include not just endurance exercise on varied cardio and strength machines, but also opportunities for assistance in improving balance, flexibility and core muscles. Besides personal training for a fee, gyms also offer free classes, which can be valuable additions to the work you do on your own.
31 to 40
Well done -- you are on the right track.
Your score indicates that you have a solid knowledge base about exercise and nutrition and that you're reasonably satisfied with your practices of both elements of Athleticism. By attending to just a few areas, you will advance into the highest lifestyle skill category in this REAL wellness dimension.
Review your responses to each of the following questions on a summary check list. To pinpoint the few issues needing attention based upon your self-score, scan the following list and ask yourself: Would I benefit from:
Greater focus on meal planning?
Yes ___
No ___
Weight loss (or gain)?
Yes ___
No ___
Blood work to see if I need a supplement?
Yes ___
No ___
Strength training?
Yes ___
No ___
More intense, interval style training?
Yes ___
No ___
Longer or more frequent exercise?
Yes ___
No ___
Fewer excuses?
Yes ___
No ___
Attention to core muscles?
Yes ___
No ___
Additional stretching/balance work?
Yes ___
No ___
Work with free weights?
Yes ___
No ___
Joining a gym--and visiting it regularly?
Yes ___
No ___
Eating less meat and less snack foods?
Yes ___
No ___
Taking health-oriented cooking classes?
Yes ___
No ___
Consuming less alcohol or sugary drinks?
Yes ___
No ___
Getting involved in environmental issues?
Yes ___
No ___
As you move forward to the next and highest level of Athleticism, I wish you continued fulfillment and happiness. Congratulations.
41 to 50
Bravo. Whoop whoop. Well done. You are a maestro of movement and a judicious consumer who dines for wellbeing as well as taste. You successfully balance two separate but interconnected disciplines that enable best results in the Athleticism skill set of REAL wellness. You deserve kudos for living and modeling a passion for fitness supported by nutritious dining preferences.
Your score suggests you've maintained a commitment to lifelong learning, critical factors in your exercise and dining habits. This hospitality and openness to trusted sources of information expands your capacity for new opportunities. You have positioned yourself to manage, if not foresee, the unexpected.
Life is, without doubt, maddingly unfair. Those like yourself who rank at the high end of Athleticism remain vulnerable. Athleticism only takes you so far--the wellest of the well also experience life's hard turns. Initiatives and commitments to wise habits are but stop gaps, not solutions. Let's always be mindful of and grateful to those who contribute to our tenuous good fortune. Let's do what little we can to lift others, those for whom habitual routines of healthy choices that we enjoy seem out of reach, unaffordable luxuries.
The good doctor Anthony Fauci, keeper of reality checks at the White House during the COVID-19 pandemic, offered this advice to graduates of the Ohio State University in a commencement address in 2016:
Allow yourselves to cultivate the joyousness of life as much as you do your professional accomplishments. You have so many other things to live for and to be happy about.Reach for them and keep the sounds of your laughter alive.
You are fortunate to appreciate that Athleticism, vital as it is to a good life, is but one aspect of many that you have to live for and be happy about. All the rest that you do deserves to be approached in the same spirit--and made as much fun as you can introduce. Hopefully, you can even manage plateaus of laughter and joy on occasions, perhaps nearly every day. So, as Robert Green Ingersoll signed off in a letter dated February 23, 1893 to his dear friend B. N. Goodsell, Good luck and long life, and music enough to last you through.
Baechle, Thomas R. and Westcott, Wayne L. Fitness Professional's Guide to Strength Training. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. 2010.
Benardot, Dan. Advanced Sports Nutrition, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. 2006
Buettner, Dan. The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest. National Geographic, Washington, D.C. 2015.
Broussal-Derval, Aurelien and Ganneau, Stephane. The Modern Art and Science of Mobility. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. 2019.
Campbell, T. Colin and Campbell, Thomas. The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-term Health. Ben Bella Books, Dallas, TX. 2004.
Cardwell, Glenn. Gold Medal Nutrition (5th Edition) Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. 1996.
Case, Chris and Mandrola, John and Zinn, Lennard. The Haywire Heart: How Too Much Exercise Can Kill You, and What You Can Do to Protect Your Heart. Velo Press, Boulder, CO, 2017.
Clark, Nancy, Sports Nutrition Guidebook (6th Edition). Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. 2013
Crowley, Chris and Lodge, Henry S. Younger Next Year. Workman Publishing, New York. 2007.
Esselstyn, Caldwell B. Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure. Penguin, New York. 2007.
Esselstyn, Rip. The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter's 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan That Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds. Grand Central Life & Style, New York. 2009.
Greger, Michael. How Not to Die. Flatiron Books, New York, 2015.
Jonas, Steve. Triathloning for Ordinary Mortals. W. W. Norton & Co., New York. 2006.
Weil, Andrew. Eight Weeks to Optimum Health (Revised Edition). Knopf, Borzoi Books, New York. 2006.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10291936

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Vance's Incredible 365-day transformation will blow you away.

Managing Your Dietary Habits

Managing your dietary pattern can have a significant effect in your overall well-being. It can prevent you from cardio-vascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes and many more. To eat healthier food, you may need to change some of your daily habits.
In order to eat a healthy diet, you need to make some changes which can lead to a better health. This refers to the food choices preferred by persons everyday. They differ from person to person. It helps an individual to stay fit and well throughout his life.This includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, water, low fat dairy products, etc.
The habitual decisions an individual makes when selecting what foods to eat differs. Each person holds some food preferences. This could be due to personal tastes or ethical reasons. Individual dietary choices may be more or less healthy. It plays a significant role in the quality of life, health and longevity.
Diets focusing on single nutrients can have negative consequences. The sad reality is that people choose to eat foods, not nutrients. Having identified healthy dietary patterns, knowledge on nutritional contents and food components will always be important.
Given the relative stability of caloric intake by each individual, changes in dietary habits are generally characterized by substitution effects, where high consumption of some foods is associated with lower intake of other foods. This makes inferences about individual foods particularly challenging.
On the other hand, food patterns can be defined as the quantities, proportions, variety, or combination of different foods and drinks in diets, and the frequency with which they are habitually consumed.
A healthy dietary pattern involves many choices. Among them is choosing a balanced diet. It helps you manage weight. Healthy eating is all about balance. You can enjoy your favorite foods even if they are high in calories, fat or added sugars; the key is eating them only once in a while, and balancing them out with healthier foods and more physical activity.
Making sudden, radical changes to your eating patterns such as eating nothing but soup, can lead to short-term weight loss. However, such radical changes are neither healthy nor a good idea, and won't be successful in the long run.
Habits take time to develop. It doesn't happen overnight. You need to be patient and determined. For example, if you may realize that you eat too fast when you eat alone, try to share a lunch with a colleague at work. Another strategy is to put your fork down between bites. Also, minimize distractions, such as watching the news while you eat. Such distractions keep you from paying attention to how quickly and how much you're eating.
Eat more slowly. If done too quickly, your hunger is not satisfied. So, you tend to eat more. Eat only when you're truly hungry instead of when you are tired, anxious, or feeling an emotion besides hunger.
Aim for fitness instead of just merely satiating your hunger. So, manage your eating habits now for long-term health and wellness!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10312321

Tuesday 23 June 2020

How to Find Yourself Again - Best Motivational Video 2020

Saving Money on Groceries and Organic Produce

How can we take budget considerations into account when choosing our foods? This is definitely not my area of expertise, but I do have a few suggestions.
Choose a grocery store with lower prices. It seems obvious, but many customers flock to big-name health stores, despite the higher prices. (That "flocking" virtually ensures the higher prices will continue.) In many cases, at least one store in your area will be known for its better values.
• Avoid junky foods. Junk foods can be relatively expensive, AND they have no nutritional value. So avoid granola bars, candy, bags of chips, and other junk. Instead, spend money on real food.
• Choose the less expensive option whenever you can. For example, when choosing protein foods, choose chicken instead of beef. Chicken is less expensive, but has pretty much the same quality of protein. Eggs are another less expensive protein option.
Organic Foods Cost More, So...
Eat produce from the Clean 15 Produce list (a quick search will locate it). Those foods are grown with the lowest pesticide levels, so it's less crucial to buy organic.
• With the money you save, buy organic produce whenever foods are on the Dirty Dozen Produce list.
• Produce with a thick skin or shell that we don't eat is somewhat protected from the effects of pesticides, so you may not have to buy organic versions. Examples include bananas, avocados, walnuts.
Frozen organic produce is often less expensive than fresh. It may also have a higher nutrient value because the produce is typically frozen almost immediately after harvest, then shipped frozen. Fresh produce may sit in a truck for days during transport and lose nutrient value in that time.
What About Food, Brain Chemistry & Hormones?
• Avoid sugar. Sugar increases appetite and causes cravings. That has to do with brain chemical effects of sugary foods. It won't help us save money on food if we just want to eat more and more.
Eat protein throughout the day. Protein can help us control appetite and cut down on food cravings, especially for junk.
However, don't eat fake proteins just because they have a lower price. Examples include nuts, quinoa, beans & rice. Those are not protein foods!
Animal proteins include fish, chicken, beef, eggs, shrimp, crab, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt (unflavored, unsweetened).
Vegans, I strongly recommend plant-based protein powders: pea, hemp, brown rice, vegetable.
Want more quick and easy tips on food? Perfect; that's what I do. Just visit LastResortNutrition.com and grab your free Boost My Energy consult. I look forward to helping you.
Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10308511